Hearn, Arum comment on Catterall-Taylor

Promoter Eddie Hearn: “The Scottish fans won’t be happy. I thought the judge’s scorecards were too wide, but the decision was bang on. Jack Catterall won that fight. He closed the show beautifully. He dominated the first six rounds. I love Scotland, but justice was served tonight. That’s for sure. Two years ago this man should’ve been the undisputed champion…he should have the belts around his waist.”

Promoter Bob Arum: “Hey! I saw the fight like everybody else. Those scorecards were a disgrace. An absolute disgrace and I really feel sorry for Josh. I thought he won the fight, but those scorecards were ridiculous. And that’s a lesson. I will never ever allow an American fighter to come here with this British Board scoring the fight. Those scores were ridiculous.”

Mbilli, Makhmudov get quick KO wins
Catterall defeats Taylor in rematch

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  • While Mr. Arum may be correct taht the score cards were a disgrace, I would suggest to him that he behaved very disgracefully. Perhaps he gave Taylor the first two rounds, and then the 7th through 10th. But that comment first that he thought Taylor won was disrespectful I felt To Caterall. and then his comment about not bring an Amercan Boxer to Britain. How often have foreign boxers, even in title fights have been robbed by American judges? The USA is the only country now that I think has American judges when a boxer from a foreign country comes to box in the USA. The worst offenders being Nevada and Texas.

    • First off, it was a darn good fight. I had it dead even. There were a lot of very close rounds where both guys did good work and it was tough to choose between them.

      But you’re dead-on. I’ll acknowledge my bias because I’ve seen a lot more fights in the US than elsewhere, and I’ve seen a helluva lot more horrible decisions in the US than from other parts of the World. Judging in the US is as bad or worse than anywhere else.

    • Bob was correct in his assessment and I nor many others have a problem with him calling a spade a spade. The fight was close enough to be a draw but that was a disgrace and we can see by the entry and boos that Josh received it all played a roll on these poor score cards. It was just as bad as Timothy Bradley back and forth commentating we had to suffer with.

  • I scored the fight 116-111 for Catterall like two of the judges did. Even when Taylor tried to press the fight he wasn’t having much success landing. I do think Catterall needs to be busier.

    • As a neutral going in, I had it 8-4 to Cat plus gave one tight round to JT when it could easily have gone to Cat. Now 117-111 is just ONE ROUND from 116-112. So how on earth is 117-111 crazy? Just one round difference. Then again, given the sport’s proclivity for bad decisions, we should all be happy the right guy won. As for Arum, his rant in the ring was cringeworthy.

  • First all who cares. Taylor is not an American fighter lol Also neither of these guys will ever be champs again.

  • Taylor had the look of disappointment once the wide scores were being read. If he really thought he had won I would have expected him to be nodding his head in agreement as the scorecards were simply numbers with no names attached. He knew he had lost.

  • I have to agree with you there, Nicolas. Arum’s comments following the decision were disgraceful. While 117-111 was too wide I didn’t have a problem with 116-112. The right man won for certain. Arum has a history of being a sore loser and saying crap like that after a fight when one of his fighters lose. And American judging, especially in Vegas, is by and large the worst on the planet. You know things are messed up when fighters have to leave the US for Riyadh to find fairness in scoring as I don’t believe I’ve heard of a bad scorecard come out of there since Saudi Arabia became a boxing mecca.

  • Spontaneously, I didn’t think scores were ridiculous. 116 – 112 or 115 – 113 for Catterall seems right to me. 114 – 114 would be a bargain for Taylor.

  • bad scoring fight was closer than 117,111 taylor should get a rematch i scored it a draw 114/114

  • Ok Bob, your company is one of most corrupt in all of boxing when it comes to scorecards. I didn’t see you throwing a hissy fit when Maxi Hughes won 10 rounds against your boy Kambosos. I wonder why? And wtf are you crying about? Catteral won the fight. He landed the more effective blows and did more damage. Do you even know how to score a pro fight? And HE was terribly robbed in the last fight vs Taylor. You should be ashamed of yourself, you old snake.

  • top rank has had many bad decisions and bob arum is complaining about scorecards . arum told marquez “well its a business” when pacquio got questionable decisions over marquez. well bob , “its a business” dont be a hypocrite . sandor martin was robbed against teo and so was the last fighter teo fought. I didn’t hear bob complaining about those”decisions” or scorecards. Didnt the FBI find top rank paying for rankings years back ?

  • Bob Arum just needs to go away, he is whats wrong with the entire sport of boxing. He is a promoter, not a judge and his opinion means squat. Great, so keep your fighters away from the UK and us boxing fans will get less of the fights that we deserve to see. This is why boxing is losing to the UFC more and more each day, Dana White makes the big fights happen with no padding of anyones records.

  • Arum is the epitome of corrupt stating “I will never ever allow an American fighter to come here with this British Board scoring the fight. Those scores were ridiculous.” I guess he won’t be allowing his “American fighter” to fight the North America either. There have been a plethora of bad decisions in the states.

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