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  • Having 4 belts in stupid. Should go back to how it was pre 80s with only 1 world champion per weight division. With the 4 belts as well as all the other minor belts we saw a massive decline in the quality of boxers. Canelo is a bum in a bum era. Would get destroyed by middleweights of the past. Not his fault though.

    • Law- Well, isnt that what Canelo jus proved, that hes the best at that division because he has all the belts. Not understanding ur logic. Theres great champs of every era. Canelo is the nest of ours. 15 years from now people gonna be saying the same. “That fighter is good but wldnt be able to keep up with a Canelo or a mayweather” old folks jus living in the past still

    • Having seventeen weight divisions equally stupid. Most sports fans would have no idea what a super middleweight is.

    • That’s stupid. Very few guys would get a shot the title. I think 3 was enough. 4 was too many.

  • A bum, bro give credit where credit is due. You could say the same thing about every fighter I suppose but it would be impossible to actually prove. Not sure why you don’t like Canelo and you are entitled to your opinion, but it is just not based on facts. He will go down in history as one of the greats weather you like it or not!

  • I read people saying Canelo is scared of David Benavidez. He wont fight him. Watch the tape when Benavidez fought Anthony Dirrell. If he fights open and toe to toe against Canelo and take shots like he did against Dirrell, Canelo will knock him out early without a doubt. If Benavidez fights Canelo’s type of fight he’s loosing period. Just like Plant people putting Benavidez up on a pedestal when the man just like Plant hasn’t fought anyone of notoriety. He too is unfamiliar with the big spotlight and challenge that will be ready to walk him down and eat him alive. He’s never had that type of Challenge. Benavidez is over-hyped and his record is overblown by lesser competition. He doesn’t want to move up weight to his more natural weight because he’s scared. He wants to stay put and keep beating scrubs. We will now see if he avoids Canelo and moves up weight now that he has all the belts or take the Challenge but either way he wont win.

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