Dulorme protests loss to Ennis

DulormeWelterweight Thomas Dulorme (25-6-1, 16 KOs), has officially submitted a letter to the Nevada State Athletic Commission, disputing the result of his bout against Jaron Ennis (28-0, 26 KOs), in which he claims he was hit with an illegal rabbit punch to the back of the head. The fight took place at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Saturday, October 30, 2021.

Dulorme is asking the Nevada State Athletic Commission to overturn the knockout loss to a no decision due to the referee Mike Ortiz’ outcome-determinative error.

“I feel I wasn’t given the allocated time to recover by the referee, after getting hit from what was clearly an illegal rabbit punch to the back on my head, forcing me to fight at a disadvantage,” said Dulorme. “Jaron Ennis is a great fighter and I’m not taking anything away from his talent, I’m just disputing that I should have been given the allotted time to regain my composure. I’m hoping that Nevada State Athletic Commission will honor my appeal based on their rules.”

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  • Dulorme has always been an exciting fighter, win, lose, or draw!

    I always thought he would become the next big “thing” from P.R

    I remember years back when he moved up in weight and dared to be great against Carlos Abregu. He was knocked out viciously. Honestly, I don’t think he ever recovered from that ko mentally. He’s only been a shell of himself since then. Still a helluva fighter, but not at that upper echelon.

    With that being said, I believe it was only a matter of time before Boots woulda smoked him. Boots jabs were looking like heat seeking missiles that night and Dulorme got hit with every single one of them!!

    I think the ref made the right call and probably spared him from taking further serious damage.
    It was only a matter of time! I still need to see more from Boots before I can cosign, but the way he looked that night, I dont think any 147lbs In the world would have beat him. He looked superb!

    Health and wealth to Thomas Dulorme.
    Thank you for your contributions Champ!

  • Ennis loves to hit his opponent with those Rabbit punches. He loops his punches so he can still hit when duck down.

  • Didn’t see the fight, but I do think boxing commissions should come down hard on rabbit punches. Prichard Colon went into a coma & will never be the same after being the recipient of numerous illegal punches to the back of the head from Terrel Williams, in a fight that reminds me of the Billy Collins vs. Luis Resto fight, in which Panama Lewis removed the padding from Collins’ gloves, damaging him for life.

    • The punch by Ennis looked like a legal punch in real speed. It certainly didn’t look like an intentional rabbit punch. Zero chance this gets overturned.

      Regarding the Collins-Resto fight, not only did Lewis remove padding from Resto’s gloves, he did the plaster hand wraps also. They were caught only because one of Collin’s cornermen…..NOT somebody from the commission…..happened to grab Resto’s gloves and noticed padding was missing. Amazing to me that it is/was possible to get away with something like that. I wonder how common loaded gloves have been throughout the history of the sport? BTW, it was Nazeem Richardson…again, NOT the commission….that caught Margarito. How do things like this get completely missed by the commission? No damn excuse for that. Just embarrassing for the sport.

      • Good post USFBulls. I was shocked that Luis Resto was able to make into the ring and thru ten rounds before Billy Collins dad/trainer noticed Resto’s tampered gloves when Resto shook his hand after the fight. I highly recommend watching the Resto vs. Collins fight & documentary “Assault in the Ring.”

        • @Nordic I actually did see that documentary. Pretty eye opening. Lewis had to be one of the shadiest figures in the history of the sport, and that’s saying a lot when it comes to boxing. Can’t help but wonder who else, especially when it comes to famous boxers, has gotten away with this?

      • Colon wasn’t associated with Jay Z. You’re thinking of Daniel Franco. AND you’re right Jay Z is a POS for telling him he would take care of him then not honoring his word.

    • It’s a fight. Period. Sometimes you get hit in the back of the head, the balls, get a elbow or a forearm mix in a headbutt. It’s a fight. Maybe try watch MMA sometime. We can’t be PU$$IES about it. And yes people can die.

    • @Nordic Annihilator: Agree. Rabbit punches should be treated more seriously (like they are in amateur boxing) than e.g. low blows. Rabbit punches are far more dangerous.

  • so weak, what a desperate man. people always mix in the compliment with the lie. You crack down on rabbit punches when it’s quite obvious such as when they are clinching/wrestling around at short range. Certain fighters are obvious at doing that, like Carl Froch did a lot. Not when they are in the middle of the ring and moving around at different angles.

  • What a PU$$y move from a fighter. Every fighter gets hit in the back of the head, all the time even sparring. It’s part of the game. Maybe he shouldn’t fight no more.

    • RKG, I don’t think you were ever any kind of competitive boxer or fighter. As a former amateur boxer I was only ever hit by a rabbit punch once. I was sparring a much bigger pro fighter and when he couldn’t hit me cleanly he nailed me with a vicious rabbit punch as I ducked down. I always remember it as the worst punch I’ve received because it landed in an illegal and vulnerable area. It upsets me to this day. Fighting dirty on purpose is absolutely cowardly. It doesn’t happen all the time and it shouldn’t be allowed when it starts to. It’s not part of the game. On the contrary; that’s why it is illegal.

  • The punch was behind the head but a rabbit punch I think is intentional but that was a in action punch. I understand his protest but he outcome was the outcome. Just. Do a rematch if needed and safe money it’s not free to protest a decision

  • Cant blame him trying to get that extra L off his record. You can look at it both ways. With 5 additional losses on the record this shouldnt hurt as much. or – With 5 losses on his record they are starting to standout and he feels wronged in the result. Doubt he wants a rematch if they offered a chance for him to get a win.

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