Canelo-Munguia Final Press Conference

Canelo Vs Munguia Final Presser 05 04 2024 Presser
Photo: Esther Lin / Premier Boxing Champions

Undisputed super middleweight champion Canelo Álvarez and unbeaten challenger Jaime Munguía squared off Wednesday at the final press conference before their Cinco de Mayo weekend PPV clash this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

Canelo Alvarez: “This is going to be a great Mexican war. Munguia and I both come to win, but I am going to win and win decisively…I don’t care about experience vs. youth, I’m Canelo. I have everything I need to win and I know exactly what I need to do…I feel better than ever and I’m ready for this fight…Munguia has power and he’s a good fighter. But I’m a strong fighter too and I’m gonna show everyone again on Saturday night…the fight will last as long as it lasts. One thing is for sure, you are not going to want to miss it.”

Jaime Munguia: “Canelo has a great deal of experience and has faced great fighters. I may not have the same resume, but I have youth on my side. I’m going to showcase my capabilities on Saturday night…I’m glad that he wants to knock me out, because I come with the same mentality. I’m gonna knock him out. It’s gonna be a great fight…outside the ring, Canelo has all my respect, but inside the ring, that respect goes out the window.”

Report: Kingry tested positive for PED
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  • Un today final press for a moment I thought Canelo was fighting Oscar De La Hoya

  • This press conference was fire! Canelo vs De la Hoya… They both got under each other’s skin. For a second , I forgot Munguia was the one actually fighting Canelo..

  • canelo should show this much fire with benavidez as he did with de la hoya. coward .

    • Yea but it was clenbuterol and he did not fight after tested positive

      • he wasn’t allowed to fight by commission. . he was suspended for 6 months . clenbuterol also serves as a masking agent for other steroids.

        • Agree Padilla. The reason he didn’t fight is because he tested positive for PED’s during training camp to fight GGG so he got suspended. For those that don’t know clenbuterol helps with weight loss while at the same time not depleting your muscles. It’s used on cattle in some countries to produce less fat and more meat on cows which makes for @ delicious steak! That Canelo said it was from the steak he ate is what made it plausible. Did he do it? Well never know.

  • The press conference sure was something!! Oscar started things off by hurling a few insults to which Canelo came back with guns blazing!!! Oscar got a couple of standing 8’s before Alvarez knocked him out LMAO!

  • Canelo ire towards De La Hoya means trouble for Munguia. No way is Canelo going to let a DLH fighter beat him.

  • If Oscar DLH is corrupt, tried to steal his money, doesn’t care about his boxers, then why Canelo is still doing business directly and indirectly with Golden Boys P?

      • Easy with the insults. Canelo has enough money to be working with someone he despises.

        First and last message, you are now added to nope, not doing.

        • Man, or whatever you are, you lack any type of spine. Sounds like you are crying on your keyboard. Easy with the insults??? Grow some.

          • Hey Queen!! you’re not the brightest crayon in the box either.
            How’s your boy Rolli doing? are you over the fact that he got his butt whopped? i hope you get well soon son. hahahaha

  • Canelo is a certified legend in the sport of boxing and is not done. He will beat Munguia Saturday night mark my words.

  • Should be a great fight. We got 3 great fights coming up one right after another in the next month.
    My prediction is that there will be a kleenex shortage, after that Benevidez Gvozdyk fight
    from all the Benevidez fan boyz balling their eyes out. 😛

  • de la hoya with his drugs and “dress choices” still had more courage than canelo . de la hoya fought trinidad, chavez, whitaker, paquiao , hopkins, etc. boxing fans didnt have to beg him to fight the best like they do now for canelo to fight benavidez.

    • Sounds like Canelo is living rent free in your head boy. you are obsessed. you’re probably a stalker…. seek professional help boy.

      • seems like we are all living in your head too. you are insulting people just because they express their opinion on this and you dont agree with it . you could use some professional help too.

    • All tru about Oscar he fought everyone prime mosely twice Vargas Canelo just a punk who fights to good opponents band gets bent over by both

  • the professional help can also treat your “fanaticism ” and your need to insult people that you disagree with. good luck and god bless you .

  • canelo has fought 66 bouts as a pro im sure manuguia has respect for canelo if there is going to be a canelo/benavediz fight let it be canelo could also fight as a light heavy be surprised if manugia wins

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