Shakur-Harutyunyan Final Press Conference

WBC lightweight champion Shakur Stevenson and top contender Artem Harutyunyan faced off at the final press conference for their clash on ESPN Saturday evening in Newark, New Jersey.

Shakur Stevenson Vs Artem Harutyunyan Pose
Photo: Mikey Williams/Top Rank

Shakur Stevenson: “I’m going to take him to a level he’s never been on. I’m just going to be myself. I’m going to come out and show my talent and show my levels. I think I’m one of the best in the sport of boxing at hit and don’t get hit. There’s a certain way of doing that, and I want to show the fans that all that moving around is something I don’t really have to do. I can sit in the pocket and beat you up, too.”

Artem Harutyunyan: “It’s a great opportunity. I had a great training camp, and I’m well prepared. I’m ready for this fight. I know Shakur Stevenson is a good fighter. He is a world champion. We both fought at the Olympic games. He is a silver medalist, and I’m a bronze medalist. Now we’re fighting for the world championship.”

WBC junior lightweight champion O’Shaquie Foster will defend his world title against Brazilian Olympic gold medalist Robson Conceição in the co-feature.

O'shaquie Foster Vs Robson Conceicao Pose2
Photo: Mikey Williams/Top Rank

O’Shaquie Foster: “I just need to go in there and be me. That’s the biggest thing. I’m fully healthy. So, everyone is going to see a different fighter than what they saw the last time I came out…I’m going to go out and show the world that I’m levels above this guy.”

Robson Conceiçāo: “I don’t look at these challenges as pressure. I look at them as motivation. So, I’m motivated, and I’m looking forward to this fight on Saturday. I’ll be the new world champion. No pressure. Just motivation.”

Lightweight contender Keyshawn Davis will take on Mexican puncher Miguel Madueño in a 10-round special feature.

Keyshawn Davis Vs Miguel Madueno Pose2
Photo: Mikey Williams/Top Rank

Keyshawn Davis: “He has a style that I’ve seen so many times, especially in the amateurs. When you travel overseas, you fight a lot of guys like that. Now that we are going 10 rounds, I can take my time and dissect this kid.”

Miguel Madueño: “I’m going to walk away with my hand raised. We’ll be looking for the knockout. He is a great fighter. We’ve been watching and analyzing him. He’s spectacular. But on July 6, we’ll walk away victorious.”

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  • The boxing schedule does not look exciting for the next couple of months. Looks like a bunch of 80/20
    fights. 90/10? Something like that. Dog days of summer.

  • Happy to see Conceicao getting another shot (SURELY HIS LAST) so soon after the Nava fight. This is his fourth in less than three years.

    • Lucie, we said that last time. Conceicao has someone in his corner or the alphabet organizations that must really like him. I think he is a good fighter, but I just don’t see him getting past foster. I really like foster, he comes to fight and is never out of it. My hope is foster comes out with the win and tries to unify with what’s his name from last week. Brain fart.

      • Yeah, I agree. I would think Conceicao would get off to a strong start and then Foster would begin to reel him in. Foster’s been showing off some really interesting late power in his most recent fights. I don’t think he stops Conceicao, but I do think he puts him down and maybe more than once.

        They fight one week apart and they’ve already talked about each other. No reason not to make Foster – Roach if Foster wins imo.

  • Stevenson, Foster and Davis better not sleep on their opponents or else major OOPS will occur.

  • The guys Keyshawn fight like Miguel Madueño where they find them, he’s suppose to be this and that and this the best you can do! A fighter most of his own family didn’t know was a fighter! GTFOH

  • Artem is dressed like a professional! Maybe that will registure with these other guys……

  • – I will be in Section 2, Row 20, Seat 13 if anyone wants to stop by, I will gladly buy them a $12 beer.
    – If you know the secret handshake, we’ll even step outside for a smoke……

    • I think is the opposite … shskur will be kart in the ring ??? Or he will be driving his motorcycle ???

  • I like this card!! Given the fact that it’s a 4 day weekend for me makes me even like it more!! Couldn’t help but notice how Artem came dressed up!!!!! Fun card!!

  • Shakur has that weird habit of keeping his lead arm
    extended without retracting it. I saw in one of his fights the ref warned him he couldn’t do that.
    Conventional wisdom says you retract to protect
    your grill. Surprised no one has countered that yet.
    He’s been able to get away with that habit so far……

  • Did you know:

    We have another champion at lightweight that could generate a guaranteed 20 million for each fighter if they ever decide to unify?

  • I have never been impressed with Shakur. I can’t think of anything that he’s done in the ring that justifies all the attention he gets. I hope Harutyunyan surprises him, knocks him down, hurts him, humbles him, and beats him the way Roberto Duran did Ray Leonard in their first fight.

  • Guaranteed Upset * The Pick Of The Week.

    Robson Conceiçāo is going to defeat O’Shaquie Foster. Most likely by decision. Unless he is robbed.

  • Keyshawn Davis will never win a world championship. Andy Cruz is better.

    With that said, Davis should win this fight with ease.

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