Kingry B sample also positive

The B sample of boxing star Ryan Garcia has come back positive for the banned substance Ostarine matching the A sample taken around the time of his non-title win over Devin Haney.

Garcia, who denied using the drug, reacted to the news on social media.

Let’s go we positive
Positive vibes bruh
Yess so happy
I don’t care
I’ll never make money again with boxing
Your loss not mine for setting me up
lol joke on y’all
I will swallow all Steriods (sic)


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    • I am not sure what would hurt most…getting punched by him or trying to carry on a dialogue with him! I think I would have a headache either way!

    • a timeout , a spanking ,and being sent to his room might help this “man child”

  • Man that man child needs all kinds of medical attention and mental help for his stupidity and the way he acts.

    • He got caught with PEDS in a sport where these guys put their lives on the line. How much more “serious” does this need to be for you to realize this guy is off his rocker? Don’t get caught up on his gaslighting (attempt to be humour). He filed for divorce after his wife gave birth and was still in the hospital. He’s not a good guy.

  • I’m usually not a fan of Paulie Malignaggi but he said it best. Ryan’s problem is when he screws up he has a ton of sympathizers that coddle him and make excuses. He feeds off of that sympathy to not take accountability. Look at the folks he had around him when he was accused the first time of PEDS. They were saying all of the things he wanted to hear. How many times is Ryan going to F up until his fans call him out? This is bigger than hating big mouth Bill and Haney. Ryan doesn’t take accountability for his actions. He gaslights ever situation with talking about God and how he’s a “work in progress.” That gets old after a while. He’s not a “genius” or is “pretending” to act crazy he’s legit off his rocker.

    • Well said. Great analysis looking over this situation. Garcia craves attention from his followers both in good times and bad. He loves the spotlight being showered with compliments from his followers. Yet, when he fails at something, he struggles to accept fault and points fingers on many causes that directed him to falter. Garcia is his own enemy at times. Yes, I get a kick out of him praising God and Jesus in the ring, but 5 minutes later, he uses profanity and is a class act reviler. So hypocritical.

  • Adios to all endorsements and credibility with garbage post bruh. You need an agent with a muzzle. wtf man!!

  • He reminds me of Antonio Brown. Either serious CTE issues, bi-polar, or just a total spaz.

  • WTF is wrong wit this guy? He’s not just a dirty cheat, he’s out of his damn mind. The boxing establishment needs to turn its back on this a–hole.

  • Garcia is the smaller version of Fury, he knew he was doped, but just like Fury, he thinks no law in boxing applys to him. For all that chat he deserves a life ban, and he should take the likes of Miller, Benn and Whyte with him. For all his big mouth, this is a guy that took a knee against a midget.

  • So should the Haney fight be changed to a NC? 3 1/2 pounds overweight and PED’s.

    • Good point. My guess would be yes, if this is solid proof of doping and “cheating” in the books of boxing.

    • @Coach T: Looking back, easy to say now I guess, but being 3 and half pounds overweight, the fight should have been cancelled, boxing should be stricter on weight. Haney’s career has been damaged, and have to wonder how much damage he himself took.

    • Actually, it’s not a matter of “should” it be ruled a no contest….it WILL be ruled a no contest

  • He just couldn’t handle the pressure of boxing! Oscar de la pinga inflated his career wayyyy too much that caused him irreversible psychological disturbance! I though ryan was going on the right path into boxing stardom but, instead bury his career deeper than the titanic. I don’t see him bouncing back from this one! He screwed up his only remainding opportunity! I hope he makes some money on his social media issht while he can cause in boxing, he’s done!

  • He’s done in boxing? What does that even mean? In this sport he can get a title shot his next fight. I’m not even going to start a list of boxers that have failed drug tests and are still boxing, and are even current champions.

    • Yup. The weird thing is why would he take ostarine? It defies logic. If you’re gonna take something that’s gonna show up on a screen, why not go full Jon Jones and dump turinabol or some other steroid into your system. Ostarine isn’t even proven to be effective.

      • I spoke with a scientist in that field, and he told me the amount of ostarine in Ryan’s system would have zero effect on his performance.

  • Ryan Garcia has always been a fraud. All hype, fluff, and marketing. His first big test came against Tank, where he had to make weight. He got obliterated. His next big test came against Haney. So insecure about his chances against Haney, that he came on overweight on steroids. He knows he’s not a top tier fighter, and never was. He’s all about being a media darling, celebrity, and hype. He has no integrity, doesn’t give a damn about the integrity of the sport. He’s a cheater. He needs to stripped of his purse for the Haney fight, along with any other ill-gotten gains such as his winnings for betting on himself, fined, and banned for life.

    Garcia is ignorant, immature, overrated, overhyped, and stupid. The sport of boxing needs to rid itself of this cheater, focus instead on the real fighters.

  • I feel like we are watching something terrible unfold. We are laughing at this kid as he clowns around. But the instant he stops getting attention, he’s going to truly snap and hurt himself and likely others too. It’s scary. Get the kid some help.

    • You have a real point. People don’t understand and often won’t readily link acute head trauma to changes in mood/mental health. Judging by his pre and post-fight actions, I can’t help but worry about him.

  • he is a reflection of the ignorance and exploitation of his parents

  • Alright-If he really said all that, and I imagine he did, his act is getting really old quick. I thought he was kinda funny at first with all his -I dont give a fuck antics, but it’s really wearing thin. In boxing, after being loved, the second best quality you can have is to be hated. Being hated may actually even be 1st. He is definitely on his way to achieving that. He can’t keep disrespecting the whole boxing community the way he does. As much as boxing loves a villain, he’s going to get banished if he keeps that up.

  • Cheaters never prosper except canelo, Valdez, big baby, and a host of others.

