Ryan Garcia Update

Statement from Ryan Garcia Camp: The test results from samples of two supplements declared by Ryan Garcia on VADA Doping Control Forms, signed on April 19th and 20th, have returned positive for Ostarine contamination. This confirms what we have consistently maintained: Ryan was a victim of supplement contamination and has never intentionally used any banned or performance-enhancing substances. Any claims to the contrary, questioning Ryan’s integrity as a clean fighter, are unequivocally false and defamatory.

Throughout his career, Ryan has voluntarily submitted to numerous tests, all of which have returned negative results, underscoring his commitment to fair and clean competition. Additionally, multiple negative tests leading up to his fight against Haney further affirm his clean record. The ultra-low levels of Ostarine detected in his samples, in the billionth of a gram range, along with his clean hair sample proves contamination rather than intentional ingestion. The recent test results reiterate this.

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  • And the earth is flat, Mona Lisa is a man, and Michael Jordan can’t jump.

  • Haney was beaten by Ryan Garcia in all facets of the fight, not by mere physicality. Haney got hit perfectly and rocked by punches which Garcia throws all the time, and hurts people with a lot. Almost every training video you can see he throws those punches. That’s what happens when you get tagged with his best shots like that. No PEDs needed.

    • You forgot the part where Ryan didn’t make weight. Whether or not PEDS were “needed” there was still a slight advantage of not having to make weight. Big mouth Bill and his team played themselves for allowing the fight to continue without making him lose 3 more pounds.

      • Haney agreed to this and got 1.5 mil for that, so no more crying is necessary.

      • What you’re forgetting is that Haney won that same title Ryan couldn’t win because of those 3 lbs while agreeing to accept 1.5 million to fight for that same belt he won while Devin himself came in weighing 165lbs! It should be Prograis who should be the one suing the Haney camp? Prograis lost to Super middleweight, so who’s the real cheater? By the way in order for Haney to have kept his title against Ryan he either had to win, or they had to make it a non-title match. The WBC makes it’s own rules just like when Jermall didn’t make weight against Jose Benavidez, Charlo was supposed to have been stripped! And I like both brothers but that’s rules and he had that belt too long without a fight, instead they made that a non-title fight.

        • my friend i understand what your saying but im guessing your a bit young so let me help you understand this BS……….as long as a fighter makes the weight they can baloon up to whatever they want weight wise afterwards that why sometime you see contracts with rehydration clauses which is actually smart todays fighters has become the “era of the weight bullies” so like in the fight with Superhype he was ineligible because he was not close if your within 2lbs i think they give you an hour to make the weight but since Superhype was over by 3lbs he was not given that chance and the title fight was no longer that a title fight and so for Haney the belt was NOT on the line just a W or L and again id like to see what BOTH fighters weighed when the entered the ring……

      • in all honesty that 3lbs over the weight did nothing except NOT allow Superhype to win a title id be more interested in seeing both of their weights when entering the ring…………

      • Haney was perfectly fine for Ryan coming in 3 lbs heavy and accepting the $1.5 million as agreed upon. Besides, Haney has outweighed every single one of his opponents come fight day; he must’ve outweighed Loma by 25 lbs in the ring!

      • I think you’ll find at the time of the fight both weighed the same anyway

    • Ryan didn’t dehydrate down to the fight weight. Haney did and was beaten. They hit the weigh in mark the same the fight is different.

      • Mayweather did it to Marquez, he came in heavy. So let’s not act like this was the first time in history this tactic was used

  • It was reported that the samples Ryan submitted were from unsealed bottles which means his camp could’ve contaminated it and made it look better. Those samples sent in should’ve been sealed and unopened then tested. As far as the hair sample they never had a representative from Haney’s camp present when that sample was taken which is usually protocol. This whole process seems suspect and that billionth percent in his system was 60x’s the allowable limit. If you watch Paullie Mallinagi’s pod cast he explains how people take and cycle off ostarine.

    • first of all Tweaker Malinaggi carries no weight when he speaks and how do you know their were no representatives were you there? this is totally false you actually think these teams are that dumb? Superhype didnt do anything that the Haney camp wasnt aware of nothing

  • “Any claims to the contrary, questioning Ryan’s integrity as a clean fighter, are unequivocally false and defamatory.”
    – Translation: keep talking, and we will sue you…….

  • told ya..
    There were tons of negative comments here wanting to strip Ryan of the win. Time to admit you were wrong.

    • He was doped, and he knew it. Even the 2 p..s tests before the fight was positive. What GB says means nothing. WTH are they going to say. If he is deemed innocent, then the same should apply to Miller and Benn.

