IOC Statement on Women’s Boxing

The International Olympic Committee has issued a statement that stands by their decision to allow two boxers who have previously been rejected for women’s boxing competition due to “gender eligibility.”

Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination.

All athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 comply with the competition’s eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations set by the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit (PBU) (please find all applicable rules here). As with previous Olympic boxing competitions, the gender and age of the athletes are based on their passport.

These rules also applied during the qualification period, including the boxing tournaments of the 2023 European Games, Asian Games, Pan American Games and Pacific Games, the ad hoc 2023 African qualifying tournament in Dakar (SEN) and two world qualifying tournaments held in Busto Arsizio (ITA) and Bangkok (THA) in 2024, which involved a total of 1,471 different boxers from 172 National Olympic Committees (NOCs), the Boxing Refugee Team and Individual Neutral Athletes, and featured over 2,000 qualification bouts.

The PBU used the Tokyo 2020 boxing rules as a baseline to develop its regulations for Paris 2024. This was to minimise the impact on athletes’ preparations and guarantee consistency between Olympic Games. These Tokyo 2020 rules were based on the post-Rio 2016 rules, which were in place before the suspension of the boxing International Federation by the IOC in 2019 and the subsequent withdrawal of its recognition in 2023.

We have seen in reports misleading information about two female athletes competing at the Olympic Games Paris 2024. The two athletes have been competing in international boxing competitions for many years in the women’s category, including the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, International Boxing Association (IBA) World Championships and IBA-sanctioned tournaments.

These two athletes were the victims of a sudden and arbitrary decision by the IBA. Towards the end of the IBA World Championships in 2023, they were suddenly disqualified without any due process.

According to the IBA minutes available on their website, this decision was initially taken solely by the IBA Secretary General and CEO. The IBA Board only ratified it afterwards and only subsequently requested that a procedure to follow in similar cases in the future be established and reflected in the IBA Regulations. The minutes also say that the IBA should “establish a clear procedure on gender testing”.

The current aggression against these two athletes is based entirely on this arbitrary decision, which was taken without any proper procedure – especially considering that these athletes had been competing in top-level competition for many years.

Such an approach is contrary to good governance.

Eligibility rules should not be changed during ongoing competition, and any rule change must follow appropriate processes and should be based on scientific evidence.

The IOC is committed to protecting the human rights of all athletes participating in the Olympic Games as per the Olympic Charter, the IOC Code of Ethics and the IOC Strategic Framework on Human Rights. The IOC is saddened by the abuse that the two athletes are currently receiving.

The IBA’s recognition was withdrawn by the IOC in 2023 following its suspension in 2019. The withdrawal of recognition was confirmed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). See the IOC’s statement following the ruling.

The IOC has made it clear that it needs National Boxing Federations to reach a consensus around a new International Federation in order for boxing to be included on the sports programme of the Olympic Games LA28.

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  • Re: the gender and age of the athletes are based on their passport……
    The physiological advantage of males over females is beyond dispute. The two individuals in question are males.
    Rather than base their decision on science, it appears the IOC is all about “inclusiveness.” Women deserve fairness.

    • Yep, nothing of substance. They meticulously avoid the gist of the problem. One would also think that “protecting the human rights of the athletes” includes protecting them from the harm due unfair competition.

    • – If you were born with male chromosomes, you are a male.
      – If you cut your wee-wee off, and take female hormones, you are are dick-less male that takes female hormones.
      – Easily understood……

  • As far as I’m concerned, they should stop Olympic boxing if men are allowed to fight females under the guise that their passport says they are female or whatever. Such a travesty that in this day and age, we actually have to argue about this being wrong?

  • These two have male chromosomes. They are biological males. Nothing can change that fact. It’s absolutely disgusting the kind of radical leftist BS we have to put up with these days. I don’t understand how anyone can support this nonsense.

    • This is a simple solution… a blood test would determine the outcome immediately. XY chromosomes? You’re out. XX, you’re in and the debate ends in a millisecond. Why no one has made that happen shows there’s some nonsense going on.

  • “Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination.”

    Two things, but first I’ll give this disclaimer, since the Olympics are international. I’m from the US, so in the US participating in a sport is NOT A RIGHT, it’s a privilege. Even in this context of the Olympics, you have to meet certain criteria to participate. If that isn’t the case then you might as well let athletes take PEDs. I mean why discriminate against them? They have every right to have competitive advantages right?

