Tragedy strikes Roy Jones Jr. family

Ring legend Roy Jones Jr. has issued a statement on the heartbreaking loss of his son.

Unfortunately, my son DeAndre took his life on Saturday. I’m so thankful that God allowed me to come home Friday night to spend the last night of his life with me and the family. I know a lot of people are going through tough times right now, but nothing is worth taking your own life. God gives it and God should be the one to take it away.

Please respect our privacy while my family and I process this loss.

Thank you for the love and support.

Roy Jones Jr.

BAM a 4:1 favorite over Estrada
Bohachuk-Ortiz in the works

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  • Dear LORD. Losing a child is a parents worst nightmare. The numbers keep climbing. This discriminates against no one. Roy’s family is financially stable, they have always displayed a bond between them. I’m heartbroken for the Jones family. I pray that GOD helps them through these very dark times and they may find some sort of peace.

    All of you that have children, give them a hug. Tell them that you love them and how proud you are of them. If for some reason, you are not speaking, put an end to the division. Once death touches either one of you, there’s no coming back or do-overs.

    • “If for some reason, you are not speaking, put an end to the division. Once death touches either one of you, there’s no coming back or do-overs.”
      – Outstanding advice and comment.

  • Terrible news. So devastating for the family. I hope they can find peace in knowing that he left this world on his own accord and chose this for himself.

  • What an unfortunate loss. I can’t even imagine. Just another reminder that it’s not fame, wealth, money, power, love, linage, or possessions, but proper perspective that gives contentment and peace of mind. Seems easy enough, but it’s not so easily found.

  • Roy is 100 percent correct, God giveth life and should be the only one to take it away. It’s tragic when someone has no choice but to be selfish and take his or her own life. My prayers are with Roy and his family and loved ones…

    • “It’s tragic when someone has no choice but to be selfish and take his or her own life.”
      – This comment shows that you do not understand the psychology of why people take their own lives……

        • “Dude give it rest. Everyone processes differently.”
          – No thanks.
          – People who attempt suicide do not view themselves as selfish.

          • Gary G., “People who attempt suicide do not view themselves as selfish”. While others view them as such. So…who’s right? And why?

          • “While others view them as such. So…who’s right? And why?”
            – There is no “right” in this case.
            – Suicidal people (like myself a few years back), just want “out”.
            – They don’t consider the consequences that loved ones will never receive closure, will blame themselves, and will forever ask “why?”
            – This does indeed sound selfish to a rationally thinking person, but not to someone who is attempting suicide because they are not thinking rationally.
            – Take care.
            – Gary G.

          • Gary G. Although I don’t necessarily agree with all your thoughts, I am glad you are here. To preserve through emotional, physical, mental battles shows the true strength of a human being. We all process or deal with stressors completely different, but as long as we deal with our demons in a positive manner is what distinguishes us. Be good to yourself, so that you can be good to others.

  • Praying with you and your family, we shall get through this together. In sincere faith and Humbleness….this too shall pass…

  • Mental health is very important in today’s society. We live in a world full of social pressures governed by illusions success is often measured by money, fame, and associations with others. When we mix the availability of drugs into all this mess, it’s no wonder suicide and depression cases are higher today than before. So sad to see young adults feel the only way out of any failure is by suicide.

  • – Suicide is no joke.
    – Yours truly is a two-time attempted suicide survivor.
    – If you are considering taking yourself out of the game, consider this: there are people in your life that need you. Maybe not now, but certainly in the future, and some of these people you haven’t met yet……..

      • Agree…RD…we are all vulnerable…have to help each other through this…very serious…affects all….directly or indirectly….stay focused…stay together

  • God be with you and your family during this time of need, prayers being sent your way. God Bless!

  • God be with Roy Jones, His wife and family in these times. We don’t know the circumstance behind why he took his life. Mental and Spiritual health are definitely priority.

  • What kind of people would tag a Thumbs Down on these comments? What is wrong with them? How upsetting and distasteful!

    • “What kind of people would tag a Thumbs Down on these comments? What is wrong with them?”
      – They are idiots and have never had to deal with the subject of suicide……

  • My heart goes out to Roy and his family. I can’t imagine. Champion prayers have been sent. God bless.

  • Suicide is as strong as murder for all those waves of destruction that will follow once it’s done. It destroys more than one single life. It hurts. The victims will struggle while trying to understand why… My recommendation? Speak with him/her (with yourself) and make peace with the case, even if the person is gone. You’ve got to believe that he/she hears what you want to tell him/her. After that, there is only one good choice, and it’s to keep going forward. You have my support, everybody.

  • Very unfortunate. Sad to hear. Roy was a great fighter and an even better announcer. Both him and al Bernstein both provide great insight mixed with a little comedy.

  • I’m so sorry for your unfathomable loss, RJJ. My heart and prayers go to you and your family during this arduous time. I’m sorry DeAndre was in a dark place and couldn’t find his way out of the darkness. I pray that you all can forgive him and yourselves in this life and that he can forgive himself in the afterlife.

  • Terrible story but man there are some good people posting on this forum week in week out for years.

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