Weights from Detroit

By Brad Snyder / The Undercard

Vernon Webber 199 vs Joe Jones 197
Derick Miller 191 vs Dionardo Minor 198
Hassain Bilal 168 vs Corey Caad 163
Luis Quintero 149 vs Jonathan Hampton 151
Justin Johnson 172 vs Martinez Stevenson 170
David Rojas 114 vs Cameron Vallier 117
Ardarrieon Williams 167 vs Brodyx Gilman 156.7
Joshua Pagan 137 vs Braulio Rodriquez 140.3
Kewan Burns 146 vs Floyd Russell 146
Justin Lacey-Pierce 141 vs Lo’Vonte Towns 134
Christopher Thompson 167 vs Marques Flowers 167

Venue: Motor City Casino, Detroit, Michigan
Promoter: Carlos Llinas Productions

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