    Secondly if both athletes have been determined to be males in International competition, then give them option to compete and qualify with the other male athletes. If they have option or “right” to compete and qualify, you are not discriminating against them. You are giving them equal opportunity to compete against other biological males.
    Boxing is a combat sport and they can be killed in the ring. It’s a sport where it’s imperative that playing field is as even as possible. This isn’t swimming where the only way you can get hurt is if you hurt yourself.

    I’m not hating on transgenders, and I firmly believe they should have equal rights. EVERYONE should. I feel in the US we have to recognize the difference between rights and privileges. You’re rights in most cases cannot be denied. Privileges can be given and taken. Some choices you make can come with a loss of some privileges (i.e. If you chose to drink and drive, you can lose the PRIVILEGE to legally drive. If you chose to transition you may lose the ability to participate in sports on a competitive level. Just look at what happened to Patricio Manuel. He was stopped in 21 secs. Manuel was a 5 time national amateur champion as woman, but after transitioning to a man was stopped quickly by a fighter that had one KO in 5 five fights.

  • Absolute misunderstanding and purposeful misuse of inclusiveness and representation in this case. This is complete garbage. It’s ridiculous that these guys want to take advantage of the system to earn some sort of personal glory by battering women. Bull$hit.

  • Absolute misunderstanding and purposeful misuse of inclusiveness and representation in this case. This is complete garbage. It’s ridiculous and disgraceful that the Olympic committee and these guys are taking advantage of the system to earn some sort of personal glory through battering women. Bull$hit.

  • How much does it take to legally change my name and my gender and then get a driver license and a passport? Don’t these morons of the IOC realize the impact that a man against a woman in contact sports can have?

  • These people have lost their minds Trying to legitimize this insanity is disgusting. I love boxing and this is not what our sport is.

  • I’ve heard that the two boxers in question are not transgender, but “hermaphrodites.” I’m really not too sure what the difference is, although there are rumors that the athletes have both male & female genitalia.

    Back in the day, there was an American Olympic medal winner from Cleveland named Stella Walsh. She was murdered on the streets of Cleveland walking home from a store. Well apparently, to the shock of one of the first responders, she had both male & female genitalia.

    • Nordic, I what you say is correct, not sure what should be done. It makes the situation more complex. They were already competing before….so.

    • The hermaphrodite argument is always used to confound. They also have chromosomes. Has what you “heard” been proven to be a fact? It is irrelevant anyways.

    • Even if they are hermaphrodites like Olympic runner Caster Semenya, they are still biological males with internal testes that produce testosterone. It’s an extremely rare condition where in development someone develop female genitalia, but have male chromosomes and internal testes that produce testosterone. I have a lot of sympathy for these people because they aren’t the mentally ill perverts that make up the vast majority of the trans movement, but they still have no place competing against women.

    • Genetic sex anomalies have been studied for years. Normally there are 23 chromosome pairs for a total of 46 chromosomes. The 23rd pair are the sex chromosome X and Y. Sex anomalies are commonly related to extra or missing sex chromosomes. Examples are Klinefelter’s syndrome 47, XXY (1 in 500 male births), Turner’s syndrome 46,XO (missing X, 1 in 2000 female births). Others are Triplo X – 47, XXX, 47,XYY and others. Some defective people of course could not function well in a ring or elsewhere. Don’t’ know what these dudes have (perhaps IOC could be specific) but it’s not fair and will ruin the sport.

    • I believe that an autopsy was done on some Russian athlete, and it was determined that really this person was a male. I think things like this may have gone as far back as the 30’s. Now because of the gender changes being done, I remember back in the 70;s a renne Rirchards, who had a sex change operation and competed in tennis.
      I can’t forget the East German swim team. in the 76 Olympics 11 of the 13 races were won by the East Germans, in the Mens, 12 of the 13 by Amreican men. The East german men could ot win.

      • The East Germans were hopped up on PEDs. The East German female weightlifter had more hair on her chest than her male counterpart.

  • No way should a biological male be in the ring with a biological female. If you are a biological male tranny, your ass belongs in the ring with a biological male. This applies to all sports too. This is absolutely insane. We’re living in the Age of Absurdity and Stupidity.

    • Why are those men able to walk the streets without fear of reckoning? And, what imbecile gave a thumbs down?

