Weights from Fantasy Springs Resort

Unnamed 2024 06 26t232248.534
Photo: Golden Boy / Cris Esqueda

Darius Fulghum 167.8 vs. Vaughn Alexander 171.4
Eric Priest 161.8 vs. Janer Gonzalez 158.4
Tristan Kalkreuth 199.8 vs. Anthony Hollaway 190.8
Grant Flores 153.8 vs. Josias Gonzalez 150.4
Leonardo Sanchez 131.4 vs. Jenel Lausa 135
Cayden Griffiths 140 vs. Juan Romero 139.4
Brandon Sanchez 124.4 vs. MJ Bo 125.6

Venue: Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, Indio, California
Promoter: Golden Boy

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