David Diamante returns Saturday

Popular ring announcer David Diamante has announced that he’ll be returning to the ring on the DAZN show in San Diego. He suffered serious injuries in a motorcycle accident last December.

He has issued the following statement:

Life teaches you to roll with punches.

Learning how to walk again & recovering from a horrific accident is not what I thought I’d be dealing with weeks after hitting the milestone of my 50th birthday. The end of the year was going to be a celebratory time with friends and family. But “life” had other plans.

On Dec 20, 2021, I was critically injured in a motorcycle accident.

Like fighters, motorcyclists hear stories. Stories of brothers being thrown from a motorcycle, paralyzed or worse. I know the risks. Suddenly, I found myself in a similar circumstance.

I slid & slammed into a parked van, cracking my body in half. I was in critical condition. My spine was fractured in 4 places & I suffered multiple broken ribs in addition to a severe knee injury.

I’ve been injured before. But this was different. I’ve lived an incredibly full life with few regrets. There aren’t many things I fear, but being paralyzed & unable to care for myself is one of them.

When people ask me now how I’m doing, I say I’m OK. The pain is always there. Doing simple things that people take for granted like putting on socks, sitting in a chair, or carrying groceries is suddenly very challenging. I took myself off social media because my condition was extraordinarily painful. More importantly, I needed to focus fully on the healing process during this critical time of recovery. I promised that I would recover from this injury faster than anyone ever had. And I meant it.

Every gift, every letter, every call & message that I’ve received has been meaningful to me. I’m truly grateful for all of them. My heart is filled with gratitude.

I’m still learning my new normal. I’m recovering & growing in the process. Learning how to walk again despite the intense pain has been one of the most significant accomplishments of my life.

I’m thrilled to share with you the news that I’ll be entering the ring again March 5 to announce the World Championship fight in San Diego. Going through the ropes – as physically challenging as it will be – will mean more to me than you can imagine.

I love you all…From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

David Diamante

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  • – Good for you, David Diamonte (now get a hair cut :).
    – I used to ride for many years back in the day.
    – Lots of idiots on the road doing stupid things, risking your health and life while you are on 2 wheels.
    – I am itching to ride again, maybe I’ll get another bike this spring (don’t tell the wife until after I bring the bike home).
    – Take care, DD.

    • I do think that is a strange attitude towards driving culture. 99% of people drive to get from A to B and crashes inevitably happen. If you’re on a bike you’re more likely to get injured, simple as that. and by “itching to ride”, I assume this means you are not just going to be riding leisurely from A to B and that you will be riding with a greater energy or flair? I am not saying ban bikes, but the “who me?” attitude of the biking community is funny at times.

      • CB:
        – I began riding a motorcycle in 1980 because I could not afford car insurance in the City of Philadelphia.
        – I rode to / from high school and college.
        – Didn’t get my first car until after I had my 1st real job.
        – Had a few accidents on the bike, nothing major. Most were from a car making a left turn in front of me, or a car changing lanes without seeing me (or bothering to look).
        – Almost ran over a mattress on the Schuylkill Expressway and a large turtle on I295 South. Either of these would have taken me out.
        – Although a black leather jacket looks cool on a bike, it blends into the scenery, and does not make you more visible. I always tried to wear colorful clothing to be seen. Also, always wore long pants and a jacket in case I spilled (never shorts and a t-shirt).
        – Stopped riding in the early 2000’s.
        – I would also go on leisurely rides to enjoy the scenery. I think this is what I miss most and is what I meant by “itching to ride”.
        – Take care.

        • i drive a 2007 Nissan Versa, i paid 1500$ for 3 years ago. It is a spectacular machine! 🙂

  • What an inspiring letter from David! Glad to hear from you brother! Stay Strong and stay safe!! Can’t wait to see you back in action!!! Hope folks tune in just to see YOU!!

  • Cmon folks! This is not the time to be making comments about his hair and/or the perils of riding on a motorcycle! Just give the man his ‘flowers’ for heavens sake!!

  • Best wishes to David. He’s a classy dude who presents himself as a true professional. Very well mannered and speaks well.

    With that said I don’t think this is a time to talk about hair styles but I do absolutely agree that the silly hairdo he sports has got to go! Please David do yourself a favor and go to the barber and have him cut it all off and donate it maybe to a good cause. I know the decent man you are and I know it’s in you to do the right thing and just chop it all off.

    Best wishes on a full recovery and can’t wait to watch you in the ring.

    God bless


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