Jake Paul Claims He’s Retired From Boxing

By TMZ.com

Sunday night was the last time Paul will EVER step back in the ring … at least, that’s what he’s saying on Twitter — claiming he’s now a “retired boxer.” Take this with a grain of salt — Paul’s been known to take a page out of Conor McGregor’s book … and who knows how many times that guy’s retired and un-retired?

Then again, there are reports the fight had INSANE Pay-Per-View numbers, which means Paul will get a fat paycheck … but still, the guy’s only 24 and is one of the top paid fighters in the sport.

So … see you soon, Jake??

Jake Paul just beat future UFC Hall of Famer Tyron Woodley via a split decision victory — and then the fighters seemingly agreed to a rematch in the ring.

24-year-old Paul fought a good fight … and was the more active fighter over the 8 rounds. Woodley had his share of positive moments … stunning Paul near the middle of the 4th round.

After the fight, during the post-fight interview — which went down in front of a packed house at Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland (Jake’s hometown) — the guys came face-to-face and seemed to agree to a rematch.

The condition … if Woodley got the “I Love Jake Paul” tattoo done.

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  • If he retires, what will we all bitch about? Haha! Im sure there will be plenty with or without Brothers Paul. Unobjectively, I wouldnt blame Paul at all if he retired. He’d be leaving a ton of money on the table, but i think he got a glimpse of just how brutal boxing is. With his mouth and overinflated confidence as a boxer, he was sure to eventually get seriously hurt in the ring. Besides, at this point, he can probably make a million $$$ for taking a dump on YouTube

    • “Besides, at this point, he can probably make a million $$$ for taking a dump on YouTube”

      Don’t give him any ideas.

      I would probably fight a few more non-boxers if I were him. Whether people like it or not, he’s a pretty big draw now. I don’t see why he wouldn’t make the money now while he’s still young, especially against easy opposition. This guy has enough followers that he can fight Pee Wee Herman and people will tune in. Why not keep it rolling at this point?

    • One thing is for sure. I think reality hit Paul that he can be [severely] damaged and hit as he progresses in the sport. Woodley popped him in the 4th round and I am sure Paul had a mental calling that boxing is truly a holistic sport, not a Youtube dream. Holistic meaning a person has to be in shape, mentally prepared, put in hard work, willing to take risks and live with the consequences. Oddly, Paul needs a lot of work in the gym after watching him fight on the post-fight freebie upload. Paul’s sloppy defense, pushing with the jab, and crappy balance indicated he much work to do. Yet, his trash talking he was training with exceptional professional fighters to improve was rather an anemic statement.

      • Woodley didn’t exactly follow the script and looks like actually hurt him a few times. Paul probably just had to be on his feet at the end to receive his prearranged decision. If wrestling can do it so can “boxing.”

  • Jake knows who won and he does not want to be really shown up when he faces a real Boxer-Woodley stalked him all night and he did not like Woodley’s power shots -He was hurt

    • Agreed. Reality set in boxing is not a Youtube dream but actually a real job!

      • I agree !!! Thinking he will most likely keep training and wait for a match people call for . In a few years Maybe have one more big payday fight win, lose or draw. Just would love to see him fight a real cruiser weight.

  • I just don’t get it. How is this guy, an oddity at best, able to generate more buzz and interest among casual fans than real prizefighters like Shawn Porter, Nonito Donaire, Dimitri Vivol, and Regis Prograis? WTF, nan?

    • He’s a white guy, who is a youtube star with a few wins and he talks shit. That is a winning formula in boxing. Since you asked.

    • he has a bigger audience. they are not boxing fans just regular joes spectating so he will do bigger numbers.

    • He most likely made a a lot more money than Pacquiao vs Ugas did with the PBC pay per
      View event.

      • Paul’s sheeple called Youtube followers used up all their lunch money to see their boy put on an act. 🙂

    • Perhaps it’s because those guys hardly ever fight. Donaire once in 2 years, Porter hasn’t fought in over a year, Prograis once a year and Bivol once in almost 2 years.

