Eight Years at the Presidency of the WBC

By Mauricio Sulaimán
Son of José Sulaimán / President of the WBC

This last Friday, February 11th, was the eighth anniversary of my election as President of the World Boxing Council. For some strange reason I never remember that date, until someone calls or writes to congratulate me, perhaps it is because of the mixed feelings that this event generates in me. Not even a month had passed since the death of my beloved father and the WBC Board of Governors unanimously gave me their trust to lead this organization.

I got involved in boxing only to help my father, to try to support him in minor things, since as a child I saw how his workload was, and it was always extraordinarily heavy. My tasks were the basic ones, taking messages, making calls, answering some letters, taking care of visitors, among other things. Once I was in college, I found myself doing some more important things, basically public relations, and just after graduating in 1994, the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) appointed me Vice President and thus began my first steps in the administration of boxing. However, my main activity in life was to run our family business as CEO, thus allowing my father to fully concentrate on running the WBC.

My dad and I were very clear about something. I only participated in boxing to help him and to be near him, he needed to travel so much during my childhood, as there were no cell phones, no social media, no internet, not even fax when he began his journey as WBC President, so I missed him so much from his heavy burden of traveling. He was my greatest idol, my adoration, the most important thing in my life, he was always my God. On many occasions, we argued when he demanded that I had to stop being part of all boxing activities and dedicate myself fully to our company, Graphic Controls. 15 minutes would pass, and he was already asking me to call Don King or Mr. Honda to address boxing matters.

The day he passed away, a part of me was gone and I was convinced that my work in the WBC and boxing was over. Funeral services were incredibly important to our family. It was impressive because of the number of people who attended the French Pantheon in Mexico City, to join us and say goodbye to Don José. We had to extend the services for a couple of days to give many people from Asia, Europe and Africa the opportunity to arrive in Mexico. We needed to use the complete building and all chambers, which were full at all times.

The affection we received was such that it allowed us to understand and appreciate just how much my father had meant to thousands of people; The whole world gave us love and hugged us with affection, opened their hearts to us and softened all the sorrow, giving us a feeling of pride and commitment to follow his footsteps and continue building a legacy based on his principles and values, but above all in life and in the protection of boxers.

My mother and my wife, Christiane, made me realize that it would be terrible for me to leave the WBC after experiencing what was described above, and that is how I convinced myself to continue in the organization to support whoever was elected president. It was unavoidable that the election had to be carried out in accordance with the regulations, since the President had died, and it was thus that on February 11, 2014, that the general session of the Board of Governors was held. That day I was elected President of the World Boxing Council.

It’s been eight years now, it’s incredible how time flies. So many things have happened in a blink and here we are in 2022. Some things that I remember in this process and that have marked me in a special way are, among others:

Meeting, thanks to my brother Héctor, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, who through his pontifex foundation, Scholas Ocurrentes, has granted The WBC and myself the great privilege of being able to run the BoxVal (Boxing with Values) program.

Witnessing the historic Presidential pardon that former United States President Donald Trump granted to the first-ever African American heavyweight world champion, Jack Johnson, at the Oval Office of the White House.

Having the great honor to attend the National Sports Award that the Government of Mexico awarded my father posthumously. It was always my father’s dream to be recognized in his country, and that day was incredible to see my mother receive that award.

To be awarded with the same honor in 2020, and to be at the ceremony alongside Fernando Valenzuela.

By far, the most gratifying thing is being able to count on the friendship, respect and affection of the vast majority of boxers. They are part of me, I have a sincere friendship for life with them. It gives me great satisfaction to be friends with those who are just starting, who have the ambition of one day fulfilling their dreams. And when they reach the championship and start to grow, and also those who are superstars, such as Canelo Álvarez and Tyson Fury, Jackie Nava, and of course those who have already hung up their gloves, regardless of their level of greatness or popularity, the WBC will always be their home and the Sulaimans, their family.

This past Saturday I attended the wedding, together with my wife, of Evander Holyfield and his now wife Shevon. I was very pleased to have been invited by Evander. There were just few of us considered part of the boxing family and for that I feel so honored. It was humbling to see that great champion, who was feared in the ring, show his intimate side. His love for Shevon was evident at all times and the ceremony was so memorable. Spent a great time sharing this moment with Kathy Duva, Leon Margules and his wife, and Henry Tillman and his fiancé.

For us, as a couple, it was a great life experience, it led us to renew our vows that once we offered in front of God the day of our wedding almost 22 years ago. Those that are so commonly broken in today’s society. Marriage is sacred and it is for life, giving everything, in the good times as well as the bad ones, rich or poor, in health or in sickness. In this ceremony, we managed to revive it and thank God for keeping our marriage with a home full of love, respect and mutual understanding.

Did you know?

The World Boxing Council has had six presidents in its 59 years of existence. The first was Onslow Fane from England, who the next day named Don Luis Spota as active president, then Justiniano Montano from the Philippines was followed by Professor Ramón G. Velázquez. In 1975 my father, José Sulaimán, was elected, a charge he occupied until his last breath on January 16, 2014, followed by me.

Today’s anecdote…

One of those times that my father told me to stay away from boxing and dedicate myself to the company was precisely during the week of the historic fight between Julio Cesar Chavez and Greg Haugen at the sold-out Azteca stadium. I missed all the great activity around fight week, public training, press conference and weigh-in.

I arrived at the Azteca Stadium with my friends as just another fan. When the stadium was full before Chavez left the dressing room, my dad was inside the ring with a big smile and suddenly he looked down to see me and said: “My son, come, get in the ring with me,” and out of spite I told him no, due to the fact that he had told me to leave boxing. His face became evidently sad when he saw my rebellious answer. It shocked me so much, that I jumped to get into the ring and while hugging him saw Chávez ring walk while one hundred and thirty-six thousand fans sang México Lindo y Querido.

I appreciate the feedback from you at [email protected].

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  • The ONE boxing organization that was respectable has now turned into a joke thanks to this dude.

  • Elections for the presidency of this organization comparable to those for Russian premier.

  • I presume he must have to pay Fightnews to be given this platform. Surely they wouldn’t let him have it for free.

  • Facebook dross,wrong platform son of jose…..who is jose?Who cares what President for Life has to say.

  • I’m glad I’m not the only one who could care less about this individual.

    Ayo Jose, how about making yourself an Intergalactic Championship and go defend it out there, somewhere.

  • So “Don Jose” had a grasp for 41 years? Maybe they should look into limiting the # of terms these crooks can serve.

  • Come on fightnews. Enough already. This guy is a complete hack. Why do I care about anything he has to say. I remember his dad and how corrupt he was back in the day. I’m sure you do to, Flattop..

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