Don King Memorial Day Message

“We have taken the time on this Memorial Day to thank those that have given their lives for our great country in our battle for freedom and peace,” said boxing promoter Don King, who continues to get ready for his Miami title fight card dubbed ‘The Fight for Freedom and Peace’ for the people of Ukraine.

“This is a very important day to honor those men and women and their families with our thoughts and prayers. I would also like to pass along my heartfelt condolences and prayers to those who lost their lives in Buffalo, NY in a racist massacre as well as to the 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, TX. Our hearts and prayers go out to them and their families in this difficult time.”

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    • He’s the personification of how corrupt this so called sport is, and the US courts too. I mean you have former Mafioso right on Youtube talking about his meetings with them planning fixing fights! Here they are glorifying him for spouting PC bulls___ .

      • Yeah like they are reliable sources. How many swear they know where Hoffa is buried? At least Don put on good fight cards. He’s been irrelevant for years and IMO boxing is in worse shape and more corrupt than ever. The refs and judges are worse than pro wrestling. And on top of that the undercards suck and the PPVs are still at least $70. I’ll take DK over Arum. Hearn, De la Hoya or Haymon any day.

        • DK did put on stacked cards back in the day. Multiple big names fighting on the same card. But then he ran off with all the money.

        • ” boxing is in worse shape and more corrupt than ever. The refs and judges are worse than pro wrestling. And on top of that the undercards suck and the PPVs are still at least $70.”

          In no way vindicating the lifetime criminal Don King, but I agree with that. Boxing has been corrupt from the beginning – it’s the easiest sport to fix and the violence attracts the criminal element – and it just gets worse and worse.

    • Why the HATE, It is people like you that should be kocked up!!!!!!!!!!

  • I must expand on Don King’s statement(s). After you think out of the box, how many countries have bullied their way into other countries to take and destroy other people’s lives? Russia is not the only guilty party in modern times. The US is guilty of doing the same motives through political endeavors as seen in the Iraq war. Many politicians have pointed out how Iraq was a big mistake after the smoke has cleared. No, I am not taking anybody’s side in a political sense, simply pointing out what the history books have point too for decades.

    • Scooby, I agree wholeheartedly with you. In Desert Storm, the job was not completed as Saddam was left in power. He started a war with his aggression. He should have been removed. There was no overt aggression in the second war and the weapons of mass destruction were not there.

  • I don’t like Don King and some of the crap he did throughout the years in boxing but agree with his statement and message..

  • Don King talking about murders? He murdered a black man too. He also robbed black fighters blind including Ali. Murder is murder no matter if it’s racist or not. The kid in Texas was Mexican and he killed Mexican kids. Buffalo is a horrible tragedy. But let’s see just how much money Don gives to the Ukraine.

  • If anyone belongs in prison, it’s Ukrainian president Zelensky & all the corrupt US politicians that are giving he & his ilk $tens of billions of our tax dollars. The average fight fan can’t even afford to buy a PPV & the price of gas is ridiculous! Don King is not the problem & I wish him well in his remaining years.

    • We need to stop giving Ukraine all that damn money. I wouldn’t doubt they are pocketing the money.

      • THEY – F.Joe and Hunter, Pelosi, and the rest of them – use Ukraine as their own private money laundering bank – and biolab factory too – and they want to try to start WW3 by fighting right down to the last Ukrainian.

    • I agree with you except for the bit about Don King.

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