      Boxing is dying because there just aren’t enough fights happening to generate much public interest beyond the small bunch of us who are left. I don’t have any interest in the Paul brothers either, but I also have no interest in watching Tyson, Holyfield, DeLahoya or any other retired guy getting in the ring either

      I want to see all those supposed great fighters at 147 actually fight each other. Or at least fight someone who can fight back more than once a year. And what happened to Teo Lopez? He posts a few good wins and now he’s laying on a beach waiting to get paid 10 or 20 million to fight an Uber driver.

    • Because there is a thing called personality which lots of fighters dont have ? It’s not only about winning fights. Personality and charisma sells fights and nobody knows who the fuxk Prograis is dude lol. Little midget. Shawn Porter had a ugly, sloppy ass style that nobody gives two shts about.

      • no its just nothing more than a WWE Circus this is what todays fan has become most not even a fan of the sport but more of a fan of the Drama

  • Money talks. He would be smart to have a rematch or another high profile easy fight and make a few more million dollars. Or, try to get Mayweather or even de la Hoya in the ring if Hoya wins his fight. I don’t think he is dumb enough to leave millions on the table.

  • Now that he’s retired. Where does he rank on the all-time greats list? I’d say to 15 of all times.

    • Well, he’s undefeated just like Mayweather and Marciano. So I guess I’d put him at #4 all time.

      1. Mayweather
      2. Marciano
      3. Lopez
      4. Paul

      It might seem unfair to have Paul below Lopez since did have a draw on his record, but he did win quite a few more fights than Jake.

      • You’re a man who knows his boxing. I feel ashamed for ranking Paul 15th. What was I thinking? I think 4th of all time is a fair number. Strong list.

      • well since that list has only unbeaten world champions your leaving off a few so lets add Edwin Valero ahead of Paul

  • We couldn’t be so lucky. Don’t worry, he will for sure be back. He knows Woodley was the better fighter and therefore he knows that if he fights an actual cruiserweight boxer he will get annihilated. Woodley definitely scored a knockdown but the incompetent ref let it slide, the ropes held paul up. Imagine Paul fighting Marco Huck or Dennis Lebedev. Even now those guys would destroy him. He knows he’s a joke.

  • If he retired it would send a good message to others who think boxing is a game. Woodley was being overly careful, but it was clear who the real athlete was in the ring. Woodley chased him around for eight rights. The older Woodley was never tired, but the younger Jake was gassed after three. He is lucky Woodley didnt go all out. If I had to bet money I would say hes not retired, but wont step up for a rematch or face anyone at that level. Considering they really thing Mayweather lost a joke of fight its clear they dont know anything about the sport and just wanted to suck all the money out they could.

  • I don’t blame him at all for taking all the suckers’ money. But one thing for sure, he won’t get any of mine.

  • He had to go 8 rounds, got exhausted, got hurt by an old low output right hand/wrestle retired MMA guy and reconsidered fighting even someone on Tommy Fury’s novice level.

  • The Problem is he has a multiple fight contract with Showtime so he make no money with the PPV against Woodley. If he retires he broke the contract rules. No more money for Jake.

  • no matter what he does good for him, in his shoes would we not do the same

  • I think it would be very difficult to make matches for him. There are only so many former MMA or novelty opponents that could continue to generate PPV headliner buzz. No one will pay to see him fight lower tier professionals as one might see with a traditional two to three year pro climbing the ranks and stepping up in competition. He also is at a weight where he would have to fight cruiserweight or light heavyweight boxers. Any top ten opponent in those divisions who would generate PPV headliner interest would be a mismatch for him where he could get seriously hurt. He simply cannot spar enough rounds to close the gap in experience and ring knowledge to be competitive against elite fighters, even if he could otherwise get his cardio and endurance in order.

  • You mean he retired from celebrity boxing. He’s not a boxer. Hasn’t faced one boxer yet.

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