Weights from Bridgewater, Mass

Kevin “Bug Gulp” Nagle 299.4 vs. Max DeSilva TBA
James “Pitbull” Perkins 167.4 vs. Saul Almeida 169.6
Juan Celin Zapata 169 vs. Travis Gambardella 166
Milton Noleton 170.6 vs. Anthony “Vicious” Viera 166.8
Ryan Clark 159.5 vs. Jay Gregory 156
Aldimar Silva 128.8 vs. Arnando Rabi 130.6

Venue: Bridgewater Veterans Club, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Promoter: Granite Chin Promotions
TV: Bridgewater TV is filming the event

Walsh decisions Villarreal, remains unbeaten
Weights from Philadelphia

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