Fundora-Spence in the works

WBC/WBO super welterweight champion Sebastian Fundora will reportedly defend against Errol Spence Jr. in October. According to ESPN, the bout would take place in Spence’s hoemtown of Dallas, possibly at the Dallas Cowboys’ AT&T Stadium. The event would be an Amazon Prime PPV.

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    • Well you’re dumb then, congrats.

      One of the best fighters in the world is an “after thought” because he got embarrassed by THEE best fighter in the world!!!

      • come on, he squeaked by Porter. That is his level. When he ran into real opposition, he lost.

        • Porter is an Elite fighter. Crawford is the only one who didn’t squeak pass Porter

        • Porter is or I should say was a damn good fighter when he fought Spence.

      • I traveled halfway across the world to see Spence win the title from Brook in Sheffield i.e. I am a fan. I just believe he has faded quite quickly. At one stage he was a brilliant fighter.

      • Yes, I know but his skills have declined and the accident and injuries have taken their toll.

  • Good move for Spence. I don’t think Fundora has the firepower to keep Spence at by, but he can definitely outwork him. All the questions will be answered in terms of how a rematch with Bud would have gone at 154. I expect Spence to win which will set up a great fight against Tim, unless there’s a rematch clause with The towering inferno.

    • This fight says nothing about how a Crawford rematch will go. Crawford is the best boxer in the world and he has Spence’s number. 99 times out of 100 Crawford wins vs Spence.

      • Jay, you got it right except one thing. The monster inoue is the pound for pound the best. Crawford is like #2 or like #1(A).

      • I’m referring to his physical condition overall at this point of his career. His performance will answer many questions. Of course Fundora is no measuring stick, but Errol’s performance can and will be used against himself. Let’s see how his reflexes, power, speed, chin and stamina respond in the ring.

  • I hope Spence has great medical insurance because he’s gonna need it once Fundora destroys him.

    • You are so consistent with your awful takes. I cant remember a time when you didn’t comment something so incredibly dumb.

  • If they’re both at their best, I think Spence wins this fight and I don’t think it’s very close – but Spence at his best may be long gone.

    • He was at his best in his last fight, girl. Why does everyone want to discount Crawford’s performance?? Spence was never that great people!

        • “Who said anything about Crawford, boy??”
          – Don’t hold back Lucie.
          – Tell ’em how you really feel……..

          • You see what he said? He says people try to discount Crawford’s performance, but then he says that Spence was never that great. Well…. isn’t THAT discounting Crawford’s performance??? WTH!

          • Not at all. Crawford put on a great performance as normal and destroyed Spence. Even though Spence fought pretty much the same way as all his prior fights, people want to look for excuses as to why he was beaten so badly. I.E. – “but Spence at his best may be long gone.” – Lucie

          • ….Going into the Fundora fight (which is the topic here). Again, I said absolutely nothing about Crawford.

      • Bud is good at best but hes really nothing more than a Top Rank hype job his resume is littered with wanna bes and past their prime fighters and Spence was suppose to his true test but Spence was severly weight drained now thats on him though and yea you gotta give Bud is just do but yea maybe Spence was not the same after the accident but still very good who knows exactly but i will say this to all of you casuals NOBODY gets dropped by a jab early in a fight unless they either slipped or tired/drained now yes later in a long fight its possible but again because of fatigue now ONLY real fighters and coaches/trainers will know this via experience you casuals will never know simply because you never experienced it but again thats on Sence great win for Bud now lets see how the rematch goes or hell even lets see how Spence does against Fundora……

        • I usually don’t say nothing about this, but have you ever heard of using a period, my brother. I too picked Spence over Crawford, I was wrong, big time. I do not doubt Crawford against just about anyone within reason. He made Spence look less than ordinary weight drained or not.

  • Spence as a boxer is no longer the Spence he once was. Sad but true.

  • Maybe not a good fight for Spence to take….notice that fights will be announced then after awhile…the fights are cancelled or the opponent changes….Spence has a lot to lose…Might be a good idea of Spence takes a tuneup fight before this fight just for a barometer….cause a loss … especially one that is really bad would be costly for Spence….don’t see this fight taking place now…

  • And Spence did exactly what to get this title shot??????????????

