Fury: I believe I won that fight

“I believe I won that fight,” said former WBC heavyweight champion Tyson Fury (34-1-1, 24 KOs) after losing a split decision to Oleksandr Usyk (22-0, 14 KOs) in a clash for the undisputed heavyweight title on Saturday evening in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

“I believe he won a few of the rounds,” said Fury. “I thought I won a majority of them, and what can you do? These are one of those decisions in boxing. We both put on a good fight, the best we could do. And, you know, his country’s at war, so people are deciding with the country at war. But make no mistake, I won that fight in my opinion and I’ll be back. We have a rematch clause.

“We go back, have a little rest up, spend some time with our families, and get it back on in October. I’m not going to sit here and cry and make excuses.”

Khamukov, Macalooy still unbeaten
Torrez Jr., Vargas remain unbeaten

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    • He was ko’ed ! The ugly ref helped him with his 14 sec long count lol

      • @Régis: Yes, if that same knockdown was the other way around and it was Usyk against the ropes, bet you the ref would have stopped the fight.

        • Technically how low Fury was to the ground and leaning on the ropes is technically in boxing a knockdown. The undisputed was on the line and there haven’t been one for 25-years let them fight.I wasn’t upset with it. In the end the better man won in a close fight.

          • I’m with you to a point. Rewatch when the ref finishes the count and asks him if he wants to go on. He is out on his feet and very unsteady. How many fights are stopped for less than that? He was knocked out!

          • If he was kod how did he survive the last 3 rounds? He wasn’t kod but he should have been. Usyk was running out of gas.

          • Usyk was robbed of a knockout. The referee should have allowed the fight to continue.

        • We aint ever going to know.
          Also lets not forget many believe Uysk got away with it against Dubois.

          • He stopped Dubious. He may have milked a low blow, but there isn’t a doubt who won in a stoppage.

          • That of Dubois was different because he hit usyk below the belt which maybe considered as foul in boxing.

      • In boxing a count is a count, it’s not supposed to be by seconds.

        • The referee always sided with furry to the extend they will do everything to keep him in the match but they don’t realize that one day they will put his life at risk

    • I scored back the fight 10 hours after with no sound and silence watching carefully. F-U . 9-10/10-10/10-9/10-9/10-9/10-9/10-9/9-10/8-10/10-10/9-10/10-9 lots of the rounds are hard to split as both men did good work now Monday going to ask my son to do the same and see what he comes up with. iF more points are given for forward pressure and footwork then that’s Uysk.
      No disputing is the ref saved Fury from being knocked out in 9th. This fight could have easily gone either way on the score cards .

  • Of course, Fury would say that…… His arrogant ego is hurt…..

    • I have become wealthy . I just bet against Scooby-Doo picks. Just won another 100 k.

      • Wow….if you think 100k is wealthy, your standards are an all time low

      • Ricard, have a cold beer on my behalf. It’s all entertainment to me.

      • Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but based on your IP address, your in Lebanon. Funny enough the Lebanese pound is fifth among the weakest currencies in the world, with 1 pound buying 0.000067 dollar (or $1 equals 15,012 Lebanese pounds). So, that would tell us that you won approximately $6.70. Good work. In today’s economy, that should be good enough to buy orange juice and maybe a bag of chips.

  • Yikes, some unnecessary cringy war confabulation. Followed with I’m not going to “make excuses.”

    • He is entitled to his feelings, but if that were the case because of country, certainly than Lomo would have defeated Haney. His poor behavior before the fight iln the things that he said about Usyk I think is what should be his confabulation. CONFABULATION, wow you have a very good vocabulary.

    • Yeah I didn’t like it. I mean I said to myself the war could be a factor in the decision, but it wasn’t. Usyk won the fight. It was tight but the right man won.

  • Putting your hands behind your back and making faces doesn’t win the fight. Your face was busted up and Usyk was landing a few more than you and he was the agressor the whole fight, lucky to stay on your feet. I’ve been saying it for years Joshua beats Fury all day. Sorry but Fury didn’t win

    • Fury only beats old or less skilled fighters who did he beat firsthand ? An old Wladimir who was in his 23 defense at 40 ? A second tier fighter like Chisora or a guy who cannot fight like Wilder ?! Lol

      • Wlad was his best victory and that was at a time when Wlad was using dirty tactics to win fights. Unfortunately for Wlad he couldn’t use his size on the bigger man.

