Zepeda-Arboleda Early Results – Non TV

Jeff Zimmerman at ringside

Tristan Kalkreuth 201.6 vs. Jonathan Rice 224.6

In a back-and-forth battle, heavyweight Tristan “Sweet T” Kalkreuth (10-1, 7 KOs) out of Duncanville, TX, won a hard-fought unanimous decision against Jonathan Rice (2-3, 2 KOs) from nearby Cleburne over six rounds. Rice took the fight to Kalkreuth early and had some success with head shots as Kalkreuth spent time on the ropes. As the fight wore on, Kalkreuth unleashed his jab and shots to the body to slow down the bigger Rice. Both guys had their moments throughout the fight, but the cleaner shots by Kalkreuth proved to be the difference. Kalkreuth told Fightnews.com immediately after the fight that he was sticking to cruiserweight and did not want to fight these big boys anymore. Rice outweighed Kalkreuth by almost 25lbs. Coach Bullet for Team Kalkreuth was also happy with his performance as he predicted at the weigh-ins that the jab would be the difference. The scores read 59-55 on all three cards.

Caleb Suniga vs. Carlos Arroyo

Lightweight Caleb Suniga 2-0, 1 KO) out of Austin, jumped on Carlos Arroyo (5-23-1, 4 KOs) from Chichigalpa, Nicaragua quickly and showed blazing speed as he landed multiple combinations to the head and body. Arroyo tried to counter which opened him up for a left uppercut to the chin and sent him to the canvas. Arroyo attempted to get up but referee Neal Young counted him out. Suniga earned the TKO victory at 41 seconds of round one of the scheduled four.

Robert Cruz vs Tyrone Selders

In the opening bout at the College Park Center in Arlington, TX, middleweight Ronald Cruz ( 9-0, 5 KOs) out of Killeen came out firing from the opening bell and battered veteranTyrone Selders ( 9-16=2, 6 KOs) from Houston over two rounds before referee Rosario Solis saw enough and waived it off. The undefeated Cruz landed massive shots to the head and body that sent Selders all over the ring in round two and when Cruz connected with a big uppercut and straight right the fight was stopped. Time was 1:48 round two of the scheduled six.

Jay Williams vs Darius Fulghum

Former amateur standout cruiserweight Darius Fulghum (4-0, 4 KOs) dropped Jay Williams (4-11) once in the first round and twice in the second before referee Ruben Perez didn’t bother counting and stopped the mismatch. The former amateur standount Fulghum landed some nice combinations in limited action, but it was clear Williams was looking for a way out. Fulghum’s TKO kept his unbeaten and knockout streak alive at four to kick off his career. The time was 38 seconds round two of the scheduled four.

Coyle tops Rios in St Pete
ALL ACCESS: Tank-Kingry Epilogue

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