Usyk arrested, released in Poland

By Gabriel F. Cordero

WBC/WBA/WBO heavyweight chmpion Oleksandr Usyk was arrested at Krakow Airport on Tuesday evening but his manager Serge Lapin and his wife Katerina have indicated that it was apparently a misunderstanding while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Usyk was released after the intervention of the country’s Foreign Ministry.

Usyk later commented on social media: “A misunderstanding took place. It was quickly resolved. Thanks to all who got concerned. Thanks to Ukrainian diplomats for the efficient support. And respect to Polish Police for conducting their obligations with no regards to height, weight, reach and regalia.”

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  • Not sure what he was arrested for, but Usyk does seem to be pretty funny- “respect to Polish Police for conducting their obligations with no regard to Height, weight, reach, and regalia”

    • I think this article is wrong. He was never arrested. He was detained because he hadn’t slept (his team admitted this) and the airline originally refused to let him board as they thought his team was intoxicated. When he proved he wasn’t, coupled with the fact Ukraine actually sent diplomats to Poland on his behalf, the Polish authorities released him. It’s worth noting that Poland and Ukraine are very tight politically and demographically.

  • — Jittery time to be a passenger on a jetliner what with all the instability around the world, esp in Ukraine, sorta like playing Russian Roulette.

  • Zelensky needs to be indicted for money laundering, along with his bromance / money laundering partner from Delaware, and Bimbo Harris. Lock Zelensky Up.

    • U sound like a bad habit but yet Mr. Trump racist ass broke every rule in the book and he’s a former President and known racist that breaks the law intentionally! GTFOH loser

      • You need to get your facts straight notorious nuisance. Remember, if you are going to embellish at least provide statements like Trump is racist because XYZ? You can’t and you won’t because it’s not true. A fighter that we regularly speak volumes of on here Mike Tyson, would not utter a negative word regarding this man especially being a racist. Doesn’t that give you a clue? I mean it’s Mike Tyson, I’m sure he would say something if your statements had some merit. Do your research before you post falsehoods, lies, and ignorance. Good day.

  • Aahh…the complexion for the protection. I’m not mad at you Usyk, do your thing. And Killa King (KKK), there are different types of racist, some of which deny that racism exists, like yourself. It’s called projection. Democrats tend to practice covert racism and Republicans more overt racism. I prefer to battle against the overt, at least I know what I’m dealing with and less deception.

    • No one denies racism exists, Demented Mad Vulgar or is it Dumb Mindless Victim? You should know what a racist is because of all people on here you are one of them, in other words you should be battling yourself. What you practice is ignorance. You know it exists amongst all races, but yet you project that it can only be from one race. Ignorance. I’ve said this before to you, look in the mirror because the very thing you call others or me is exactly what you are, an ignorant racist. It’s weird you mentioned Democrats, you write just like one, a hypocrite.

  • Hasnt Zelenski ordered all Ukrainian men of fighting age abroad to be deported and drafted to the military. Except his friends of course.

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