  • I’m English, and I wanted Fury to win, but I do think Usyk did edge it after the count on Fury.

    • in reality the split decision is right and it could easily have gone either way depending on what you like. We are glad of a great fight. The fight was close outside of the fact that 9th should have been a ko.

  • It was a close fight, either guy could have pulled it off. They are both at the top of their game, there will be a rematch.

    • We can’t ignore the round nine. The truth is that the referee prevented fury from sleeping in that round. So to say the fight can go either way is unjust towards usyk.

  • Of course he thinks he’s won. He is a man of excuses, a la Haney and Wilder. Maybe you win the rematch if you don’t clown around and try to mock your opponent. Making faces doesn’t win points.

    • Noone compares to Wilder he is in a league of his own creating new wild excuses that even made his supporters turn away.

  • Fury was always overrated and Overhyped in my opinion. Never was considered a great fighter. Just happened to come along in a era where his size and other heavyweights aren’t very good

    • Tyson Fury is a manufactured Champion. Fury is the biggest fraud in the history of boxing.

      • No, that goes to Floyd “Fraud” Maywewther. Fury has a thousand times the balls Floyd has and actually comes to fight. The fight yesterday was more exciting than Floyd’s entire career.

      • Clay-Ali is the biggest fraud in the history of boxing, but at least he could be funny. Fury and his clan are just blights on the so-called sport.

        • Ali a fraud? Let’s see, he beat

          Liston x2
          Frazier x2
          Patterson x2
          Bugner x2
          Quarry x2

          Do I need to go on?

          Arguably the best resume in the history of the HW division.

          • Ali was never a fraud but rather the greatest man in the history of boxing.

  • You lost the fight suck it up,why bring the war into it,guess what he’ll beat your ass again,what will your excuse be then?

  • ” I am not going to make excuses ….. But here are some excuses” . sore loser got beat by the better fighter .

  • If I was Usyk I would retire rather than give him a remach, then Fury and Joshua can fight each other for the belts and my money would be on Joshua to come out on top.

    • I agree. Usyk has beaten AJ twice, and beaten the giant Fury. Nobody needs to see Usyk-AJ III, and I think Usyk beats Fury again. Too skillful, too intelligent, too mobile, too determined. There’s nobody else on the horizon, and Usyk is 37. He should retire undefeated, at the top, and enjoy his life.

      • There are a few good matches for him, but he’s certainly earned retirement.

        I would like to see AJ and Fury fightn but I don’t think Fury wants anything to do with AJ.

      • ” He should retire undefeated, at the top, and enjoy his life.”

        I agree!

        • Why so we can have forever fake debates about him being the greatest of all time ?

      • That would be a great way to go. Seriously, what else does he have to prove? This win was not a fluke. Who can really motivate Usyk now for a defense of the title? Wilder? Nope. Joshua? Nope. Zhang? Nope.

        He met his goals of being Undisputed in 2 divisions. His accomplishments, the opponents he faced and in the number of fights it took to do so, he’s guaranteed a trip to Canastota(HOF).

        No one would knock him for doing so.

      • I’d like to see Usyk vs. Agit Kabayel. Usyk’s Achilles heel is the body, and Kabayel is the best body puncher in the heavyweight division.

        • I think Usyk should fight the winner of Hrgovic-Dubois next (to shut up the IBF). Fury can fight AJ, and Parker can fight Kabayel. The immediate rematch thing with Fury should be postponed.

      • What you mean is that you don’t want to see Uysk , risk losing a fight . luckily he does not think like you. What ever the situation was the was a Non firing lacking all confidence version of AJ.
        Second Uysk should fight Fury again to see if he can get the same or a better result next time.

    • Usyk seems a man of honour so he will likely give Fury a rematch. Fury fights only for money and doesnt care what anyone thinks about him. I think that side of his character is why alot of fans have gone off him.

      • No boxer show pay too much attention to what fans think about them . Just read the stuff on here and this is supposed to be the boxing purest crowd.
        What happens is that as soon as boxer loses. they are suddenly past it or never as good as we thought.

        Most here sung praises back on fought about Wilder. When it was always obvious , he a bit manufactured big hitter like Jeff Lacy.
        a complete rubbishing of Joshua , because he lost some fights.
        All of a sudden his losses to Uysk don’t look so bad.
        Boxing fans (not all ) are fickle clickbait trolls.

