Weights from Orlando

Img 20221020 Wa0015 Sharpenai Motion

Frank Diaz 131.6 vs. Oscar Bravo 131.6
Romero Duno 138 vs. Christian Guido 139.2
Hugo Noriega 148.6 vs. Hevinson Herrera 146.6
Jose Nieves 126.4 vs. Micelo Alvarado 121.6
Serik Musadilov 198.4 vs. Javier Rueda 204
Abel Gonzalez 166.6 vs. Earl Henry ??
Mark Bernaldez 131 vs. Marcello Williams 132
Livian Navarro 152 vs. Antonio Hernandez 150.2
Harold Sanchez 113.8 vs. Francisco Zambrano 112

Venue: Avani Palms Resort, Orlando, Florida
Promoter: Gonzalo Sapia

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