  • It’s clear that the rights of a trans is more important than the rights of a woman who is technically being forced to accept someone else’s preferred gender. If someone want to call themselves a woman when born a man it’s their right. But when it comes to sports competition…are we just supposed to ignore biology? Now we just ignore it for the benefit of who?

  • What a load of BS! Men get to bash women in the name of sport. Its a disgrace

  • We are going to need something much stronger than Febreze to deal with the smell of this butt fking bullsht.

    The 2 sex offenders are MEN. The proper pronoun is HE. Not she. They are MEN. Not women.

    Imane Khelif & Lin Yu-ting need to be in prison for what they are doing. In a MEN’s prison. With other men. And for the IOU, they all need to be arrested. From the president, to the janitors. Lock them all up.

    • Transgenders are, of course, really men and shouldn’t be allowed to fight women. Imane Khelif was born a woman and has been fighting women for years. Has nine losses so not exactly beating up women.

  • Every boxer should take a DNA test, and drug testing must include testosterone tests.

    The women are not being protected. This is beyond criminal. Everyone in the IOC needs to be arrested. And these 2 thugs are worst than rapists. They need to be sent to a MENs prison, and placed in G-Pop. None of this protective custody nonsense. They need to be placed in a men’s prison, with all the special perks that go with it. LOCK THEM UP.

  • IOC: “Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination.”
    Men fighting women is not “sport”.
    It is criminal, the male boxer who attacks a female is guilty, and his accomplices are also guilty.

  • The jerks would have not attention if they were to compete among themselves. So they hijack and ride on the coattails of the already established sport.

  • They should not have immunity to being taken to court and prosecuted for these crimes. They are not above the law. Oppressing females, by forcing their way into the female sport, and giving females no option but to capitulate, get hurt, lose, and quit.

  • According to them, any male can claim they identify as a female. And later claim they identify as a male again. Therefore men should jump into the female division. All women step aside for a short period. Let the men break those scumbags.

  • According to them, men can get in the ring and fight women. Therefore women can also get in the ring and fight women. Therefore, by their own argument, they should stay in men’s division, and fight men, regardless if they claim they are females.

  • The IOC is pathetic. Disband the entire group and start over with people who have some hint of common sense.

  • I am really upset by this absurdity.

    This inclusion is at the expense of female athletes.

    It is like walking up and spitting on women’s rights, spitting on women’s many years of hard work and spitting on women’s dreams.

    We need collective action and solidarity on this, with everyone standing up for women’s rights, both male and female athletes, in all sports, from all countries.

    I am convinced that the rights of transgender people can be realised without destroying the rights of others.

  • Even if they really were born intersex, which is extremely rare, all that basically means is that they are men that were born with deformed genitalia. They still have biological male chromosomes and higher testosterone than women. That’s why they look exactly like men. They are men. That’s a biological fact that is impossible to change.

  • I am appalled by the IOC And their ruling,if you are born a man,your’e a man,simple as that

  • BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. These people are a disgrace!! If they can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman, they need to be fired and go back to kindergarten. What a black eye for the olympics. Shame on you, Paris.

  • Forget the f.. rules and apply the biology body from natural born no come with the 2020 crap men body will be man body.

  • I just Googled Stella Walsh. She definitely looks like a dude, but apparently she was a rare case of being unisex. She won a gold medal in the 100M in Los Angeles in 1932, and a silver in Berlin in 1936. I’m really kind of shocked her gender identity didn’t make international news until after her murder in 1980.

  • People should boycott the Olympic Games. This is the most stupid thing I’ve seen in my life.

  • Wrote so much to say so little.

    XY is male, XX is female. This shows up in medical tests. It’s not that complicated, nor should it be in any way controversial. Its genetics, not identity.

  • A threesome may offer some interesting options for these individuals. I wonder if the Conservatives get in office, what may become of this mindset.

  • “Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination.”
    So why then is XX allowed to be discriminated against by XY? Sick.

  • Probably just forget the gold in those two divisions and the women can fight for silver and bronze. Just refuse to fight them and maybe the committee will come to its senses.

  • — Olympic Games have been corrupt for most of their inception, ie stripping the premiere Olympic Athlete of his day, Jim Thorpe because as a Teen he played a summer of Class C Minor League Baseball that paid him a fair wage instead of dangerous backbreaking work at a ranch for a pittance.

