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Charr: The champ is back!

Photo: Torsten Helmke

WBA heavyweight champion Mahmoud Charr returned to the ring after a three-and-a-half year break to defeat Christopher Love in two rounds on Saturday in Cologne, Germany. The 36-year-old will now prepare to fight again soon and avoid any further delays between fights.

“The pressure was great, but real diamonds are only created under pressure,” proclaimed Charr after the fight. “The champ is back! Team Diamondboy is back. I am happy and grateful that today I was able to reward myself and my team for the hard training over the past three-and-a-half years, for never having stopped believing in myself and fighting for myself.”

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    • Boy, I must admit, that fight was rather a stagnant hit-and-hold fight fest. Charr may have won the fight, but he is not in any way shape, or form ready to take on any of the top heavyweights. Yes, the cartwheel right after the fight when Charr was celebrating was actually the best part of the entertainment during the whole event. He better stick to boxing and skip the gymnastics.

  • Charr’s cartwheel attempt was the funniest damn thing I’ve seen in a boxing ring. Just the absolute most fitting way to cap off that whole fiasco. I’m assuming that was completely spontaneous, because he obviously didn’t rehearse it. Watched two different videos of that with two different commentators, and both were laughing at it. I’m glad the fight happened just to have had the chance to witness that.

    As for the fight, I usually pull for the underdog in a fight like this, but I’m happy for Charr here. Back in the ring after nearly 4 years, and in the Win column, even though Lovejoy was basically a 37 year old novice. Calling Charr a “Champ” is rather silly, but of course the WBA/DK are to blame for that. Thought Lovejoy would have given more of an effort to go on in the fight, but he was in over his head here. Hopefully for Charr’s sake, he’s not under contract with DK at this point.

  • Lovejoy was a farce! He looked like a guy who couldn’t fight. It was a Sunday afternoon fight at the Wakefield Sports Club. Charr was a decent fighter but his day has gone. Get back to serving kebabs on a Saturday night.

  • JFK was assassinated not long after exposing subliminal messaging within government agencies. Bernie Campbell fight review seems to be some type of intelligence agency code. Perhaps he’s referencing Don Kings case against the rogue fighter being Lovejoy. Some of us will never know. Looks like Bernie might be taking these secrets onto the next life with him. Take care fight fan – take care..

    • Mustache Coolio Hans Mustive been da place Scro the snow birdz tu yuse tu..

  • Lovejoy was gassed by the time he touched gloves……… seriously ridiculous fight to be hanging your hat on !!!!!!

  • Lovejoy has beat no American fighters no notable fighters at all blown up record all wins coming via mexico taking on charr was for the green backs only

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