WBC Statement on Daniel Kinahan

Whilst visiting Dubai recently I was introduced to Daniel Kinahan, who has since been placed on a sanctions list by the US Treasury Department, concerning alleged links to drug crimes.

This has generated speculation and attacks on myself and the WBC. I therefore feel it necessary to make it clear that at no time have we had any relationship with Daniel Kinahan. The World Boxing Council deals solely and exclusively with boxing promoters and only they maintain commercial relations in the certification of fights for our titles.

The WBC has had for many years a large number of social responsibility campaigns focused on the prevention and awareness of the dangers of drug use. We have a wonderful program of talks given by a former DEA agent, Rocky Heron, who reaches thousands of people with his presentations. We have rescued many boxers and members of the boxing community around the world from the demons of addiction and we openly and constantly support rehabilitation clinics such as those of Julio Cesar Chavez and Aaron Silva, among others.

I made an innocent mistake, due to absolute ignorance of the situation. In this way, I confirm that the World Boxing Council and all its members absolutely reject any action that is detrimental to human beings and we will continue, as always, in total compliance with the laws of all countries in the world.

Mauricio Sulaiman
WBC President

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  • From Wikipedia:
    “In March 2022, Mauricio Sulaimán, President World Boxing Council (WBC) said of Kinahan: “I am nobody to judge any person, and that has been the policy of our organisation, to combat all types of discrimination and abuse of power, before any person and group. That is why Daniel will have our full support in his quest to bring benefits to boxing.”[39][40]”

  • So Sulaiman goes alll the way over to Dubai, without any knowledge that DK lives there, not expecting to meet him?

    a simple Google search would tell him all about DK. hate to break it to you, but this Sulaiman is lying through his teeth

  • Truly pathetic. And we wonder why boxing is the laughingstock of the sports world?

  • He supports the guy only if it benefits boxing.. and keeps it clean in that way?! There is no other business relationship other than that! So why not?! its not like he is dealing drugs with the guy.. Mauricio Sulaiman is a standup guy with dedication to the promotion and safety of the sport of boxing.. don’t smear the guy with your small talk, and rumors’. and don’t ever don’t about his commitment to boxing with your libel statements made on this thread.. .he really is a good man!

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