Canelo Alvarez Update

Looks like Saul “Canelo” Alvarez won’t be fighting in Las Vegas this Cinco de Mayo weekend. The undisputed super middleweight champion announced through his social networks that he will return to fight in Jalisco, Mexico, the state where he was born. The venue, the exact date and his opponent (expected to be John Ryder) will be announced soon.

Boxing returns to Vietnam March 25
“Axe Man” returns Saturday in Santa Marta, Colombia

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  • My goodness! This dude has done everything possible to avoid David Benavidez……If Benavidez wins in spectacular fashion against Plant, expect this crap to continue. However, if David looks vulnerable, he’ll be calling him out immediately after the fight! David loses, well then it’s a moot point!

    • I am not sure if he is ducking Benavidez yet. There were other options for Canelo and Benavidez had some self inflicted set backs. This Plant fight is a big deal because if Benavidez wins impressively then I think the boxing public and even casual fans will start demanding that match. Up until now Benavidez does not have a name on his record to make people make that demand. Plant is that name. The boxing public is demanding Crawford – Spence and we know how that is going. If Benavidez makes a statement with Plant…then we will see if this match has similar issues or if Canelo takes the stand like we believe champions should.

      • Well said Pete. I’ve never thought he was ducking him. You go look at the guys that Benavidez has been fighting and you can see all day that he needs to step it up. Let him run over Plant, then he can start talking about Canelo, but when the last four guys that you’ve fought have been Roamer Angulo, Ronald Ellis, Kyrone Davis and a David Lemieux at the very end of his career – if Canelo is ducking you, then you are ducking EVERYONE else. And Benavidez screwed himself out of the opportunity that Plant got with the unification because he got stripped twice: Once for missing weight and then again for testing positive for drugs.

    • Supposedly he fights Ryder in May and his second fight of the year would be Bivol in September. Bivol would also get to fight before then as well.

    • Bivol was the champion.

      From what I’ve seen, rematch clauses are usually only in the contract if the champion loses.

      I could be very wrong on this subject though. I’m guessing any fight can have them added to a contract and Canelo wasnt just an average challenger

    • Yes there is a rematch clause but Canelo wants the rematch at 168 and not at 175 the original weight for the fight.

      • Thats not true at all Arturo. Why would you soew that nonsense. Canelo himself stated he wants it at LHW, exactly how it was before. Gtfo here with them lies bro

        • He thought Bivol was a past his prime, alcoholic, mentally and emotionally compromised fighter rushed and forced into a fight with Canyellow after a very tough fight like Krusher.

          • Oh Valdez, ur funny. Bivol is the same age with less fights than Canelo. If Canelo really thought that, he must also think he is past his prime as well.. silly boy

      • Ur words have been marked BUT i Hate to tell ya bud, but that fight already happened once. They both weighed in at 174.5, so basically 175 lol

  • John Ryder is a decent opponent to test his hand and for a homecoming. Benavidez should be careful about his preparation, because a fault in making weight on his fight against Plant would throw a wrench on his stock, as a possible Canelo opponent in September, of course, a loss will take him out of the picture.

    • Barucho. Exactly. If he misses weight yet again, people shld demand he fight in the weight class he shld be in, LHW. Benavidez vs Beterbiev. Lol

  • Alvarez has made enough cash he can take some time off and enjoy the day of May 5th this year. After Bivol beat Alvarez, I feel Alvarez needs to take some time and “feel out” what is the next best moves for his career.

    • Judging by his opponents….he’s been “taking off” several years!

      His handlers will NEVER let him the best fighters!

      He’s shown he’s a one trick pony in the Bivol fight, any descent top 5 fighter would easily beat him.

      Fighting him is like betting in Vegas…..the rules this odds are HEAVILY skewed in his favorite.

      • And here i thought that all belt holders were the best fighters in their division. my mistake lmao didnt canelo. Blow thru all top fighters in his division? Yea he sure did.

  • He knows he can’t sell the fight that’s why he’s not doing it on Cinco de Mayo weekend.

  • Juanacatlán, Jalisco MX is his hometown. I’m not sure he’ll fight there, if he does then props as it is a tiny town.

    • The thousands of “proud” Mexicant’s living in the U.S. and more “Mexicant’s than American” will undoubtedly fly in to see him and spent their hard stolen and/or fraudulently obtained American dollars .

      • Shut up Valdez. Its their money, let em. Dont be mad cuz u cant go. U aint got papers so u prob cant get back in to the US if u do go

  • Heard canelo is ducking borimex after borimex called him out after his fight said reporter Lucie for fightnews more news as it becomes available

  • WTF all this Canelo ducking BS i mean who has Benavidez fought anyway? hell when he was champion he ducked Zurdo Ramirez but like everybody else of course he wants to shit talk his way into his biggest payday and will not mind taking the L thats the “in thing” in todays fighters but yea i think if he beats Plant more convingly than Canelo did than he should be considered his top mandatory but honestly Benavidez will get Knocked out within 10 by Canelo

    • Better yet….who has Canyellow fought besides Mayweather (who beat Canyellow resoundingly but only managed majority decision), an older GGG (Canyellow lost the first fight BTW) and Bivol who you can argue hadn’t fought anybody before the Canyellow fight?

      • How about all four champions at super middle weight to unify. Come Juan. I’m not a fan but facts are facts and he unified.

  • No way Canelo is ducking Benavidez. He even fought boogeyman Bivol at light heavyweight. So why should Canelo be afraid of Benavidez? Just because he throws combinations? David recently fought the likes of Lemieux which was a terrible mismatch, Davis and Ellis. Not really impressive and a recommendation for a fight with Canelo, right?

    • So why is he fighting a dude nobody wants to see him fight but tells the folks people want to see him fight they have to earn it?

      • Ryder is the WBO interim champion – basically Canelo’s WBO mandatory. That’s why he’s fighting him.

      • Ryder is not really a dream fight for me as well, I agree. But it will not be a mismatch like Fielding and Yildirim.
        And remember Canelo just fought the much bigger Bivol.
        Tbh, I like the variety of C’s opposition.

  • What update do we need? He said he’d run it back with Bivol and he’s scared so he took on an aging GGG. Still avoiding Benevidez now he fights a dude nobody wants to see him fight. The update is, he has nowhere else to run. After Benevidez crushes Plant hopefully Canelo grabs his balls and gives this guy a shot.

    • Thats IF benavidez crushes Plant. The only thing David has over Caleb is power OBVIOUSLY cuz David is a true LHW. Caleb has more skills for sure. Neutralize the power shot and its gonna make for 1 hell of a scrap

      • That’s right, but Plant ain’t no Ellis. I think Plant can avoid those hard shots from Benavidez. W12 Plant imo. But I accept every opinion.about the outcome.

        • Thomas, yea i can see Plant outpointing Benavidez for sure. Plant’s skill level is off the charts PLUS he has something to prove where David is just fighting out of pure hate. I gots Plant winning decision as well

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