Mayweather-Gotti III rematch in Mexico

Ring legend Floyd Mayweather will return to the ring “for the first and only time” in Mexico on August 24 at the Arena Ciudad de Mexico in Mexico City. Floyd will face John Gotti III in an exhibition. Floyd previously got a mercy referee’s stoppage against Gotti last year. The sudden ending angered Gotti and led to a wild brawl in the ring. Gotti III is the grandson of mobster John Gotti.

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  • Honestly, who watches this shit?

    And who still thinks Mayweather isn’t broke and continues to embarrass himself with “fights” like this so he can pay off the IRS and pretend to be rich?

    • Oh, yeah. That’s something I really have to see. (ad sarcasm)
      It’s been on the bucket list for a while. lol

  • I would be so ashamed of myself if I made any effort at all to watch this fight, even for free.

  • If Floyd is broke or not is not the question. I do not believe that he is. The question is when will the powers at be come for him and or his riches; it’s the price of being a black man and doing business in Amerikkka…Jack Johnson, Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Bill Cosby, P Diddy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Prince…alas…too many to name. May the ancestors and the spirit of Mujara watch over us.

    • “it’s the price of being a black man and doing business in Amerikkka…Jack Johnson, Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Bill Cosby, P Diddy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Prince”
      – Surprised you didn’t mention OJ.
      – Agree w/you regarding Jack Johnson, MLK, and Malcom X.
      – Disagree w/you regarding Kelly, Cosby, and MJ. These losers preyed on people, including children, and should rot for all eternity.
      – Not sure why you mentioned Prince.
      – Take care.
      – Gary G.

    • come for him and his riches? This moron has 100 cars that are depreciating from the moment he bought them. That and that garbage he wears around his neck. The white man is not the reason he is stupid and pisses away his money like almost every other Black athlete. Stop blaming your mindless obsession with glaring worthless junk and try to make sane personal economic decisions. Always blaming others for your self induced miserable situation is getting old!

    • You’re mixing up men and demons. Re-read your list. Not the best examples and not much credibility can be had when you include Kelly and Sean fruity Combs. Keep in mind that celebrities make deals in order to gain fame. That deal comes at a heavy price. Sooner or later, you have to pay the deal maker.

      Floyd earned his money by risking his life every time he got in the ring as all fighters do. It doesn’t take away from the fact that he is a textbook narcissist. However, he has literally fought for everything.

      MLKjr, Malcom and Johnson fought for a cause during a time when the fight was needed and they made their impact on society for the better. Had you left the list at that, many would agree, but your inclusion of known pedos like Combs and Kelly only displays your willful ignorance.

      You have the desired thought process that has been implemented and nurtured by politicians who wish to keep us divided into groups and sub-groups within those groups. A divided society is easier to fool and control. A united society cannot be messed with.

      Wake up, grow up, stop being a puppet and stop falling for the okeydoke.

  • Floyd is more Mexican than Oscar De La Hoya, that’s why the fans love him. Remember when Oscar and Floyd fought and Oscar didn’t wear no Mexican colors and Floyd was all decked out in a beautiful Mexico robe and trunks and sombrero? Yeah, Mexico loves Floyd…

  • 100 cars depreciating in his garage. two tons of worthless garbage around his neck. Not the white man that made him throw his money away. Just ignorance. Stop blaming ‘whitey’ for your self induced miserable situation and take some personal responsibility!

  • Boxing today has become more about entertainment than sport. Sure, there are still many legitimate fights, but even non-fighters and retired fighters can make millions relying on hype and demand. Mayweather is despised. Gotti has that mobster pedigree. In their last match, Gotti acted like a maniac with the referee stoppage. He was no match for Floyd and apparently felt embarrassed by the whipping he received. Death threats by Gotti’s family were even made against Floyd and his family, so the hype machine in full throttle, I’m sure they both hope to capitalize on it and make millions. I won’t be watching and just don’t give a damn.

  • I’m just going to sit back and let you guys do the work on DMV. I’ve been trying to tell you guys he is demented and disturbed. You can also add delusional. He posts this same rant about once a week, so if you are new get used to it. Probably hears voices of get whitey all day. It’s becoming laughable now. They say comedy is dead!

  • I’d rather watch Hogan vs a jobroni at Hogan’s current age. The shows are no longer lucrative so off to a foreign country where Floyd is still somewhat an attraction. TBE (The Best Earner) will put on a show because he needs fuel. Fuel in this case being attention and adoration. Exactly what narcissists crave.

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