In accordance with the measures dictated by the health authorities in each country and city, the World Boxing Council presents the Protocol for the Reopening of Gyms in order to restart our activities at the training sites.
This manual consists of six fundamental points and a Covid-19 questionnaire that must be completed in order to assess whether they are eligible to perform training in a gym during the restricted operation stage.
Within the general considerations, the protocol establishes that it will be applied only in those cases that the health authorities allow the reopening and will be complementary to the provisions that they determine.
Among the preparation points to reopen training centers, It is worth highlighting that all the equipment that was stored prior to closing must be washed and sanitized.
It also requires that all users returning to the gym have to present a medical certificate stating that they can perform training without limitations.
For access, there must be a registration table where the supervision filter is carried out, among other detailed considerations.
Hygiene standards must be a very important factor in order to take care of health, we might not be used to follow some of these measures in the past, but now it will be very important to stick to them for the well-being of all.
This Protocol seeks to comply with the recommendations that a group of specialists from various countries integrated for the reopening of boxing gyms.
Download Gyms Opening Protocol:
Since when does WBC tell gyms how they are to operate?
That’s what I’d like to know!
Whetto-I was just about to write the same thing! Are they asking for a sanctioning fee from the gyms as well? Haha! I guess as a sancationing body, they are somewhat obligated to oversee that gyms are operating safely, but a fighter can train in his own backyard if he wanted to, and some do… even before the virus!
He probably feels like he is the god of boxing.