Nigel Benn, 55, injured; Bika fight is off

“I’m now going to forget about ever fighting again.”

Former world champion Nigel “The Dark Destroyer” Benn (42-5-1, 35 KOs) has pulled out of his November 23 comeback fight against former world champion Sakio “The Scorpion” Bika (34-7-3, 22 KOs) at Resorts World Arena in Birmingham, England.

The 55-year-old former middleweight and super middleweight king reportedly suffered a shoulder injury while training. Benn’s last fight was a November 1996 loss against Steve Collins. He told The Sun tabloid, “I’m now going to forget about ever fighting again.”

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    • No surprise here! Benn’s age alone is a huge risk for cranial bleeds, torn tendons, and broken bones. Once a person hits close to 50 years of age, your risk for health problems climb as a whole. Research has proven it; cancer, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, and physical injuries are a concern for screening and examination. Benn had his day in the ring. He should be thankful he is walking around today and not a victim of fatal injuries much like Patrick Day. Boxing is brutal and Benn in my opinion had no business in the ring putting himself at risk.

  • Good for Benn. This fight would have been much more risky for his health than an injured shoulder.

    • You know what’s crazy, I wouldn’t put a WBA “Masters” Champion past them. Don’t give them any ideas!

  • As long as this fight DOES NOT happen, I’m happy. This is far too dangerous, and any commission who is allowing it is nuts.

  • One strongly suspects that rational minds prevailed upon Benn to forego his ill-conceived attempt at recapturing his youthful glory.

  • Blessing in disguise. Bika is a tough nut to crack for elite fighters, let alone a 55 yr old Benn.

  • I was really opposed to this happening in the first place, but from a curiosity standpoint, Im kinda dissaponted it’s cancelled. I don’t see how Bika was not going to lay a serious ass whooping on Benn.

    • Dude, executions are intriguing too, but I don’t want to see an innocent man get executed haha.

      This would have been so bad.

  • I think Nigel came to his senses, and realized that he can be killed in there. The guy was punch-drunk even when he retired 23 years ago. listen to him talk, he is slurring so much, ya have to listen carefully to understand what he is saying . Bika would have most likely damaged him permanently.

  • I feel sorry for the injury but happy they aren’t fighting.. Health is more important than pride !

  • Whether the injury is real or not, I am glad he has decided not to get into a serious boxing match again.

  • For some of the people who believed he was serious, be happy he decided not to do it. At 55 n hasn’t fought in decades n he picks Bika as an opponent. Crazy thinking, Bika is better than an average fighter. He comes in shape, throws strong punches from the get go. This fight would not have lasted one round. Benn probably got knocked out in sparring by an average fighter and made him wake up. Whatever the case he is a lot healthier not fighting Bika.

  • I am guessing that the real reason, is that not many tickets were sold. If it was an injury, why not just wait until it heals and reschedule the fight?

  • Father time always wins!As you get older it is ofter shoulder injurys that do you in.Also bika was a dirty club fighter. His best weapon was his head. I believe that 2 of the fighters that fought him died from his head butts. This injury is a blessing for Benn.

  • This was a BAD idea from the start. He would have gotten beat up or maybe worse . I believe he got HURT in sparring also and THAT was his wake up call

  • Wonder if the WBC has already made a belt for the winner…..the geriatric championship

  • The cleaning up of the rules is so long overdue. Maybe now the real boxing fans with experience or not can just keep to boxing and leave the other obnoxious stuff for other places. So a big thumbs up from me.

  • So glad Nigel, as given up this fight comeback even if for 1 return bout. After such a stella career and in uk annuals of history as of of the best he aint got nothing left to prove in the ring.

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