Spence-Crawford Virtual Press Conference

Errol “The Truth” Spence Jr. and Terence “Bud” Crawford previewed their showdown for the undisputed welterweight championship during a virtual press conference on Wednesday. They clash on PPV July 29 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

Errol Spence Jr: “I came out here to Las Vegas three weeks early to train and acclimate. We’ve been 100% focused and training hard. We’re going over the game plan and making sure we’re on point and not leaving any stone unturned. This is a legacy fight and a fight people are gonna talk about for a long time.

“There have been fighters way more gifted than Terence who have lost in boxing. They can say what they want about him, but I know my capabilities. I know my mindset when I step into the ring. I believe that I can beat any fighter.”

Terence Crawford: “I’m not focusing on a potential rematch. I plan on winning the first match. The rematch is not in my mind. I’m focused on the job at hand right now. I’m not worried about any size difference. Look at Jeff Horn and Shawn Porter. Even Jose Benavidez Jr. was a big welterweight. This is nothing new. I was always the smaller guy, even when I was fighting at 140-pounds. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

“Everyone Errol faced had a loss and had something already taken from them. He faced guys who already knew how to lose. I take a fighters’ belt and their ‘0’. Those fighters are never the same after that face me.”

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  • What is this talk from Crawford that Spence has never beaten an undefeated fighter? Garcia (Mikey), Ocampo, and Lartey were all unbeaten when Spence took away their ‘0’. Other than Gamboa, the other undefeated fighters Crawford beat (Postol, Indongo, Horn, Benavidez, Kavaliauskas) were all unproven beforehand. Horn got a pure gift over Pacquiao so he was not truly undefeated coming in. We never really heard from the other four again after Crawford beat them. And no, it’s not like they were great fighters before Terence beat them and took all their greatness away. They were never-was for the most part. To be honest, neither boxer has a super great resume which is why the other will be the best opponent the other has faced. Someone is going to be exposed and I have a feeling it will be Crawford. Spence by split decision but still a clear win despite one judge going against him.

    • Yea but you should not be proud that Spencer beat the snall Garcia actually you should be ashamed because Spencer couldn’t ko Mikey Garcia

      Is like canelo wouldn’t ko Inoue the Japanese monster

      • Mikey was considered the favorite to win that’s why it should be celebrated. Small guys have won. Shane Mosley jumped 2 weight classes to take Oscar’s title.

    • At this point in their games “exposed” belongs no where near a sentence about these two talent or boxing prowess. Either could win this. Points to be made on either side. But instead if wondering if ready,overhyped,poor competition.all of this is moot. These two young men are at the top of their games. And those games are arguably the best we have today. I haven’t been this anticipatory for a boxing match in many years. I’m grateful to both these young combatants for this.

  • Sometimes you get what you ask for. Maybe it’s more so for Terrence in this case.

    Both will be each other’s toughest opponents. It remains to be seen who handles it best.

    Sure Terrence is a little shorter but not by much and he has a little more reach. Size should not be a deciding factor even if Errol is more at home in the weight class.

    Always thought Terrence was the slightly better fighter of the two but I’m far from sure he’ll take it.

    At the same time, it feels like once Errol has made up his mind and jumped on the train, it’s all-in. Both physically and mentally. His whole being is focused on the fight. It will be a new force for Terrence to deal with.

    I think the mental game between the two before the fight can be revealing. Whoever proves to be mentally the strongest has a big and probably decisive advantage.

    I will watch the weigh-in with interest.

  • If it goes to the card, I’m predicting a draw. All of this rematch talk is to make even more money and create controversy. Look how much mileage and money Wilder vs Fury got after that “draw.”

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