    • Don’t worry fury badly needed the second beating, but this time around we hope the referee will not interfere in round nine

  • the referee could have stopped it in the ninth and also gave him extra time to recover and he still complains ” with no excuses ” of course

  • I dont think many people believe you Mr Fury, one thing you proved yet again you can take a punch.
    Not so much funny clowning around now is there?

    • Take a punch? He was out on his feet, he was help with 20mins by a corrupted ref. Usyx hit Joshua with bigger punches,and he AJ. was never out of it like Fury was,and Joshua is suppose to be chinny.

      • There is suspicion that Fury, is now not resisting punches the same as before.
        While precision puncher Uysk hit relatively hard . He is not known as that hard a puncher.

  • Maybe they could get together and decide that Usyk can fight his IBF mandatory and Fury vs Joshua could happen and the winners could fight after.

  • IBF have said that they won’t allow a rematch,so rematch clause would be for what?
    It was a unanimous victory in my book , beaten by a better boxer.
    But at least you are gracious in defeat.

  • Fury needs to eliminate the excuses, adjust his mistakes and get back to a rematch…FOR HIS LAND OF ENGLAND!!

    • After a fight boxers emotions are running sky high , so comments need to be taken with pinch of salt. So many fighters make odd comment at this time.

  • It was closed fight, I had it 113 a piece.
    The fight started to change when Fury nose was broken

    • It was a knockout, there was nothing like close fight in that usyk v fury but the problem was that, it was the referee that caused the confusion.

  • I truly thought Fury won the fight. He clearly landed the most effective punches, accept in the 9th round.

    • Really, did he win the first round? and the 11th? OMG, some people need to learn how to score pro boxing fights.

    • It was a close fight but rounds 9-10 were the difference in my opinion for Usykl. At one stage it appeared Fury was cruising to a victory and credit to Usyk for finding a way back into the fight.

      • Fury won only four rounds. Thus round 3-6. Beside those rounds the rest was disaster for him

    • I think you were influenced by the announcers and the blatant amount of riding they did for Fury. Many are for big events with close fights. I usually turn the volume off. Watch it again without the volume of if you can get a ringside copy with just the ring sounds(boxers, punches, bell and crowd), you would see a different fight.

    • How can you say fury won the fight, supposed the referee didn’t stop the fight in round nine do you think fury will have finished the fight?

  • Fury well and truly lost this fight-The referee stopped Usyk from ending it -bad decision-Fury will owe the rematch if there is one-End of the Gypsy and a good result for Boxing

  • I know I’m going to be down voted, but I have to honest. Why do “boxing fans” let their hate cloud there judgement about a fight? We’ve seen some great fights, CLOSE fights, but because people hate one fighter they act like it was a landslide victory. Fights like this one or Haney/Loma were very entertaining and instead of appreciating a great fight, people treat them like they were 10-2 fights. As a boxing fan and not a fan of any particular fighter, I hope we can continue to get good competitive fights like this. Regardless of who’s your favorite fighter, these are the fights that will help the sport grow and get better.

  • Been in boxing for decades,
    I saw a high profile chess match. Fury clowned too much and that cost him rounds. I only gave him four rounds, Fury has only been an average fighter to me. He has a ton of heart. But he clowns too much. This is not a circus act, it’s a world heavyweight undisputed championship fight. Act like it, Fury! An easy 116-111 Usyk win for me. Only the judge from Spain who had it 115-112 Usyk saw the fight. Usyk’s 9th round knockdown probably saved us from a Fury split decision win, and that would have been criminal. I predicted a draw, because the powers that be wanted Fury to win and those two 114-113 cards on either side showed that. Chris Mannix is the worst A-side pom-pom shaker in the history of the sport, as is the biased BBC team! Eddie Hearn thought Fury won the first six rounds!!! OMG!! Referee Mark Nelson gave Fury 16 seconds of recovery time following the mandatory eight count. He took too long to see if Fury was OK. That saved Fury.

    • I agree. With big events, I turn off the volume and try to find someone online who’s doing an unbiased watch-along for the audio.