    I could go on ad infinitum, but digression is wearying, especially when nothing changes.

  • They say, “Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination.” Yet aren’t they discriminating against women by taking this stance? What a travesty.

  • How can these guys even pretend to take pride in a win like that? It is virtually on par with pretending to be retarded so you can compete in the Special Olympics. Absolute absurdity.

  • Today we have males, females, and everything in between. I believe that we don’t know enough about ‘in-between’ to make informed decisions.

  • Apparently at the IOC, the hurt feelings of a small group takes precedence over actual violence of women getting beaten up by men.

    The sport is on thin ice as it is at the Olympics. I hope this terrible decision by the IOC isn’t the final nail in the coffin because Olympic boxing is what got me hooked on boxing in the first place, both as an amateur fighter and fan.

  • women that think or want to be male, well don’t seem to want to fight men do they

  • The Olympics have become a platform for the sick and twisted and disgusting LGBTQ and a platform for homosexuals smh #disgusting

  • Well, this is what your liberal democrat party wants to bring to our great nation. Actually, they already have, voters beware. Men should fight men women should fight women trans need not apply.

    • It’s all part of the agenda, KK. Society is a sewer and wickedness seems to prevail on
      this earth. Nothing makes sense because
      The Enemy (Satan) rules this earth. The good news is, Satan has no power over Jesus. Boxing is a great sport, but it falls under the things of the world. Things of the world are of The Enemy, not of God.

  • Most of this stems from the LGBTQ tyrants that have been in power for the last 5 to 10 years; Macaron, Trudeau, Obama, Schwab, Gates, Tedros, etc …. And of course their TDS, insane in the membrane madness towards “Orange Man Bad”, who is basically the only representative that is “For The People”, not some bought and paid for slave to the MIC and the WEF. #FIOC.

  • Perhaps if the IOC continues to allow this to travesty to happen, they could at least make arrangements so that it would be a more competitive fight between a biological male and a biological female. For one, don’t allow the biological male to wear any kind of protective cup. And then the female is allowed to kick the biological male right in the gonads at any moment in the fight and however many times she wishes to. Also heavily padded gloves for the biological male, and hardly any padding for the biological females gloves. Put 25 lb ankle weights around each leg of the biological male.

    And and if you think I’m crazy to allow her to kick him in the gonads all she wants?! Well for one, he’s supposed to be a female, right! He’s not supposed to be worried about gonads that he doesn’t supposedly have, right? Oh, and once she has them on his knees holding onto his ding ding and bells, she is still allowed to smack them and put them down for good.

  • F the IOC. These acts are beyond reprehensible. Word was out that this might happened so I will never watch another IOC event, period. This woke mentality has poisoned just about all the wells. To equate men and woman in sports is pure lunacy. Anyone who agrees with the arrangement lacks a conscience.

    Dreams destroyed. These women have trained for 15-20 years to get a shot at one of the highest, if not, thee highest of athletic accomplishments, only to be crushed and cheated out of one because of a MAN who is not strong, skilled or talented enough to compete against his brothers. The same goes in highschools and universities. How many scholarships have been taken right out of woman’s hands because of this “inclusivity” BS?

  • I see that a few cowardly rats passed by this section by the number of thumbs down (3) in the comment section.

  • Just to make todays degeneration happy, fights should be between transgender vs transgender only, period! Let them bust their hairy nutts till they can no longer carry them in their pants! Its fair and square! They can make their own championship belts and organizations! As long as they fight each other, it’s all good!

  • I have nothing to add because my fellow boxing fans’ comments covered all avenues for me.

  • I just read an interview with women’s world champion Skye Nicholson, who is actually sticking up for the hermaphrodites. Skye says she has sparred both girls in question, and accuses the Italian opponent of quitting for a publicity stunt! Wow!!! Skye claims both of the boxers in question were raised as girls their whole lives and had no choice in the matter. Very interesting!

    • Strangely I did bring this up with someone else that she quit so early. It made me wonder the same thing. Boxing is a dangerous sport compared to some others. If the referee had stopped it my feelings would be different. Or if her corner had stopped. The Algerian had boxed in the 2021 Olympics, and lost her second round bout. All those who are against that person don’t mention it.

  • Its disgusting and unfair for women boxing. Estrogen Levels are higher in women as opposed to transgender men who have higher natural Testosteron levels. We are sacrificing all women boxers for two transgender men! what a ridicoulus outcome and a ridicoulous statement made by IOC.

