Khan, Brook both make weight

Photo: Lawrence Lustig / BOXXER

Former world champions Amir Khan and Kell Brook both made weight for their grudge match at the AO Arena in Manchester, England on Saturday, live on Sky Sports in the UK and ESPN+ in the US. Khan weighed 147.3 and Brook weighed 148.3, both within the 149lb catch weight limit.

Other Weights:
Natasha Jonas 149.5 vs. Chris Namus 147.5
(WBO female super welterweight title)
Frazer Clarke 256 vs. Jake Darnell 248.5
Adam Azim 138.4 vs. Jordan Ellison 138.5
Brad Rea 160.5 vs. Craig McCarthy 161.5
Viddal Riley 199 vs. Willbeforce Shihepo 198.5
Charlie Schofield 168 vs. Germaine Brown 168
Abdul Khan 127 vs. Ricky Starkey 128.5
Ibrahim Nadim 123.5 vs. Taka Bembere 129.5
Hassan Azim 150 vs. MJ Hall 148

Abdullaev, Linares, Urvanov, Rodriguez make weight
Brook favored against Khan

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  • Washed up fighters creating a big interest. I’m one of those very interested to see this fight. It’s got all the right ingredients a fight must have.

    • The first sentence of your comment kind of upset me at the beginning, then i read your comment till the end and i agree with your statement ! Washed up is a bit strong of a word because they’re both would put a hell of a beating on us mortals but it’s true their both well past their primes ! Khan was last time world champ 10 years ago while Brook was 5 years ago.. I would’ve favor Khan in their primes but today looks like Brook is overall stronger. Brook by late stoppage victory or UD..

      • @Régis: Khan has, lets say more of a glass jaw than Brook, in being dropped easily. But Brook worries me in that he gets that groggy look about him so easily now like a worn out boxer and Khan can punch fast and hard while he is still fresh.
        Just wishing them the best of luck in no bad harm comes to them. Both have given so much to boxing. And yes, even in their worn condition they are still great athletes.

        • Love your comment, true fans of boxing care about the health of the fighters.. I quit being a ref/judge 10 years ago and allways cared about health more than anything else.. And kind of agree that Brook’s look is not the same as it was a few years ago.. Khan is faster but Brook hits harder altough their ko ratios are quite the same.. May the best fighter win..
          They both gave us great entertaining fights, Brits can definitely fight and allways gave it their all..

  • Both fighters look good! Brook looks better than I’ve ever seen him, absolutely shredded! Here we go!

  • Khan’s last fight was in July 2019 !! 2 years and 8 month away from now while Brook’s last fight was in November 2020 (1 year 3 months) and that’s a big difference in my opinion. Kell is a bit heavier but 1 pound is not gonna change the results, stamina and chin will be the key with who wants it the most.. I’ve allways been a fan of the speed and agressive fighting style of Khan, he was kind of a “take no prisonner” type of fighter and that’s why he lost a couple of fights.. He was ko’ed on a kind of lucky punch against Prescott, robbed against Peterson, dominated Canelo like no one did before getting ko’ed, dominated Danny Garcia before getting tko’ed and lost by tko against one of the P4P greats of the last decade Crawford when he was shot.
    He beat a couple of good world champs like Malignaggi, a washed up Barrera, Kotelnyk, a past his prime Judah, Alexander, and his best win is the one against a terrible puncher named Marcos Maidana..
    Great carreer hope the fight lives up to the hype..

  • Respect to Khan win, lose or draw he comes to fight. He’s the one guy I believed who should have gotten a shot at the Mayweather sweepstakes. Would have been an interesting fight. Floyd wins of course.

    • Khan didn’t quit in any fight, the guy was still fighting back while hurt and i give him props for that..

  • Khan’s record: 34-5
    Brook’s record: 39-3 both 35 years old.
    My pick is Brook by knockout inside on 9 rounds.

  • I clearly remember before Gatti-Ward 1. Gatti was said to be done and Ward was a good slugger, not on Arturo level. It turned out to be one of the best trilogy in boxing history. That being said, maybe Khan-Brook will be great or it will be nothing but we never know. Hope Kell KO Khan.

  • Brook will win most probably by late stoppage. The jaw of khan will always be an issue. Brook must believe in himself be more relax, not tentative and be confident.

  • you know 10 years ago this would have received absolutely no exposure but now days we have fake fighters making big bucks so yea why not!!!! WWE WWE WWE this is now Boxing

  • to me its kind of sad, that so many fights advertised is ppv, people just cant afford so many fights, i for one cant. boxing is my favorite sport, must be greed

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