  • I will get some detractors with this comment, but, I feel this is the best time for this…

    If I were Usyk, I would retire. He is 37, he has won the amateur world championship, Olympic Gold, become undisputed/lineal champion in 2 weight classes, and handed a loud mouthed clown a satisfying loss at a perfect moment. That is the perfect time to call it a day. There is literally nothing left for him to accomplish. He just made a huge payday, so he does not need the money, and he could do a lot for his nation outside the ring now. Plus, it would rob Fury his revenge, a fact that would drive him nuts.

    Call it a day Usyk, you have nothing left to prove. Do that which too few greats can bring themselves to do and make your exit when you are at the top. Retire now and live forever as a legend.

    • i agree with that 100%. after all why should he want to go through the same build up with the classless Furys and their Soccer hooligan crew?

      • I agree, Usyk isn’t materialistic like many other top boxers. He could live the rest of his life with his family from what he’s made in his last few fights.

    • Amen
      He is class inside and outside of the ring
      The world needs more people like him as role models
      Khabib, usyk, loma hard men humble men honest men

    • Your entitled to your opinion sir, no prob.
      Are we are now judging and classing a great fighter on a close split decision win?
      Second why not fight again against his foe in Fury and stamp the greatness ??
      Holyfield is a held in higher regard as is Lewis because of their many defences and taking on all let him do the same ?

    • You are entitled to your opinion sir, no prob.
      Are we are now judging and classing a great fighter on a close split decision win?
      Second why not fight again against his foe in Fury and stamp the greatness ??
      Holyfield is a held in higher regard as is Lewis because of their many defences and taking on all let him do the same ?

  • Saw that Usyk is ranked #2 by Boxrec behind Joshua in the heavyweight division.

    Something went very wrong in that ranking.

    • Their ratings have become rather erratic in recent weeks. I e-mailed them about it recently and got a rude and unprofessional response. Not sure what is going on there.

    • Yeah, Hearn is tossing money in their direction ala Don King and the WBC and WBA.

    • Now, a week later, it has become correct, but still not.

      Usyk is currently ranked number 1 in the heavyweight division. That’s the correct one.

      What went wrong is that he is ranked as number 12 p4p.

      Usyk is ranked behind fighters like Ryan Garcia and Subriel Matias, both of course are good, but can their efforts really rank higher than a fighter who united two weight classes, who both faced and defeated the best of the best?

      In my eyes, Usyk and Inoue are number 1 today pfp.

      Bivol, Crawford and Canelo are just behind the two, then there are several talented figthers like Ennis, Bennavidez, Nakatani, etc.

      It seems to be difficult to get to the ranking properly. I have no insight into how the rankings are made, algorithms, computerized, people, or a combination of all.

      It might be wise to have a foundation to stand on first, then you make an adjustment to the obvious.

  • I am a Fury fan. Usyk won by fighting the whole fight not here and there as Fury did. Close but edge to Usyk!

  • I won’t get tested now until September, who’s holding my coke?- Fury

  • A clown is always a clown. He won max 4 rounds: 4,5,6 and 12. Even the bias Sky Sports admitted.

  • That ref. who was paid a little extra i would bet on that, allowed Fury to get away with all type of crap, and finally saved him from being knocked out in the 9th with that count. The excuses is expected. Simon,Vance,Gareth and Warren would be probably crying in their beer, they might probably invite Arum, Pauli and that clown from the Daily Express to the cry session. This classless dude has had 6 title defenses . 3 against the same man, the rest against useless opposition,including 1 against a man he had already beaten 2 times previously, was being called the greatest ever by this lot. Hell even his mate Parker thought he lost, i guess John will be kicking him out now. Look for Fury sr. to blame Steward and try to get him sacked.

  • No you don’t and should’ve been declared ko.. Ugly réf allowed him to finish the fight with a 13/14 sec count..

  • …his country’s at war, so people are deciding with the country at war…

    Come on

    Usyk didn´t need that disgusting war to win the fight.

    He won fair and square!

    The Gypsy Queen is a miserable fool just like it’s idiot father.

  • I feel Fury started well once he settled on his shots & actually started to trouble Usyk with the right uppercut & body shots but he didn’t seem to capitalise, Usyk then re-grouped from round eight and started to land some cracking shots and bust and dismantle Fury who looked completely lost in there even the basics of trying to grap,hold and lean on Usyk to by a bit of recovery time was non existence. Overall in my view I feel Usyk won the fight and should have had the KO win. I’ve followed Fury from the beginning but he’s got to admit he was beat by the better man I also feel his punch resistance isn’t there any more hence I think the power of AJ would put him out.

