Ellerbe out, Schaefer in at Mayweather Promo

Mayweather Promotions has announced that longtime CEO Leonard Ellerbe is stepping down and will be replaced by Richard Schaefer, who has been an executive in the boxing business for decades.

“Together, we will expand our presence by establishing Mayweather Headquarters in Los Angeles. Our goal is to elevate Mayweather Promotions to global success, supporting fighters worldwide and assisting them in making rewarding business decisions that will benefit them well beyond their boxing careers. We look forward to this new chapter and the continued global success of Mayweather Promotions.”

Matias, Paro make weight
Billam-Smith, Riakporhe make weight

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  • In other words, we are going to follow the Mayweather model: protect, wait till they are older, and duck.

      • Seems like it, but then you have a fight like paro and Matias, but paro goes to PR to take on the Boogeyman. Most fights seem to be overdue, but occasionally we are gifted a prime fight. Mayweather seemed to make it a habit after he fought DLH.

  • Ellerbe allegedly has a net worth of $50 million. He’s no Elon Musk, but he’s done well for himself.

  • Ellerbe is set financially so he doesn’t have to do it anymore. Secondly, he won’t be missed.

  • Can anyone name a single act Mr. Ellerbe conducted to enhance Mayweather Promotions?
    It appears that the entire time Floyd just had his friend in a ‘position’ to get paid. As a face and speaking representative in order to document Leonard’s ‘employment.’ When one listens to Leonard all these years he never describes details of his job and or the business ends of boxing. It is always mundane and repeated verbiage.

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