Vito Mielnicki Jr 146.4 vs. Nicholas DeLomba 145.4
Joey Spencer 156.4 vs. Limberth Ponce 155.6
Rajon Chance 125 vs. Elon De Jesús 123.8
Yoelvis Gómez 157.4 vs. Clay Collard 158.8
Malik Nelson 127.6 vs. Prince Martin 126
Kenneth Sims, Jr. 145.8 vs. Keeshawn Williams 146.4
Travon Marshall 149.6 vs. Brian Jones 148.8
Michael Anderson 147 vs. Noe López 146.6
Vincent Gigante 144.8 vs. Robbie Rose 146.8
Dwyke Flemmings 153.2 vs. George Gethers 152.2
Elijah Flores 142.8 vs. Shannon Hawkins 143
Venue: Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey
Promoter: TGB Promotions
Showcase for a future fight maybe. Joey Spencer vs Vito?
RKG, that is exactly my thinking.
I think that they are being brought along in a similar fashion for that same reason.
Go clay collard