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  • Babic is so willing to take on anyone, but does not realise his limitations. Will be surprised if he survives even four rounds. Brave he is, but got to be realistic as well.

  • Glad they are making this one. Fisher should win early but now is the time to make it. There is some intrigue there as Fisher has not really fought anyone of note so we do not know how good he is. If we knew he was world class there would be no point to this. if we knew he was not world class there would be no point to this. I do not think this fight will answer that question unless of course Fisher gets beat but it is what I call a fun fight! Nothing wrong with that!

  • I have a few relatives in Maplewood, but I have been through Irvington and Newark as well.

    You can find some good food in New Jersey.

    • E-Man-Is there something I’m not understanding about your comment? Wrong thread perhaps, or maybe there’s a joke buried in there that I’m not getting?

  • Babic is exciting, but horrible at the same time. I would be surprised if he did anything other than get knocked out.

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