Boxing Buzz

Kell Brook says he’s given up on a showdown against archrival Amir Khan. “I’ve given that angle up,” Brook told Sky Sports. “There’s no more I can do. It’s gone past the line now. I’ve done everything asked of me to make it happen. And still we’re nowhere.” Brook may end up facing WBO welterweight champion Terence Crawford.
In addition to all the boxing replays, DAZN is showing a live blitz chess tournament featuring world champion Magnus Carlsen and other top pros competing online for a $250,000 prize fund with $70,000 awarded to the winner. A lot of boxers are chess players including Lennox Lewis and the Klitschkos.

Ali, the most-watched boxer in movies
Fenech: Mike Tyson would KO Wilder

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  • Not sure Brook/Khan has had any relevance in the last 3 years anyway.
    All things being equal Brook should need to fight someone like Porter , Thurman or Garcia to warrant a crack at TC but as we know in boxing things don’t always happen like they should

    • Completely agree with you. After his loss to Gennady Golivkin, he has fought nothing but tomatoe cans. (He and Khan both made very poor choices moving up two divisions to take those matches). He hasn’t fought anyone even ranked in the top 50 to warrant such a match. With the injuries he has had in the last few years, it is unknown if he can even compete at the upper levels without risk of further damage. Perhaps it would be better for him to try his hand at commentating and get out of the ring while remaining in the game. (Before he really gets hurt.)

  • Amir Khan dont care who beats him as long as its not Kell Brook. It’s a big-money fight in the UK, they are both the same age, hard to pick winner, and it’s a no-brainer for the fans to get behind. Its all on Khan

  • The way Khan was dismantled by Crawford it seems to me Khan has lost his hunger. Khan seemed to have given up once Crawford tactically took control early in the fight early. Once Kahn was hurt by a brief low blow, it appeared he basically quit. Brook seems more hungry and determined as a fighter at this point. The only thing Khan would benefit from a Brook match up is a paycheck and a likely defeat on the record. My 2 cents…

    • Khan lost his hunger and is essentially a shot fighter. Because of his chin, he could only ever be successful if he was 100% sharp and that sharpness left him. The saga with Brook has been a disgrace on Khan’s part and it has pretty much shredded his reputation and legacy in the UK. His popularity is deceptive because of his support in the muslim world. This got him fights he didn’t deserve. Beat noone, got fight with Canelo. Beat noone, got fight with Crawford, then he beats noone and starts calling out Pacquiao. He is a fucking embarrassment

  • — To be fair, after winning the Floyd fan sweepstakes poll years back when he was still relevant, the felon went back on his word to his fans to fight Maidana x2.

    So he now picks the wings off flies and makes Brook jump thru hoops and sit up and beg. Maybe some day when Brook concedes 90% of their purse split after Bud splits The Special One open like an overripe tomato.

    • If there is one fighter I have no problem with it is Brook. People may not rate him that highly but noone can say he is overrated. Beat Porter in USA for the title when Porter was hot. Fought GGG really out of desperation for a money fight and then had the balls to defend against Spence when few would. He also isn’t given enough credit for the performance against Spence. By far the toughest fight Spence has had. Some may criticise Brook for quitting with the eye socket but I think the only thing he was truly guilty of in his career was being too keen for the Khan fight. Naive even. Everyone in Britain was desperate for that fight and I think both guys would have made 15- 20 million but it was obvious early on that Khan was fucking him about. I hope personally that Brook wins a title again. Can’t see him beating Crawford though

  • While both fighters are not relevant as contenders anymore (which is very obvious)…from a business perspective it’s an absolute sellout of a large venue in the UK. Additionally—combine the disdain for one another, slippage in skill and the high likelihood of a knockout and I’m fine with investing the less than one hour from ring to final bell to watch on my couch.

    The fight doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of the sport or their division …but I’ve (likely) watched much worse in my 30 plus years as a fan.

    When one guys flattens the other around the 5th or 6th it will have taken up a half hour of my life tops. It’s not a great fight by any stretch, but there are worse fights.

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