Tank-Martin Final Press Conference

Tank Ghost Pc

WBA lightweight champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis (29-0, 27 KOs) and challenger Frank “The Ghost” Martin (18-0, 12 KOs) faced off at the final press conference for their PPV clash on Saturday at the historic MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Davis accused Martin of acting “fake tough” and promised an ass-whippin’.

Martin declared, “If he comes in and acts up, ya’ll gonna see him get knocked out.”

Don King's Florida Card and Boxing Hall of Fame
Tank Davis a no-show at grand arrivals

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  • I have a theory; if some of the systemic barriers that causes some of our African-American male population to fall victim to “street culture” due to generational financial castration are removed, you might see an uptick in top flight lower weight fighters of the AA population. Many of good amateur and pro fighters were lost to the streets, I know of a few. A lot of those knuckleheads are little dudes that are too small for basketball and football, as sports and rapping is what many of them either choose to do or feel there aren’t many other options out there to get out of the hood. Just an observation. May the best man win!

    • It’s ok, you will be alright, you are a victim, sure you are. What a load of crud. You are the definition of a joke. The fact that you may have a voice in someone else’s life is very scary and should be embarrassing.

    • You are right but actually started in the late 90s with culture of gangster rap grabbing our kids and they no longer wanted to wait on things it was all a smoke screen

    • Systemic barriers?!!? Wherever they are in the world, they ruin it!! The way your “brothers” behave is an inherent trait, nothing more. How about taking accountability for your actions?? I it blaming the white man for your shortcomings. Still haven’t even invented a written language or built a civilization, only destroy them.

    • DMV…one thing I do know is boxing is the only professional sport that allows the “N” word to be said without penalty…the only professional sport and it is embarrassing and unacceptable as an African American…one of the many reasons boxing has credibility issues…not professional even by the governing bodies, Promoters and sanctioning bodies that allow such behavior…and everyone is afraid to speak on this …even people that I admire …Steven A..Tim Bradley ..Teddy Atlas… Shannon Sharpe….. people..good people..that will quickly call out and express disapproval over issues… openly avoid this….

    • The quickest solution is to break the agreement with government which promised loot and assistance as long as dad is out of the picture. It has now been 60 years since the agreement was made with Lyndon B Johnson and we got nothing out of it but misery. It’s up to every home to recognize the okeydoke and change the setting. It took 2 generations to corrupt and damage society, so it will take another 20 at least to correct it.

      When GOD had the Jews wandering the desert for 40 years after leaving egypt, it was not done aimlessly. It was done so the prior generation to die off and with it, the mentality. HE wanted the new generation to enter the promise land with a clean slate.

      Puerto Ricans went through the same as have many white folks in the south. It was done simply for control. The easiest way to control a group is by controlling their money influencing culture. We are just seeing the turn around and it should get better from here.

      Those in power do not wish to have a connected community because they are hard to control and would then become the power themselves. This is why we see the extra effort being pushed to further divide everyone through the media(news, movies, music, social media). It is up to us to learn from our mistakes and move forward.

      This was well off topic, but one that needs to be addressed.

    • If there are systematic barriers how do you explain the success of AAs in the NBA and NFL?

      • Hmmm, colson. A valid point, I’m sure someone will come up with another excuse.

    • Then they should vote for Trump if they’re looking for better economic opportunities. That old demented racist Joe Biden isn’t going to anything for them.

  • He is speaking reality, however playing victim is never the solution. You can’t change history, you can only change the future. The problem is this glorification of street culture, and many young people thinking it is uncool to get a job, get an education etc. Rapping is not a career path, at least for 99.9 percent of us. Pointing out the obvious isn’t playing victim. It’s what you do about your circumstances is what matters most. It’s much more difficult to succeed when one has to pull oneself out of poverty than someone with privilege. It doesn’t mean however that you should give up and have the victim mentality.

  • Fellas,,it’s a boxing forum,,,the promotional ” mouth off” is all part of the show. Ali was great at it and everyone loved him.
    Davis by decision.
    Peace and love everyone.

  • It seems to me that what I’m reading here is that you white boys just don’t want to hear what these uppity guys are saying. Granted, you react to the arrogance of white fighters but not nearly so virulently. And I’m sure that none of you consider yourselves racist,.

    • “…..you white boys just don’t want to hear….”
      – Lewitzky is a “white boy” too.
      – A Russian last name…….

      • That’s right. I’m white. I’m a Jew. The you I was referring to (ironically, I might add) was specifically aimed at this particular thread/ context and the plantation mentality inherent in these comments.

        • Shut up and peddle your white guilt somewhere else. The same people you speak so highly of are the same people that are supporting for your annihilation from existence in Israel and abroad. Look it up and watch real news.

        • I bet you go around trying to act black. There’s nothing more pathetic and embarrassing than the Jewish weirdos who go around pretending they are black and from the streets lol.

