2022 Class Florida Boxing Hall of Fame

Photo: Damon Gonzalez/LatinboxSports

Fighters: Al Cole, Fres Oquendo, David Tua, Shannon Briggs, Keith Mullings Sr., David Armstrong, Randall Bailey, Cory Spinks

Trainers: Gus Curren, Tito Tiburon Ocasio, Armando Wiz Fernandez

Promoter: Richard Dobal

Participants: Phil Alessi Jr., Richard Fabian, Jerry Reyes, Joey Orduna, Steve Harris

Officials: Dennis DeBon, Dr. Ramon Garcia-Septien

Media: Claudia Trejos

Achievement Awards: Chris Young, Vernon Ansell, Russell Ansell

Walter A Flansburg Lifetime Award: Tim Shipman

Hearn: Tszyu se mueve demasiado rápido
Mark "Baby Boy" Barriga llega a Kissimmee

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