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  • What a great fight this was, I have a feeling we will be seeing this fight again Ramirez has a good promotional team that will push for a rematch. Ramirez más supposed to be the next great gold medalist to make it big in the pros. I’m happy for my guy Espinoza all of this only benefits him and gets his name out there.

  • Scoring a bit questionable with one judge not giving all four of the last rounds to Espinoza-delay in announcing decision looks like they were trying to find a way to give it to Rarmirez.

    • Dude you are absolutely WRONG! I was there. The holdup was the WBO master score sheet didn’t match the Florida Commissions score sheet. So, they recounted both sheets to make sure they were correct. They also delayed things to talk to the Referee in making sure the knock down during the last round was JUST scored a knock down and not a stoppage. Talk about what you know!

  • Felt like a dumb ass after this fight for screaming that they should have stopped it when Espinoza got dropped and wobbled up (didn’t know his foot was injured at the time). What a performance this was. That guy just had another gear in the final third of the fight. Well played Espinoza!

    • I think the ref did a wonderful of assessing the fighter and letting the fight continue as many refs would have stopped it when Espinoza fell into the ropes. I am a big critic of poor refereeing but this was very well done.

      • He did a fantastic job. If I were in there, I would have stopped and robbed Espinoza of a world title and robbed everyone else of a great fight.

    • Your first instinct was right. There should be more protections for the boxers. Just for a minute, compare it to football’s relatively new concussion rules. A hit to the head can result in a trip to the tent and a couple of weeks off to recover. Boxing needs to be similarly aggressive. If a fighter gets knocked out temporarily, or is obviously out on his feet even momentarily, which Espenoza absolutely was, then that fighter loses right then and there. I understand there are cons to such a rule for the fighters and fans, but protecting boxers from greed, and even themselves, is necessary. These guys and gals have incomparable heart. I love their heart. But I don’t want to see them get hurt for the long term. Stop the fight if ANY sign of a possible concussion and fire the ref if he’s not bright enough to see it. It’s up to the fighter to not get themselves in that situation.
      Thanks for the podium.

      • Good for you! your comments are on point. Unfortunately, there many other factors besides the “quality of the referee” in deciding when to stop a fight. I can’t go into much further detail on this, but you make some very valid points.

    • I remember another fight that happened something similar Lucie, it the one between Chartachai Chionoi and the great Masao Oba, when Chionoi scored a knockdown at the beginning of the fight in a great fight won by Oba

      • Going deep with Masao Oba, Burucho! I remember Tim Austin looked like he got absolutely killed by a guy named Sergio Aguila and got up to win as well… it would be interesting: Trying to come up with a list of fighters who took awful knockdowns and got up to win.

        • Thanks for mentioning the Austin fight. I checked it out on YouTube and Tim got nailed with a wicked left hook.

  • I hope there is a rematch because I want to see how the fighters will make adjustments.

  • Fight of the year??!! You do not see a great fight like this this late in the year. Would love to see them again. I hope Ramirez knows when opportunity knocks, open the door wide open. Had your chance, and the winner went around and open your back door.

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