  • Tyson. Massive respect, but the right man got the decision. If you weigh everything on balance and look at the press cards, I’ll bet Usyk was the winner more times than Fury. 114-113 115-112 for Usyk were the right scores.

    And the knockout was not stolen at all. The ref had an obligation to call a knockdown because the ropes were the only thing holding Fury up. By rule it’s a knockdown. Know the rules before you go insulting a ref who not only did a good job, but you also must realize… the knockdown was the difference in the decision. It would have been a draw otherwise.

  • Fury loss! The referee could not save him. He tried when he gave him a standing eight count. He could have just as easily stopped the fight . Fury was helpless on the ropes not fighting back. He was ready to go down. And then the ref took a few more seconds to wipe his gloves even though they never touched the canvas. Allowing the bell to sound.


  • He screwed around too much, was not a professional like Usyk and it cost him

  • Excellent scrap. I thought Fury made the mistake coming in too light and trying to box too much on the back foot.

    He did not hold or lean on usyk much either which really surprised me. I expected a hug fest.

    I bet in the rematch he comes in heavier and fights going forward more. And brings out the octopus holds to wear usyk down.

  • Usyk dominated Fury ,the so called combinations were all blocked Fury didnt land a punch most rounds but the skysports team called it like Fury was winning and landing everything he threw what a joke they were and the scorecards were a joke also Fury won 3 rounds MAX! That effin ref was bought or the biggest moron in officiating history ,let Tyson do anything to survive ,hold the ropes low blows you name it!

  • Throughout Muhammad Ali’s career, the worst he ever looked in the ring, aside from when Holmes beat him, was when Joe Frazier seriously hurt him in the 11th round of their first fight. As Ali staggered around the ring, obviously on queer street, he tried to play it off, and in doing so looked like a damn fool. Ali lost to a better man that night, a war machine named Joe Frazier.

    Fury, who oddly likens himself to Ali in boxing style, attempted the same thing in the 9th round of this fight. Arms down, and obviously on Queer Street, he tried to play it off, yet looked like drunken Humpty Dumpty on stilts. The fight should’ve been stopped at that point, as Humpty was obviously out on his feet and defenseless. It was only a matter of time before he crashed into the turnbuckle before flipping out the ring while losing a shoe.

    Not surprising that Fury would claim he won. He has no class. The better fighter and true champion emerged last night and that is Oleksandr Usyk.

  • I do respect the fact that Fury backed off a little on the “I won”. He was honest when he said it’s difficult to judge a fight when you just finished it. Ive watched the fight three times. I wanted to really look at each round rather than go with a gut feeling. I think Usyk won, but only by a point. So the last card is what I would have scored. There was a couple rounds where Fury was playing, but Usyk was landing. So you cant just give Fury the round because he is being flashy.

    With that said ill comment now on the knock down. The ref did mess up in the fact he should have jumped in a lot earlier if he was going to do a standing eight count. If the ropes are the only think saving you from falling, then you get the standing eight count. Had he done this Fury would have received the count and possibly get dropped again since there would have been more time left. That doesnt bother me as much as the damage a fighter takes when you allow him to fall all over the ring getting hit like he was. He was out and getting tagged, falling back and tagged again. Im also okay with the long eight count because if a fighter is close to being waved off the ref needs a little more time to make sure. Look at AJ and Ruiz. That ref really took time looking at AJ.

    In the end the right guy won.

    On a side note Fury said Usyk would be the running and it was Fury who ran the whole time. Fury also said Usyk couldnt hurt him and he wont be able to say that in the lead up to the rematch.

    Final note is on Eddie Hearn.
    I like Eddie, he is great for his guys. He has been hyping AJ Fury and saying Fury would beat Usyk. He knows that Usyk fighting AJ a third time wont sell because AJ has lost twice and I think mentally would break down in a third match.

    I wont be shocked if we see Parker Usyk next, Fury AJ on the card.

  • Fury is not wrong he was winning that fight on the scorecards up to the ninth round by at least 2 rounds. I do believe if Usyk wasn’t awarded the knockdown or have stun Fury in that round Fury would have edged him in that fight. It was a great fight. They definitely need to run it back.