    • Tiger Woods, etc etc etc. In America if you win, cheating can be forgiven haha.

  • I have nothing to add because the boxing record and comments shine on its own.

  • I think it’s about time you grew up Ryan Garcia,,,, new face of boxing?……Yep …..the new “Clown”

    • In fairness, he never admitted to taking steroids… but “steriods” whatever they are haha.

  • Apparently he’s taken something called a “steriod” which is maybe similar to a steroid or SARM, but slightly different?

    Honestly though with his pre and post-fight actions, I am worried there is a serious mental health issue that still hasn’t even fully manifested. These comments are bizarre, and even with autocorrect he can’t seem to spell steroid.

    I know acute head trauma can do this. It could be genetic. It could be a combination of many things, but he really does not seem well and potentially is on the verge of a break.

  • You have to be a Mexican or European descendent to be doped and getaway with talking such crap on the back of it. And who don’t like my opinion know what they can do. Even before the fight his crazy behavior showed that there was something amiss. I am not a fan of Haney, but can you imagine if it was him instead of this cheater? Look for that corrupted WBC boss to defend him, just as he was quick to do with Margocheata, Canelo,Vasquez and that woman. Garcia’s words, attitude and lack of remorse, is a slap in the face of the game. The powers that be will find a way to sorten fall of this clown, just like they do for Fury time and time again. Boxing is brginning to smell.

    • There is always gotta be one dumass on here that singles out one race or should I say selectively picks who to chastise. Yet, no one calls them out. You have entered the realm of other dumasses on here like little fawn Jay and the disturbed DMV, roots. Must I remind you that alcya baumguardner, sugar shane Mosely, bermane stiverne, benn, jarrel miller, andre berto and a host of others all tested positive for banned substances. All went on to fight big fights and earn major money. All had little to no suspensions with exception of probably miller. Steroids are not part of just two races, but all races. Get it right and fair or don’t post your racist crud.

      • Just to piggy back, I’m for big suspensions for ALL those that test positive for banned substances. I believe in second chances, but with strict testing conditions set forth. The problem is that none of these alphabet organizations will follow suit because it involves big names and big money. Bottom line.

    • Of course. There’s always an agent of chaos lurking somewhere ready to continue the divisive narrative. You are right about corruption and cherry picking rule enforcement, but to generalize entire peoples as having a get out of jail free card is a pathetic comment to make and is exactly the disturbed mentality that has world upside down right now. You have the right to say it because of free speech, but I also have the right to respond. Go take a walk outside, look around and see if reality matches your interpretation of the world and reevaluate your thinking.

      • The Gute: I don’t know if you were responding to me or what, but if you read above my two comments this was a response to roots. I despise all cheaters, I could careless what color they are, but when someone posts that you have to be Mexican or of European descent just cowardly way to say a white person then I must remind them that it’s ALL humans that have tested positive for steroids. I merely pointed some of those names to exhibit examples of who. You see if you make a statement then you better show some clear evidence to support that statement. Court testimony 101. Again not sure on what reality or interpretation you are speaking of, but in this country, we ALL have choices to make. To do good, to do bad, to commit crime or not? To go to work, but it takes effort to be successful. It isn’t given. Some is harder for others, but attainable. Just as in boxing, those champions, it took blood , sweat, and tears to make it there, it wasn’t given. Do you think any of those champions had roadblocks to success? Hell yeah they did! Same in life. Some could use that as an excuse as a reason to give up. I guess you can say that is my interpretation. My thinking is just fine. I appreciate your candor and always enjoy your posts.

  • real fans could not care less about steroids’ or anything they take. Ryan is in demand and money talks.

  • here is a way more pressing issue…what happens when a man fights a woman because he is either trans or identifies as a girl, and the one punch kills Sally?
    it’s gonna happen

  • Ryan Garica is a great talent fighter it a pity not using his full potential hopefully he doesn’t throw away his career making bad choices in career and life

  • Nothing one can do to change Garcia. Once these Demons have a deep hook implanted as in this case it is all but over. Sad.

  • Unfollow Ryan Garcia
    from all Social Media platforms.This man is an absolute idiot and a disgrace to the sport. I don’t know what the actual discipline statutes are. But he should get the maximum penalty.

  • I heard Ryan got in some trouble with the law two days after the fight. A robbery. Look up “Ryan Garcia Robbed” on Google. It would not surprise me if Bill Haney, who is a scumbag might have manipulated Ryan’s tests. I don’t know. But boxing is one of the dirtiest sports there is here. In the meantime, throw the book at Ryan for the second dirty sample.

  • Here we go. What were the amounts found PPM? Tainted supplements and deliberate ingestion for performance enhancing present 2 different levels worlds apart. If he cheated deliberately, shelf him for a while. If it’s unintentional, and the amount found is not enough for an advantage, just do the rematch. I looked around for an official copy or a clear statement of the amount found, but nada from vada.

    • It doesn’t matter how much was found. This is a qualitative substance not a quantitative. So it’s either positive or negative that’s it. For the record though he was 60x above the allowable limit of any state that has one. 6nm.

  • I think they are trying to set up Garcia. They don’t like it when people in the public eye talk about their little secrets, like Bohemian Grove.

  • Too much focus on a cheater….other fighters in this sport that are actually legit and do not get this much attention….Just stop supporting him….ignore Garcia…he will be faddish….and eventually irrelevant., boxing….let Garcia develop his life skills as for boxing…my attention is elsewhere now….

  • I make a motion to Ban Ryan Garcia for 1 year out of boxing; all those in favor say “I” I

  • i tried steroids it really doesnt give you and enhancement instead of muscle development

  • garcia talented fighter looked good against haney but could be headed into the trouble zone he needs good [people to guide his career he is unpredictable

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