Canelo-Scull Purse Bid Delayed

The IBF purse bid for the world championship fight between undisputed super middleweight champion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez and IBF #1 William Scull was supposed to take place today, June 6. However, the Canelo team asked for more time and this request was granted after discussions with the Scull team and the new date is now June 13.

For a while it looked as if Canelo might give up his IBF world championship belt with Scull able to fight for the vacant against someone else. But now there has apparently been another turnaround.

“We have been Canelo’s mandatory challenger for two years and the IBF has finally got serious and officially scheduled the fight,” said Sculls’s promoter Ingo Volckmann. “However, after they did not respond to our messages, we put pressure on the IBF and the purse bid was scheduled early.

“However, I have now spoken to Tom Brown, who represents Canelo, and we have made him an offer. We are now negotiating the details, which is why the date has been postponed again. We hope that we can still come to an agreement and are in negotiations. Perhaps we can find a solution that is acceptable to both sides. I was ready for the auction, my offer was already in the USA!”

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  • William Scull’s last 10 opponents per BoxRec:

    – Sean Hemphill
    – Christian Rios
    – Abel Adriel
    – Eveny Shvedenko
    – Deneb Diaz
    – Dragan Lepei
    – Gino Canters
    – Mathias Eklund
    – Siarhei Khamitski
    – Sebastian Papeschi

    Never heard of any of these fighters, including William Scull……………..

    • Obviously your not a hardcore boxing fan then. William Scull is cuban and he fights on mdr or sport1 Germany.The Shevdenko fight was good. I do think Osleys Iglesias is a better fighter though.

        • I really dont think anyone is trying to justify this crappy fight except Scully and the idiotic IBF. Canelo should just vacate all the belts and fight who he chooses. Lets be real, does he really need the belts to still be the A-side? Nope

  • This ‘willing participator’ has been an orchestrated cash cow from the very start. An obvious but dubious organizatioal attempt, by you know who, the fill the shoes of the great Julio Caesar Chavez Jr. One of the biggest frauds and schemes in the HISTORY of boxing.

  • Sounds like Sculls’s promoter has urgency to cash his fighter in while he still can. Team Canelo will welcome this pressure from Sculls camp so they have another reason not to fight “THE MONSTER”

    • The “Monster” has moved to LHW. He cld barely make the weight at SMW much less now that he is official at LHW. We already know hes gonna pack on the lb’s to come in as big as he can on fight night. His days of SMW are gone.

  • Canelo is now forced to fight another nobody, he doesn’t want to but now has to, what a joke!

  • Nobody beats Canelo at 168lbs, NOBODY!!!
    Benavides has a glass jaw.
    He gets knocked out. Munguia has a good chin but yet Canelo opted for NOT knocking him out.
    Benavides wants PAYDAY PAYDAY.

    • “Benavides has a glass jaw.”
      – Please explain how a fighter who is 28-0 w/24 KOs has a glass jaw……….

      • What does having a bunch a knockouts indicates you don’t have a glass jaw?? that is what you’re implying.

        Benavides got knocked down by Gavril.
        Plus He has not fought the competition Canelo has.

        • – Has Benevidez ever been KO’d?
          – No.
          – So how does he have a glass jaw?
          – You have not explained.
          – Probably because you can’t.
          – Take care.
          – Gary G.

          • Benavides has not fought great fighters. Gavril could punch and he knocked him down.

          • – Pan’s new nickname is Brick Head.
            – BH still cannot intelligently state why he believes Benevidez has a glass jaw.
            – A brick head and a glass jaw in the same post.
            – Unbelievable………..

          • Gary,

            So because my opinion differs from yours now you resort to call me names? you attack my persona? really? what does that say about you?

      • Having a ton of KOs doesn’t mean a guy can’t have glass in his jaw.

  • I think Canelo beats Benavidez at 168, but I also don’t think the Ecuadorian has a glass jaw!

  • Who the fk is scull????

    This is why I have zero respect for canelo.

    Fight Benavidez now or give up the belt.

    • Man, u guys act like Canelo pursued Scully or whatever that dudes name is. We get it, hes a nobody BUT damn, Thats far from Canelos fault. Blame the IBF for this potential nonsense fight. Agreed on Bena, but hes off to LHW, doubt he will make the weight ever again

  • why isn’t he asking for 150- 200 million for this mandatory ? we all know the answer .

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