  • It was a great fight and super close if Usyk wasn’t awarded the knockdown or take the ninth round the way he did Fury most likely would have won that fight. He was up on the scorecards by at least 2 rounds is how close it was. Usyk didn’t come on till the 2nd half of the fight. I think people were upset that the ref didn’t stop the fight and I don’t think he should have. The undisputed was on the line let them fight. Fury was wobbly but wasn’t completely out of it. The ref too me did the right thing call it a knockdown. Fury was low to the ground and leaning on the ropes in boxing that’s a knockdown.

  • It was close and could have gone either way. But I think think the judges were right. Usyk winning by a point is fair. A draw would have been fair too but it wouldn’t have been good for the sport. Fury winning by a point would be pushing it though, esp with the knockdown. I think Lennox Lewis was right in saying that Fury had a lack of discipline. Fury has enough to beat Usyk in a rematch but only if he’s more disciplined. If he wasn’t caught in the 9th it would have been a completely one sided fight in Fury’s favour but that’s heavyweight boxing. Usyk winning was fair and the right result all considered.

  • Fury logic: Ukraine is at war, so the judges will side with Usyk. Dosser.

  • I wonder why Fury ditched his kilt and left the ring in just his pants?

    Something to do with the concussion?

    Usyk makes big Brits act silly.

    • Fury’s “kilt” came up almost to his chest! Next time, if there is a next time, maybe he can get a pair of clown shorts with arm holes that comes up to his neck.

      I’d like to see Usyk retire now. He’s accomplished everything there is to accomplish in boxing. Very few are wise enough to retire when they are at the very top.

  • Fury finally got what he deserved. Looked horrible last fight. Takes way to long to find and now lost to a cruiserweight. Time for retirement.

  • Well done Usyk. a pity the Ref didn’t let you finish Fury off by not letting you knock him out.

    • The ref was crooked and incompetant as were the judges,especially the one that gave the win to greedy b.

  • Under the unified rules of boxing there is no ‘standing eight count’ but rather a ‘mandatory eight count’ when a boxer is knocked down. A boxer is knocked down when he would have fallen down but for the ropes holding him up. People should know the rules before making comments.

    • Semi-conscious Greedy B was bouncing off the ropes a few times, and then Usyk was just about to deliver the coup de grace – he was in mid punch! – so that’s when the crooked little ref jumped in to save him. If the roles were reversed in that situation you better believe that ref would have dived in and stopped the fight!

  • No need to be alarmed Fury has to say that to try and sale the rematch. He knows he really lost in the 9th round but the ref saved him.

  • That was an incredible fight between 2 great fighters and the right man won.

  • “I won that fight in my opinion”. Except the fight was not in your opinion, it was in a boxing ring.

  • One of the best things about the fight outcome, is hopefully it takes John Fury out of the spotlight. The pompous idiot literally assaulted a member of Usyk’s team at the press conference with a headbutt. I wonder if any legal action will be taken against John Fury?

  • It went exactly as predicted other than the judges giving him more rounds than he earned.

  • Usyk won the fight. As he said before-hand; “If size mattered, the elephant would be the king of the jungle!”

  • Ohhhhh gypsy queen. 2 of the 3 judges disagree with you. And you were given a gift by the ref of not being knocked out in the 9th.

  • I have watched that fight 4 times, and the more i watch it (especially the 9th round ), the more i am convinced that the ref is corrupted. Fury was allowed to get away with a lot of crap throughout the whole match, but the 3 worst moments happened in the 9 th. the first was when Usyx rocked Fury who fell back into the ropes, when Usyx was about to go after him, the ref(instinctively ) put his hands on Usyx`s chest blocking him. The second was when he was completely out of it but did not go down, Usyx`s left hand was cocked ready to apply the finishing touch, The ref chose then to jump in to Fury a standing count, the third that count lasted 20 seconds, giving Fury time to last the round out. He ,the ref even took time to wipe his gloves although he was never down. That guy should be investigated, Fury ,in my opinion has got some voodoo magic on the whole boxing establishment. He was cheating from the get go in his career, he was forced to re glove in the ring, he was caught doped, dropped out of matches with bogus excuses (one after after the weigh-in), he told the drug testers to F… off, he was allowed to continue fighting with more blood than the blood bank streaming down his face against Wallin and finally he blatantly elbowed Ngannou right in front of the ref.

  • tyson you lost decisively and lucky for you mate that the ref saved you from a certain KO!!

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