By Gary “Digital” Williams
Here is the scale watch for the Jeter Promotions card that will take place Friday, August 2 at Live! Casino in Hanover, MD:
Luther Smith 199.2 vs. Stivens Bujaj 199.6
Jerry Odom 168.8 vs. Tahir Thomas 166.2
(Odom originally weighed 170.2 then had to reweigh)
Jordan White 127.8 vs. Vincent Jennings 128.6
Ebrima Jawara 129 vs. Marq Johns 128.6
Malik Loften 129 vs. Carlos Marrero 128
AJ Williams 165.4 vs. Brock Willis 166.6
Dante Cox 134.2 vs. Hakim Smith 136.2
Brandon Chambers 134.2 vs. Fred Thornton 134.6
Champ Moultrie 146.8 vs. Corey Weekly 147.2
The bout between Jay Stancil, III and Deshawn Wilkerson is reportedly off the card. Wilkerson was well under the weight for the bout.