No sanctioning for title bouts Russia

The four major boxing governing organizations have joined together to express their position with regards to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Just as the world claims for cease of fire, our organizations have decided to not sanction any boxing championships in Russia. Just as this war has put a stop of boxing in Ukraine, our organizations will not sanction fights in Russia until further assessment of the situation.

May God bless everyone and bring peace to our world.

Daryl Peoples
IBF President

Mauricio Sulaiman
WBC President

Francisco Valcarcel
WBO President

Gilberto J. Mendoza
WBA President

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  • I think Russia should be glad about that, as they are all corrupted anyway. The 2 sports i have loved and took part in all my 72 years, has always been boxing and cricket. I never thought i would even think about giving up on boxing, until the last 5 years. It has become a horrible corrupted circus, and after watching what happened in Scotland tonight i am about to give up on this crap.

  • I wonder why boxing’s governing bodies are choosing sides? But then again, the Ukrainian govt is so corrupt I can see how crooked politicians are upset. Didn’t Hunter Biden get $millions from Ukraine? America bombed Iraq to the Stone Age & no one in the boxing world gave a damn!

    • Not to mention that Soros is involved up to his eyeballs in Ukraine, which tells one all they need to know about that country. I’d like to see the sanctioning bodies ban title fights in Ukraine and see the media explosion that would follow.

  • It all comes down to the same group of people causing all the trouble, doesn’t it? The same group of people that have perfected crying out victim while they are actually the culprit. The same group of people who have been kicked out of over 109 territories throughout time, and rightfully so. Yet the world refuses to open their eyes to the madness.

  • Just heard from a good source in Ukraine. What the mainstream media is saying, the exact opposite is true. In reality, the Russians have the cities surrounded and are trying to inflict as little civilian damage as possible. The Russians are only targeting military installations. There is NO fierce Ukrainian resistance, which is why there they’re not showing any combat footage. The corrupt president of Ukraine is a coward who is trying to use his own citizens as human shields, by encouraging citizens to use residential apartment buildings to snipe from.

  • Anyone else here far more concerned that these four sanctioning bodies are, when the mood really strikes them, suddenly capable of acting in a unified fashion? Got to keep that oligarchy in place, eh, boys?

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