Huni tests positive for covid

By Ray Wheatley – World of Boxing

Australian heavyweight champion Justis Huni has registered a positive covid test while training in Los Angeles, throwing into doubt his February 4 national title bout with Joe Goodall. Huni is suffering from a fever and body aches, and his trainer/father Rocki Huni said his son has a cough and sore throat.

“We were super safe over here,” Rocki told Fox Sports. “We’re always wearing masks everywhere we go … we didn’t see this coming.” Team Huni is scheduled to arrive back in Australia on January 14.

Goodall also training in the USA with trainer Kevin Barry in Las Vegas.

BBBofC suspends all UK boxing in January
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  • So Huni tests positive for the common cold. Whoopdeedoo! Remember when boxers used to fight through flu and cold viruses–even in title fights? Gone are those day, sadly.

    • Huni has a cold It’s not the bubonic. this pandemic a fraud It’s about control nothing else.

    • Let him get healthy and then he can fight. He’s 22 years old and he might be ready to go, but if he isn’t, he has all the time in the world for this fight or another. Old-time fighters would fight while sick and hurt, they’d also get ko’d and then fight a couple of weeks later. Let’s not go back to that.

      • A medical license is hardly required to make a common sense, empirical observation. What’s more, given the intellectual dishonesty rampant within the present medical system, why would anyone take the word of a doctor where this malady is concerned?

  • This is what happens when u go to a filthy place like America its full of scum.

  • Dan and Cubanovitch are spot on. Not seeing how anyone disagrees. Cognitive dissonance is real! When this compliance takes your job or business maybe you’ll agree also.

    • The common cold doesn’t put you in the hospital for weeks of cause pneumonia or is anywhere near as contagious. The degree of delusion in the country is outrageous. I agree that some of the measures are being taken too far, but to downplay it’s severity is being just plain ignorant.

      When you see a loved one barely able to breathe and then having to go to the hospital your perception will change. Trust me.

      • Umm, you’ll need to turn MSM off now. The fact is this new Omicron variant has taken less than ten lives globally. FACT! I think proof shows that it is the people on the left that are delusional about reality and that this hasn’t been taken just a little bit of context, a respiratory virus with the same mortality rate as common influenza has turned the entire planet into a hypochondria free for all. If you don’t see something wrong with that, then you don’t need a doctor for covid, you need a doctor for your brain.

      • That is unfortunate that somebody close to you reacted negatively to covid-19, but if we look at the silver lining of the cloud we don’t have influenza anymore. Back when influenza existed, this may be before your time as it was way back in 2019, influenza took the lives of as many people each year as covid has taken in both 2020 and 2021. You may be able to find some old encyclopedias or medical journals from that long ago to corroborate my statement if you think I’m being a conspiracy theorist. So, all we have essentially done is eradicated one illness for another one of equal mortality to effect our population slightly differently. So I’m not trying to downplay what happened to your loved one, but I just want to comfort you by letting you know that we have been here before. And damnit, we will get through this brother. Because we’re muricans!

  • Being related to a nurse who works her ass off around the clock in ICU with critically ill COVID patients, i find it amazing that there are still people who call this a ‘common cold’. And the conspiracy theorists who think this isn’t real are frankly an embarrassment. People are dying, many more are debilitatingly sick, and patients with other issues can’t even get a hospital bed or are having surgeries postponed. Not everyone gets a mild dose. Anyways, back to boxing.

    • Agreed. Back to boxing!

      The NHL shut down (in multiple countries) and probably have lost money.

  • Some of you COVID fear pushers either are paid players or you boxed and got punched too much. Perhaps since liberals seem to be most effected by “COVID” if they are all ROUNDED UP it will effectively end covid. I bet that would for sure make people stop the stupidity REAL QUICK!

  • The whole world tests positive for covid. There, I fixed it for you.

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