The inevitable crisis in Olympic boxing

By Mauricio Sulaimán
President of the WBC – Son of José Sulaimán

The news that has flooded the networks and has tarnished the activity at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is regrettable, and is clearly exposing the crisis that amateur / Olympic style boxing is going through.

Two female boxers have been accused of being transgender, of having XY chromosomes (male), or some other condition, which when fighting against a woman, gives them an unfair competitive advantage.

The attacks and posts continue. The vast majority without having the minimum elements to express an informed and salient opinion. The central and most serious factor which should matter, is the integrity, safety and well being of the athletes.

The main conflict has been the media war between the IOC and IBA, which was the International Federation recognized by the same entity. They have taken center stage, by attacking each other, in a clear power struggle that will not solve the core issue.

Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting are the fighters in question. Without definitive evidence, they were apparently born XX (female), they are not trans, and apparently they were not born with Y chromosomes, but they do have a genetic condition that gives them significant physical advantages.

It is not the fault of Imane and Lin, who are suffering attacks, scorn and derision. Everything is being mixed up, from science and medicine, homophobia, sexism, human rights, laws, rules, and even abandonment of common sense to attack them.

The reality is that their rivals get into the ring taking unacceptable risks. Boxing is not a game, it is a contact sport.

All the problems started more than 15 years ago when AIBA, the International Amateur Boxing Federation, in charge of everything related to Olympic boxing, which was recognized by the IOC since the 1940s, elected Wu Ching-Ko as its president.

He introduced and lead a series of changes that were highly questionable at the time, and the IOC did nothing about it. AIBA chose the financial and commercial path, over the interests of the athletes; it became a promoter, manager and organization, with major and glaring conflicts of interest.

They removed the protective headgear and the most serious step was to allow and promote the participation of professionals in Olympic boxing.

Today the scandal focuses upon these two women boxers, but could very well be that there was a very powerful world champion against a young fighter, who is seeking the Olympic dream.

The IBA, formerly AIBA, lashed out at the IOC, and made public the disqualification of the two fighters from its competition, in 2023, alluding to the fact that they had XY chromosomes (Male). It was an attack that was evidently planned and kept secret until only a few days ago.

The IOC has dedicated itself to responding to them about the disqualification of these two fighters, citing discrimination and human rights factors.

Enough! The important thing here is to learn and know the reality. Do Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting have XY chromosomes, or the condition that gives them an advantage over their rivals? Yes or no?

If that is the case, then it is unquestionable that they have greater strength, endurance, speed, testosterone levels and muscle mass.

This gives them a great competitive advantage, eliminating fair play, and puts the health of their rivals at significant risk.

We are not talking about breaking a time record or scoring goals, we are talking about boxing, a contact sport, where the opponent can be hurt.

The WBC has fought against any type of discrimination since its creation. We have also carried out extensive studies and scientific research to create rules for women’s boxing, different from those for men. We studied and proposed the creation of a boxing program for trans athletes, and we will always have as an absolute priority the health and physical integrity of those who get into the ring, before, during and after the fights.

The reality is that Olympic boxing has not had governance since 2018-2019, when AIBA was suspended as a federation affiliated with the IOC and, eventually, expelled.

The Tokyo Olympics, like those in Paris, are being administered by an IOC committee, and not by an international boxing federation. The rules and eligibility processes remain the same as those established by AIBA at the end of Rio 2016, and that includes the fact that there is no parameter to measure the level of competition between fighters; that is, in theory Canelo could fight against a youngster in the Olympics. That’s not the ethos of taking part. Rather, it would be taking an opponent apart!

The WBC has absolutely rejected professionals in Olympic boxing until there is a clear definition of eligibility to achieve parity in the level of competition. In the professional arena, a debutant fights four rounds against boxers of that level, could not fight against an eight-rounder, 10-rounder or against a world champion. It’s that simple, clear and evident.

The IOC chose to attack the IBA and defend why Khelif and Yu-ting are participating, when in world opinion they should take proactive action, addressing the concern of the dangers of these fights in a timely manner.

The IOC is being attacked, but the vast majority have been malicious, and without having the slightest information about the situation.

There are procedures and the statutes are clear in the sense that the rules cannot be changed in the middle of the competition. Everything also gets complicated when other factors come into play such as human rights and codes of ethics.

Unfortunately, this was not addressed at the time and everything is the effect of the poor administration that our sport has had at the Olympic level during the last two decades. We pray to God that nothing regrettable happens in the remaining fights.

It is urgent that the affiliation with the IOC of a new International Federation in charge of boxing be made official. There is one called World Boxing (WB), it needs more countries to join it to be recognized by the IOC. WB is a reality, and it is the only option to save boxing and its permanence in the Olympic Games, since, as of today, it is out of Los Angeles 2028.

I appreciate your comments at [email protected]

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    • You obviously didn’t read what he wrote. People like you are the problem. Pack of reading comprehension

      • “You obviously didn’t read what he wrote.”
        – You must be new to this site.
        – Most people do not read what Mr. Sillyman writes.
        – That’s why the weather is a big part of the responses.
        – Take care.
        – Gary G.

