By Brad Snyder / The Undercard
Wesley Rivers 145.8 vs. Anthony Smith 145.8
Justin Johnson 170.4 vs. Ashaun Bates 173.6
Jorden McDonald167.2 vs. Marion Smith 160
Joseph Zuniga Jr. 184.4 vs. David Carr Jr. 190
Justin Lacey Pierce 146.8 vs. Rey Barrera Sarasola 146.8
Cody Cross 172.6 vs. Marquaun Flowers 170
Hassain Bilal169 vs. Lamar Bolden 169
Ardarrieon Daigle Williams 172.6 vs. TBA
Christopher Thompson ?? vs. Darius Carr 158.2
Venue: Causeway Hotel and Convention Center
Promoter: Rebel Combat Sports
Doors open at 6pm with first bell at 7pm
Might be helpful to mention what day it is.
I love the sport of boxing just as much as any athlete or anthusiest and could coach either pro or amateur and could help an athlete improve their skills and truly feel Lansing needs the assistance to bring worldwide attention to the sport