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  • – I am super-amped that I will be attending this event at the Wells Fargo Center in my hometown of South Philadelphia.
    – Never been to this facility, but I am old enough to remember the Spectrum, where the original “Rocky” movie was filmed, that was torn down and replaced by the Wells Fargo Center.
    – Paid $100 including all fees for a 100-level seat.
    – My folks, aged 90 and 88 (and still kicking a$$), live within walking distance, so I will park in my old neighborhood and walk to the event, saving $44 to park.
    – Won’t be able to record the fights and re-watch what I missed, because can’t record off the Fire Stick.
    – I will be there for the first untelevised undercard bout.
    – South Philly here I come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • – I stopped watching this old video after I saw that Cody Crawley was still the opponent.
      – Those four-wheelers and dirt bikes plague the city. They should be impounded like the cops used to do when I was younger, but they let the hoods rule the street, so that’s what you get.
      – Nice of them to show the dice rolls and people flashing their cash on the corner. There was probably a robbery and shooting after that video was taken.
      – Glad I don’t live in Philly anymore……

      • Agreed. I left Philly 7 years ago. I love the grittiness and its not pretentious but man has it gotten worse. Those four-wheelers and dirt bike folks are the worst, especially Cody Heron who I’m glad got locked up for what he did. Don’t get me started on Kensington Avenue lol. I’m glad Jaron is fighting in Philly and bring someone love to my home away from home.

  • All of the bearded wonder fighters need to shave.
    Years ago boxing commissions did not allow those
    kinds of beards. They barely allowed chin fuzz.
    They had regulations because excessive facial hair
    caused problems for the combatants. Look it up.

  • I would be a lot more excited for this bout if David had a tough fight or two in the lead-up. David is a very good fighter but I think Boots gets a KO in the middle rounds.

  • So, Gary, I’m presuming the Italian mobsters do not ride on the dirt bikes and quad runners? Please advise.

    • “So, Gary, I’m presuming the Italian mobsters do not ride on the dirt bikes and quad runners? Please advise.”
      – I don’t see any “Italian mobsters” in that video, do you?
      – And if you are implying that my opinion of the dirt bike and quad bike riders would change based on the color of their skin, you are wrong again.
      – Take care.
      – Gary G.

      • He is always wrong, Gary G. Demented Moronic and Vitriol. Although, I like the discussion I don’t think we are going to be having the same outcome as last week in the main event this week. I dig the fact you are going to be saving on that parking. That’s an actual meal for two in some places.

        • – I can handle the race-baiters with no problem.
          – No problem at all………

          • Me too. That dude is like an annoying itchy mosquito bite that just won’t go away. Just my two cents.

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