        • We have to stop posting here because Sillyman either owns this place or they let him babble on here much too often. I don’t read his crap either…and I boycott their demon-olympics. I don’t watch or pay attention to it. I saw their demonic “opening ceremony” and that was more than enough for me to know who and what is running it.

      • I don’t read anything that’s involved with that corrupt organization. Only dummies bother with that BS.

    • You obviously didn’t read what he wrote. People like you are the problem. Lack of reading comprehension

      • “You obviously didn’t read what he wrote. People like you are the problem. Lack of reading comprehension”

        Why should I read what Sillyman writes? Does he read what I write?

    • All the commotion is put to rest with a simple DNA test. XX chromosomes? Fair play. XY chromosomes? Cheaters and frauds. This all goes away with a cheek swab. The very fact this method has been resisted leads me to believe someone has something to hide. Everyone in boxing benefits from clarity as to rules and regulations.

  • Olympic boxing officials, I bet, hang out with the WBC officials at the local bar getting scoop how to keep the corruption alive and going well.

  • You have a lot to say as usual with nothing of substance. Let me get the weather out of the way first.

    Today, mostly hot and muggy with a high of 96 and thundershowers coming in around 6pm. The seas are unusually choppy for this time of year Small boats stay in close or stick to the intercoastal.

    Ok, you can try to cover this up all you want. Once again, YOU, nor anyone else, is going to tell the people that their own eyes are lying to them. No one is buying it. We can find a doctor who will write up just about anything to please the committies.

    The only acceptable conditions that has a man trying to present as a women are trannies and crossdressers. There’s Kleinfelter’s, but I highly doubt it for both fighters. Medical records are private so we cannot see them to confirm your theory.

    It’s a disgrace, an injustice and physically abusive to women. These women have trained for YEARS for the opportunity to represent their country, wintje holdedañ.and hopefully move on to a lucrative career, but the need to stay woke and bend the mob has allowed the IOC with the backing of scum like you to put their health and future at risk. All it takes a male boxer one fight to permanently damage his female opponent, especially at a high level like the Olympics are.

    I knew that this was being accepted even though they were declined a pass to participate last year because they failed the basic gender test. Undecided not to watch or support any of this fouless. I hope the ratings tank to an all time low. The opening demonic ceremonies told everyone all there is to know and what the entire event would be about.

    Today’s Anecdote:

    We live in a sick and twisted world where all the lines are being blurred.

    Did you know?:

    The IOC will never recover from this shameful decision and by extension, neither will you for endorsing and protecting that decision. I will not watch any fight involving the WBC or the new name, Women Beating Commission.

    • “Today, mostly hot and muggy with a high of 96 and thundershowers coming in around 6pm.”
      – Humid in Southern Zoo Jersey but highs only in the upper 70’s for the next few days for a change.
      – Lots of rain in the forecast.
      – Had a bad windstorm blow thru yesterday; neighbor’s glass patio table was smashed into a million pieces.

      • Thanks for the weather update Gary. I’m a bit jealous of the 70s temperature, but I won’t complain. It IS a nice change of pace though.

        It’s a shame about the neighbor’s glass table. The sound must have scared the crap out of them.

      • I have not in years and won’t be for years. Perhaps in the case of an undisputed fight, but I won’t be putting any dollars in pudgy’s pocket.

        • I don’t care who the sanctioning body is, just want clean fair fighting, refereeing, and judging

  • Mr .S . stay out of it . you have your own wbc problems which you don’t address . “Clean your own house” first .

  • “Crisis in Olympic boxing.” If this isn’t the pot calling the kettle black. Lets focus on the corruption in the WBC before speaking on Olympic boxing.

  • “Without definitive evidence, they were apparently born XX (female)”

    The IBA conducted medical tests, which definitively confirmed XY (male). They have literally posted the letters sent to and signed by the boxers that ackowledged the test reults.

  • This is not a condition. Elevated levels of testosterone is one thing, but taking a DNA test and being disqualified because you were born male is another. Both of these 2 Boxers will win Gold Medals without so much as losing a round. We are the ones being conditioned with the lies.

  • At this point, IBA has posted the evidence. Both boxers signed and returned the letters and neither ultimately appealed the IBA decision.

  • If the women fight them they are only giving legitimacy to an illegitimate form of competition. If they refuse the committee will be forced to return to their senses. You may as well give those guys a gold metal just for showing up and who will like that?

    • Sorry, but these real women have trained for their moment and I’m guessing they are willing to go out on their shields to fight these dudes. I give them credit for facing them because they shouldn’t even have to.

  • Shut up, Mauricio Sulaimán. They both have franks and beans! You are a disgrace to boxing if you are standing for these males who are beating the crap out of females under the guise of sport. I guess maybe you’ll wake up and come to your senses if one of these women boxers are killed inside the ring.

  • A guy whose organization mandates the number #1 contender get a title shot within a year, but let Canelo duck Benevidez for over 2 years and did not strip his fellow countryman Canelo.? Has no credibility talking about anything having to do with ‘Rules” or corruption.

  • What is saying actually makes sense to me. I usually don’t click on his posts so to not give him one more view but I decided what the heck for this one. I usually don’t agree with anything he has to say but I agree with some of the things he’s saying here.

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