Wife helps Iimura keep Japan’s 112lb belt

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Iimura, wife Manami, trainer Sato

By Joe Koizumi
Photos by Naoki Fukuda

His wife Manami, formerly an amateur boxer serving as a corner woman as well as a hand-wrapper in this fight, helped Japan’s flyweight champ Jukiya Iimura (5-1, 1 KO), 111.25, defeat Katsuya Murakami (14-3-1, 3 KOs), 111,75, by a nearly shutout decision (all 99-91) to retain his national belt on Saturday in Tokyo, Japan. Moving to-and-fro all the way, Iimura frustrated the 5’8” taller challenger and steadily piled up points with his more accurate combos. Faster and ring crafty, Iimura, formerly a university boxer, displayed hit-and-run tactics to confuse the methodical and predictable challenger with ease.

Boxing history recalls Mrs. Jimmy Wilde having served as a sparring partner, corner lady and trainer for British pride The Mighty Atom (137-4-1, 98 KOs) in 1920’s. Will Mrs. Iimura follow the footstep of Mrs. Wilde?

Promoter: Teiken Promotions.


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  • Would be so utterly fascinating to just sit down one day and be able to pick Joe Koizumi’s mind. The stories and information that man must have.

    • He does a few books out there that sound pretty interesting based on the description and reviews I read, but nothing in English that I could find unfortunately. I agree with you though, Koizumi’s knowledge and experience with the sport would make for interesting conversation.

      • I typed that last night, USF and then I went over to Amazon to see if I could find a book and I couldn’t. I guess I should have probably checked Amazon Japan, but even if I got it I couldn’t read it. I am curious though.

        • Lucie, use the Chrome browser, go to Google, and paste this… ジョー・コイズミのボクシングブック …into the search bar. The text says “Joe Koizumi boxing book”. The results lead you to Japan’s Amazon page. Once you’re there, Chrome can translate the page back into English. He has some interesting sounding books, but nothing in English unless I missed something.

          • Yeah I see now, USF. You’re right – no way these are in English. I figured he’d have a few, with as prolific as he’s been.

  • Good point, Lucie. He’s been reporting Japanese boxing for almost 40 years that I know of–maybe even more!

    • I do not recall a time paying attention to the sport when he was not writing. What a contribution this man has made.

  • Yes, incredible boxing life for Mr Koizumi. I was reading boxing magazines back in the 70’s and even 60’s I think where he would report for Japanese boxing, including matches where Japanese fighters came to the US to fight.

  • to clarify, I don’t dont personally date back to the early 70’s or 60’s, just the old magazines I found with Mr. Koizumi reporting inside as a much younger person.

  • Still not sure how she helped him to victory, bit like I do the dishes and dry and wife helps to put things away. I did all the hard work

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