  • Ah, that word racist? Is that the extent of your limited vocabulary? Can’t argue your position, so you throw out the word racist, it will stop anymore conversation. And to disingenuous colleague up there, if there ever was a racist it is him. Arrogance of white fighters? Really? Confidence or arrogance? If my memory serves me correctly, I would say that most fighters exhibit one or the other. There are guys like Mayweather, Ali, fury, canelo that show arrogance then there are guys like Pacquiao, Crawford, navarette, usyk that display confidence. The bottom line is true fight fans don’t give a rats behind about what color another fighter is. Now, we may cheer on someone that comes from the same country, but if anyone bases their fighter by color then there is your racist. What’s funny is that you seem to only acknowledge that white people are only privy to think this way, how so? Or are just as ignorant as the guy that started this whole conversation at the top. My guess is that you are.

  • We all have a place in this country….the human spirit prevails over hatred.,.. particularly racial hatred…Self Identity is important…As an African American…my belief in my culture and history is buttressed by the success in this country…From the the middle passage to slavery .. forbidden to read and write by the penalty of death…then eventually voted by all to the highest position in America, Pres and VP…we don’t make excuses…African Americans lead and set examples…Simply name another race that has accomplished that…speaks for itself… People from all racial backgrounds died to preserve freedoms here.from the beaches of Normandy to present Day issues overseas and domestically. …grateful and thankful..I probably don’t deserve this blessings but I acknowledge the importance of thriving together in peace…don’t care if it sounds corny..it is a reality

    • I believe every race has led and set examples in this nation or world. When did this become about what just African Americans did? I cannot speak for what occurred many years ago nor can I be embarrassed or ashamed because “I” had no part in slavery or racial hatred or discrimination. If we continue to beat the drum that present day people should be held responsible for a past that we had no hand in then we will never come to any resolution. I can only account for me for the past 50 plus years and to raise my family in that same manner, to suggest that someones family in the past may have engaged in slavery or racial hatred and now it’s on them to make amends is ludicrous. Slavery was not exclusive to just African Americans and many races were subject to slavery. Quite frankly, slavery still exists today in the form of human trafficking. How many races are involved in that? My guess, numerous, yet it’s not said. I acknowledge what occurred years ago because it is part of history and an ugly history. The same history that enslaved the Irish. The same history that put japanese Americans in camps during the war. The same history that Jews were persecuted because of their religion. The same history that Jews are enduring now in this country with ignorant Americans supporting a terrorist group. Every nation in this world has a history where it can looked upon proudly or with disdain. I nor anyone else should be looking for retribution except with those that are actively engaging in this behavior or have done so in their past that are actually still alive. Peace? What is that? As long as you have people in government (liberals) that do more to separate us then bring us together there will be no peace. Laws set so you are judged by the color of your skin rather than the content of your character or the abilities that you possess to do the a job by performance. That’s why boxing is so intriguing to me because it puts man vs man, both have worked hard at their craft, and one will be named the winner based on their performance not anything else. Reality at this point is that we have more people separating us than bringing us together because honestly, it pays better especially with our current administration. I’m proud that as a human being (American), not a white man that I have contributed positively to society and that I will continue to do so as long as I’m here. When we start looking at things like that rather than white this, and black that, or brown there then we will become one.

      • “Slavery was not exclusive to just African Americans and many races were subject to slavery.”
        – You would be surprised how many “educated” people do not understand this statement……

        • Gary G… slavery was brutal in other countries., no pecuniary value…in America a slave life had financial value.,..Slavery in America was exclusive to “Africans” …and in our most modern times..many may not understand that statement…

          • Fake news. Plus, you just minimized every other race by saying slavery was different to them and somehow it was worse for African Americans. Stop. Slavery is slavery. You are no better than DMV just that he is straight out with his demented madness. Your argument is something that occurred years ago like in the civil war. Where are you now? If you can tell me that you are enslaved right now then you have a grievance. You don’t. You wouldn’t be on here talking about it. Modern day slavery is occuring right now in the form of human trafficking by a president that refuses to control our border. It involves ALL races, but somehow your grievance that occurred many moons ago is more important than present day? If you respond, I don’t care anymore because you can’t argue or debate with ignorant people. Good luck to you Sean.

      • Killa King I understand your position…I acknowledge that we are in this together..as an African American I am aware of my past present and progressive future. This is all supported by reasonableness, I agree everyone has there own burdens, plights and successes that can be reasonably identified. Honesty and humbleness notes that certain a racial group consistently is focused on and mischaracterized …even by other minorities..but knowledge and self awareness and identity strengthens and help to ignore detractors and “small mindedness” …on that basis from the middle passage to the leaders …Pres and Vice Pres..of the free world…US…is in my background and I am proud of that..

        • No disrespect to you, but the two you speak of have had the biggest role in creating that divide between races and both are actively still doing it.

  • – Looking for a good fight between Davis and Martin.
    – May the best man win………

    • Agree. Frank Martin is a solid fighter with a good chin and highly motivated. Tank’s power also seems to come through. Chess and then fireworks! Two southpaws, too.

      • Hope Tank is focused….Tank is an incredible fighter,…very high Boxing IQ…. something just tells me Thank will be in for a fight….believe that Frank will challenge Tank…like Tank’s trainer requested? Tank will take a round or two and study a fighter…then boom! Tank explodes with that power boxing…good foot movement also…

  • I fear this may become a slow, sporadic fight between two fighters searching for counterpunching opportunities.

    • I’m there with you Sammy! Get ready someone on here will be ignorant enough to call us racists. I’m also hoping Martin wins this fight too.

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