Volny defeats Butler, Iglesias still unbeaten

In a clash between local middleweight favorites, Patrice “Vicious” Volny (19-1, 13 KOs) scored a ninth round TKO over two-time middleweight title challenger Steven “Bang Bang” Butler (34-5-1, 28 KOs) on Thursday night at the Casino de Montreal in Montreal, Canada. Volny outworked Butler and got a referee’s stoppage after a series of shots in round nine. Butler complained about the stoppage, which occurred at 2:40. Volny wins the WBC Francophone title, which could result in a WBC top 15 rating.

IBO super middleweight world champion Osleys “El Tornado” Iglesias (11-0, 10 KOs) scored a spectacular first round KO against Evgeny Shvedenko (16-2-1, 7 KOs). A crushing right hook left Shvedenko flailing on the canvas. Time was 2:48. Bring on Canelo!

Unbeaten Olympian super lightweight Arthur “The Wolf” Biyarslanov (15-0, 13 KOs) knocked out Elias Mauricio Haedo (14-6, 10 KOs) in round four. A straight left to the body finished Haedo. Time was 2:59.

A clash between female boxers Mary Spencer and April Hunter was scrapped when Hunter suffered an injury.

Other Results:
Shamil Khataev D10 Ramadan Hiseni (middleweight)
Jhon Orobio KO2 Jose De Leon Jasso (jr welterweight)

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Weights from Santa Ynez, California

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  • Impressive win for Iglesias stepping up to face the first fringe contender of his career. I wish he would ditch that phony belt, though. Just makes him look silly.

  • Scary KO by Iglesias. He’s so gangly and awkward, those shots are coming from weird angles that his opponents aren’t seeing.

    Hoping Volny can get a decent fight after this win, he’s 34 so time is running out. That Winky Wright shelled up style might cost him on the scorecards though, that style doesn’t get much love from the judges.

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