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  • Should be a good win for Jovanie Santiago who’s last fight was just 2 months ago. Hasn’t had the best opposition but Broner is a shell of his former self and so needy and self centered craving attention that Jovanie should be good enough to beat maybe stop Broner…

  • Broner was among the top pound4pound at 130/135, IMO anyway, but that was nearly 8 years ago. He says and does things that make it hard to root for the him sometimes, but hopefully he can make decent money before hanging up the gloves, and get his life turned around. The Welterweight and Lightweight divisions are stacked right now, so 140 looks like his best chance at making some noise.

  • May be the most mature and reasonable I’ve ever heard him sound. He’s been through a lot, due entirely to his own behaviour, so maybe he’s come out a better person. As a fighter, I have absolutely no idea what to expect from him at this level and I wouldn’t be completely surprised if he lost this fight or if scored an early knockout… I have no idea.

    • Agreed Lucie. Just guessing here, since I don’t know him personally, but he strikes me as a guy who’s without direction when he’s not boxing. Maybe just getting back in the ring and having something to work towards has something to do with the calm demeanor in that interview. Hopefully he’s smart with his money from here on out, or getting good financial advise. He doesn’t have many ring years left, and it’s kind of hard imagining him adjusting to having to work 9 to 5 very well…

    • Great assessment. Broner cant box forever as advancing age gets the best of everyone in full combat sports. Makes a person wonder when Broner totally walks away from the sport if boredom or maybe a lack of purpose will drive him in the wrong direction in life to where he suffers any possible major consequences. Broner often times makes life hard for himself when his antisocial personality traits kick-in and he has total disregard for responsibilities in life. It’s no secret his legal woes have demonstrated his struggling personality traits. My 2 cents. Have a great day!

      • Unfortunately, it seems like the odds are that Broner likely has a troubled life once he retires for good. I’ve seen this way too many times with boxers who were once on top of the world, then wind up broke or in jail later in life. A lot of these guys come from nothing, and are more likely to be surrounded by leeches than any kind of support system when they finally make it. Hopefully he makes the most of this latest comeback, and gets his life in order. Don’t know if any of you have seen Mitch “Blood” Green lately, but he seems to have turned his life around. Maybe there’s hope still left for Broner.

        • USFBulls: Good news re Mitch Green. So many boxers struggle to have a decent life after boxing. There are only so many jobs in the gym and around boxing. Imagine trying to go from this volatile sports career and environment to a normal life and you are only on average somewhere between 30 and 40 years old.

    • AB is a good fighter. You don’t become a 4 division champion being being a bum. Like u said, he put himself in the position he’s in but he can redeem himself hopefully bc he has the skillset.

  • OVERRATED LOW LIFE SCUM BAG BUM! I believe in second chances but this scum bucket has no respect for anyone. In the 80’s this punk would have been nothing more than a ESPN journeyman. Pathetic state of today’s boxing that this mediocre clown won 4 titles. Anyone today can be a champion.

  • I can’t stand this low IQ scumbag!!! He shouldn’t even be allowed to fight and make money. If anyone on this forum had done the things he has done we’d be convicted felons and in jail and once out of jail no one would hire us. Broner is absolute trash.

  • What an insightful interview. If this kid tossed him any more softballs he’d be a pitcher in an after work beer league.

  • Good luck AB! Wish you the best…….This is about boxing so no personal bashing or hate towards you on my end.

  • AB s got skills but no heart…he can be back boxing ring if he goming himself. he can be successful if he not act anyone else.

    • How can you not have heart if you’re facing every single fighter that’s been thrown your way? He’s yet to turn down any single opponent yet. There are guys on the P4P list that turn down opponents and give up their belts as well as jump division to avoid certain guys. AB, has never done that

  • Broner initially appeared to have a great deal of promise. But he couldn’t get out of the ghetto, couldn’t grow. He embraced ignorance, lacked character, integrity, dignity, professionalism, humility, intelligence, and commitment. He embraced being a copycat of what he thought Floyd Mayweather was, but severely lacked the pedigree of a champion. I can’t stand to hear him talk for longer than a couple seconds before I tune him out, and I don’t care if he wins or loses.

    He had his chance and moment. He needs to disappear. He embarrasses himself every time he opens his mouth. Maybe he should go back to the hood, stand on the corner every day, watch cars go by while chewing on a straw.

  • This clown was supposed to be Mayweather Jr? I think he is way better, Sr only runs away, and got charitable decisions. But a disrespectful clown at last, deserved the humiliating lesson Maidana gave him. The worst for him, he never admited it. That’s the worst part of it all

  • AB, I think you waited 6 months too long, your star has faded to almost nothing. I wish you the best, but you need to make a splash at this point and I’m not sure you have it in you anymore. STOP WAITING SO MUCH

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