    • Spence has never won a fight at 154, so how was he gifted this title shot, especially after getting knocked out in his last fight at a lower weight class? And the only reason he beat Shawn Porter was due to flash knockdown.

    • It’s that PBC connection Gary. If you sign your behind to them, they promise good things like fur coats, convertibles and trips to Paris. Sometimes, the pim–uhm, I meant promoters, come through.

  • Gotta love Fundora and how he goes from one tough fight to another. He’s gonna give Spence a lot of problems.

  • Spence has Bain damage; Fundora by KO = more brain damage.. lol

  • It’s interesting to say the least. Spence has always said he would never take a tune up. I wouldn’t diminish his win against porter. Porter was at his best. The porter that fought Crawford was not taking training seriously and that’s according to his own father/trainer. Porter was still doing his ringside gig when he should have been in the gym. I’m not taking away this win from Crawford either, I just think they each fought two different versions. I still think Crawford destroys Spence again, but maybe it’s a better fight at 154. I believe fundora gives anyone a problem with his size except maybe a true heavyweight or anyone similar in height.

  • Not sure where Spence’s mind is since he suffered a major loss against Crawford. Spence can get front foot heavy at times, and Fundora has a mean uppercut.

    Not a big fan of Spence fighting at 154, and Fundora is a tall, solid 154 pounder. This is a style disaster for Spence because I believe Fundora’s size, pressure, body punching and uppercuts will put Spence to ZZZZZZZZ (Round 8).

    Spence will retire after this fight but in a very painful manner (sad to say).

  • Spence is done!!! I am not saying that because of the Crawford fight either. Leading up to the Crawford fight I was watching his training videos. There were several videos of him hitting the bag. The comments from bjs fans on the videos were saying how hard his body punches looked and Crawford was in trouble. I couldn’t help but think “are these people serious? Are we watching the same video? It looks like he has no motor skills at all and his punches are weak af!!!” Then the fight happened and he looked even worse! I remember he was trying to throw punches at Crawford he he looked like a 95 year old man with 200 pound weights in each hand!!! This dude is absolutely brain dead and fried! He’s probably going to take a beating in this fight also, if it even happens. He’d be better off getting in the ring with Crooked Joe Biden. They’re both about the same mentally.

  • He should be rematching Tim Tszyu next fight but at least Tim Tszyu fighting Vergil Ortiz 50 50 fight

  • Guy loses one fight to arguably the best fighter in the world and people are shitting on the fight? I agree he doesn’t deserve the title shot, but its not like it’s an unwinnable fight. Fundora is tough, but it’s not like he is all that hard to hit. Huge target for Spence. Not sure who anyone expects him to face at this point. Especially if he expects PPV money

  • I like Fundora but he seems way too easy to hit. I think Spence catches him before Fundora can wear him down.
    The hype train will start up again for Spence.

  • I understand the business of boxing rarely makes sense, but how does a guy whom is coming off of a loss (bad one) get a title shot???? No immediate rematch for Tim I see and Crawford once again doesn’t get the marquee fight he deserves!!

  • Tough fight for Spence coming back from the beating he took against Bud.

  • Bud needs Spence to solidify his legacy otherwise the win over a weight drained Spence did nothing more than expose a fighter who was overhyped and for you fanboys gen Zs this is why we wont see another 4 kings era

  • I am going with Fundora in the upset. Spence spends too much partying & getting into car crashing. Crawford beat the HELL out of Spence, and I do not think Spence has recovered. I am expecting Fundora to destroy Spence. There are guys in that division who can beat Fundora. Spence is done. Finished. Toast. Time to get another job. Time to go home and get his fking shine box. Spence no longer has the makings of a varsity athlete.

  • PPV??? After that whupping last July? I don’t think so. Not this household.

  • Love this division. I think there are a lot of great fights to be made. Spence hasn’t been the same since the car crash. I suspect the Porter fight aged him. Fundora got lucky against Tszyu…. That head gash would have killed most of us…. i think Spence inks out a win and sets up his last hurrah…. Then its off to retirement

  • This fight will tell alot about Spence’s future. A guy can have a bad night. Lets see how he rebounds. I want to see TC get undisputed again. If Spence wins that definitely won’t happen because Spence and PBC will prevent it from happening out of spite.

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