  • “Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination.”
    Not sure if they meant to spell practice with an “s” but this statement seem true until it come down to the actual female athletes who don’t want to get beat up by subpar dudes that decide to take up women sports. This is getting out of hand.

  • I guess some people are born as some freaks of nature. And I am not trying to be hateful here. The Algerian person had been in boxing for some many years. In fact 3 years ago fought in the Tokyo Olympics and had lost in the second match to someone from Ireland. So it was not lik,e this person just burst on to the scene.
    Also the IBA which is not recognized by the IOC anymore, the Algerian boxer had from my understanding beaten A Russian boxer. It was believed that the head of the IBA, who is Russian, was behind what happened to the person from Algeria.
    NOw if a person is born male, and transitions to female, and competes against Females. I am totally against that. I doubt very much that being from Algeria, and she having lived there, she got a sex change operation. Also I cannot but see the irony that she is from a Muslim country.
    I have felt more sorry for the person from Algeria than the woman from Italy. All the hate has been pretty disgusting.
    Back in the 30’s when Max Schmelling was going ot fight Joe Louis, even though he had fought some black fighters before, the Nazi government did not want him to box Joe because they said that blacks like Joe were part Gorrilla as I remember. So I guess white boxers had a justification for not getting into the ring with black fighters.

    • Just because this Algerian person has lost in the past does not make it unfair and dangerous for women to be fighting this person. Maybe the winners just stuck and moved for three rounds. Kind of like a lightweight doing the same to win against a middleweight. It doesn’t mean that it is safe for lightweights to fight middleweights as a general rule. The lightweight should not have to fight a middleweight.

      • Sorry, messed up first sentence. Should have said “Just because this Algerian person has lost in the past does not make it fair for women to be fighting this person.”

      • Well also has had 5 knockouts in 38 wins. Most certainly not a George Foreman. Born a Female, did not get a sex change operation.
        What really has bothered me was the level of hate against the person from Algeria, or perhaps I should say woman. Also the controversy of when the IBA did disqualify her and the person from Taiwan was extremely suspicious.

        • Speaking of George Foreman, that guy that ko’d Jared ansderson seemed to have heavy arms like George Foreman.

      • Matt S., or just took a beating. Foulin Fox was beating up women until he got his ass handed to him.

  • I’ve watched less and less of the olympics as the years went by. I couldn’t watch too much less than I’ve watched this year. I was planning on watching boxing and baseball, but read that neither was among the olympic sports now so I didn’t watch the “fight”. But I have read enough and seen a snippet here and there of it, to know that I won’t be tuning in this time. And at my age, (83) I probably won’t be around for the next one, though I hope I am. Olympics will be the fartherest thing from my mind if I’m lucky enough to be around then.

  • So, it turns out that this athlete IS actually a woman, and not because of identifying as one, but because she was born female and identifies as a woman.
    And she has been used as a political tool on the transgender side/treated as an object of hatred by the other side.
    I feel awful for her.
    Now for what actually happened: the IBA, a Russian sanctioning body in amateur boxing, said that she failed an unspecified gender eligibility test after she beat an undefeated Russian boxer.
    Since she failed this test, and nobody knows actually what the test was, the undefeated Russian boxer had the loss scrubbed from her record.
    Basically, this is sour grapes and propoganda from a nation that is pissed off that they have been denied the ability to compete in the olympics in Paris, and furthermore a nation that is well known for meddling in elections/public affairs/creating discord to suit their agenda.

    • Also interesting that had she gone to the final, she would have faced a boxer from China. Another interesting thing, the other boxer banned was from Taiwan.

  • It all started when the women fought for rights and got the government involved. At this time women is starting to mean something else and in the USA, you have no choice but to accept it. Now it is creeping into where the world must tolerate it too.

    • Why is it not fair?
      She is a woman.
      She was born a woman, her father says that she is a woman, the doctors who delivered her at birth say she was born female, she herself says that she is a woman, her passport says the same thing, and her country says that she is a woman.
      Remember, she comes from Algeria, where it is actually ILLEGAL to be transgender, so it is not exactly like they are getting behind her because they are so progressive.
      I agree that men and women should compete against their own sex, but this is simply not the case with Imane Khelif.
      She is female, and she is competing against other women.

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