Angelo Rottoli falls victim to Covid-19

By Robert Coster

Sad news from Italy. Former Italian and European cruiserweight champion Angelo Rottoli has fallen victim to the Coronavirus at age 61. Rottoli’s career went from 1981 to 1990 and he accumulated a final tally of 29-3-2 with 15 KOs. Rottoli, a popular crowd-pleaser, and was unbeaten (23-0-2) when he faced WBC champion Carlos De Leon for the title in 1987, losing by 5th round TKO in his hometown of Bergamo. RIP, Angelo.

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  • Anthony Yarde lost his grandmother and father to COVID-19 recently. The danger in this new strand of virus is how one’s immune system will react. Young, old, in-shape, out-of-shape, or whatever it does not matter. Anyone’s immune system is fair game for over reaction and death can be an outcome. The higher risk folks are diabetics, heart disease (ie, CHF, cardiomyopathy), immunocompromised, the pregnant, and the elderly. This is a pandemic not an epidemic. Last recorded pandemic was 1918 in dealing with the Spanish Flu. There are no magic potions or herbs to take or use that will stop this virus. Johnson & Johnson released medical literature that a vaccine may be approved possibly by September. In the mean time, understand this is not a hoax or some BS conspiracy theory dreamed by some keyboard analyst with nothing to do except stir panic. Take a course in zoology, virology, and microbiology and understand how viruses can adapt and change their DNA to infect one host to the other. Hope this information helps you in understanding what we are up against.

      • Jay, the concept of my point is COVID-19 does not discriminate. Anyone is fair game. However, there are vulnerable groups with higher risks of complications than others. Have a great day.

        • Sorry, Scoobie but some of the most famous virologists on the planet don’t agree with your understanding of the topic AT ALL. As of today, there is no evidence that even a single person with a perfectly healthy immune system has died from Covid-19.

          What IS happening however, is that statistics are blatantly manipulated by declaring everyone a Covid-19 victim who had the virus *in the system*. However, the actual causes of death were others: underlying serious health issues. If someone in his last stage of cancer tests positive for Covid-19, he will still be called a Covid-19 victim when he dies, and not someone who died of cancer.

          There is only one thing that leading medical authorities on the subject agree with you is that people with weak or compromised immune systems are at a high risk….of any virus really.

          We have 360 trillion viruses in our body – they are part of our immune system. That’s perfectly normal, as long as you have good immune health. Unfortunately, all of our immune health is under attack because of environmental pollution, stress and fear, low quality food, contaminated water, medication abuse, etc. THOSE are the real causes of any health problem.

          Dangerous viruses with a high mortality rate do exist, but SARS-CoV-2 is not one of them.

          But that’s just what the experts in the field say…..and who are they compared to Scooby Doo?

          • Odd, I am a health care professional and have already seen two healthy patients coming into the hospital pass from it. Trust me, I know, I signed off orders on the chart. Any new pathogen introduced into one’s body has the ability to cause gross inflammation leading to ARDS, sepsis, or even organ shutdown. Folks, this whole pandemic is work in progress. The following is changing everyday as we learn about this microbe; treatments, statistics (ie, death rates, victims), etc.

          • Stonefree, could you please clarify your source that the statistics are being manipulated about whom has the virus and the same patients are dying from something else? This may need reported to the IOM or the CDC for investigation or has the media raised the bar again on conjecture?

          • There are also many misdiagnosis. My cousin went complaining of symptoms and they told him to treat it like Corona and he never received the test. His whole house is sick with likely a flu or bug. 5 years ago my cousin with Lupus was misdiagnosed with Aids and received Aids treatments for months before given a correct diagnosis. So I would have no doubts with the hospitals overworked the statistics will be skewed either way.

          • Statistics have a margin of error measured by a percentage in calculations. This is not uncommon usually when it involves quantitative analyses. I am sure some of the COVID-19 tests may give some labs a false reading(s), but this is what I am told to go by are COVID-19 tests when patients are presented with certain symptoms. My question is… Do I mistreat a patient for something else if the COVID-19 exam comes back +? Hard to be led to a misdiagnoses for “one” illness if the test comes back +. NJ, did anybody contact a lawyer for your family members who were completely misdiagnosed? I carry liability insurance, but I do give my work an honest shot at I what do. Are there good and bad NPs, PAs, DOs, and MDs? Yep, I have seen it on both spectrums.

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