      • Facts are Facts, Ostarine had nothing to do with Haney’s loss! So now you’re going to go back to the 3lbs? OK that’s OVERRULED! AHUMDILA or whatever it is he said after he shook hands and accepted the 1.5 million from Ryan as his dad bragged about how he had told his son he wanted to murder Ryan “hurt him bad” what was the excuse when Devin won that title coming in at 165 lbs? Or when Loma a much smaller guy who most of us including elite boxers still agree also beat Devin! By the way he just proved how lucky Devin was and the one and only reason he became undisputed champion, 1st the free WBC belt was the ticket to the 1 fight for the other 3, with the easiest fight he could have gotten Kambosos, the guy Loma treated like a sparring partner for the easiest title fight KO!

  • Ok, so what were these supplements that were contaminated then, and why would they be contaminated? And why would Ryan be taking them if they are of questionable origin?

    Translation: Oops I took steroids multiple times, but it wasn’t on purpose, it was someone else’s fault. Who? Well we won’t say, because then that person/company might send a lawyer after us, so we’ll keep it vague. Heard these excuses before. Either provide real concrete details or own up to the cheating.

    • looks like Haney gonna keep that L though maybe you can team up with with papa Haney and cry about it

  • This part of the book ain’t closed, looks like it just opened another chapter. Sadly. Tired of Ryan Garcia’s antics.

  • Not that I like Haney, but the guy should check where he gets supplements or who gives him supplements.
    He should fight at welterweight, but so should Haney.
    Haney probably will try to defend the WBC 140 lbs belt a couple of times, but in 2025 he’d have to be at 147 rematch if Ryan Garcia or nobody cares.
    The Haney’s want Garcia banned from boxing cause if they rematch him in 2025 and lose again to a clean drug tested Garcia, Haney’s career would be over. I think Haney wants to retire soon anyway.
    The first fight should be a no contest, both guys should win another fight and then rematch.

    • theres NO need to see a rematch Haney lost and will lose again to Superhype hell they should both fight at the weight they enter the ring at……………

  • Hog wash. why do we always choose and pick who we believe cheated or did not cheat. He cheated point blank. 3 1/2 pounds overweight is cheating. PED’s in your system is cheating. I don’t care if a Zebra gave it to him, it’s in his system and it’s wrong. If Ali, Foreman or Fraizer did it, it would still be cheating. Face it.

    • actually how about they just do same day weigh ins like they use to because yes all of this weight bully shit is cheating worse trying to fight at 140lbs but enter the ring as a supermiddeweight is cheating to the max those old fighters you mentioned did same day weigh ins………

  • It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find that there is more than meets the eye here. Not sure what happens or should happen next?

    • It’s actually pretty simple what should happen next. The fight should be changed to a no contest.

  • Ryan Garcia should take a break and go to work for the Trump campaign. TRUMP 2024!

    Let’s go we positive
    Positive vibes bruh
    Yess so happy
    I don’t care
    I’ll never make money again with boxing
    Your loss not mine for setting me up
    lol joke on y’all
    I will swallow all Steriods (sic)”

    These are HIS words………

    Let’s go we positive
    Positive vibes bruh
    Yess so happy
    I don’t care
    I’ll never make money again with boxing
    Your loss not mine for setting me up
    lol joke on y’all
    I will swallow all Steriods (sic)”

    Let’s go we positive
    Positive vibes bruh
    Yess so happy
    I don’t care
    I’ll never make money again with boxing
    Your loss not mine for setting me up
    lol joke on y’all
    I will swallow all Steriods (sic)”

    These are HIS words as previously reported by boxing news….

    Let’s go we positive
    Positive vibes bruh
    Yess so happy
    I don’t care
    I’ll never make money again with boxing
    Your loss not mine for setting me up
    lol joke on y’all
    I will swallow all Steriods (sic)”

    These are HIS words as previously reported by Fightnews.com……

  • As I’ve said from the beginning, Garcia was set up, just as gangster-run Las Vegas Ne-VADA did to Povetkin years ago, and just as gangster-run Washington DC is trying to do to President Trump right now.

  • Peds or not, hanney and his camp agreed to the fight knowing ryan was like 4 pounds over! They could have easily refused the fight and collect a nice check!

  • Well, finally. I heard different amounts from several sources but wasn’t sure about the accuracy. These are pretty insignificant numbers. HOW did it get there in the first place? Tainted supplements? Garcia was tested several times during camp and was clean then. Regardless, this makes the ass whooping legit and hopefully, no more excuses by the Haney camp.

    • If you’re going to use PEDs, ostarine is a terrible one to use. It has very minimal effectiveness and can’t be masked in a drug test. You’d be better off using turinobol like Jon Jones because it gets out of your system very quickly. And it actually has a true PED effect. The very fact it’s ostarine (a SARM, not a steroid) gives a little credence to Garcia’s story. The guy has enough money to get a doctor that could manufacture something untraceable. Frankly, I think Garcia is a douchebag, but his excuse is at least plausible.

      • What you touch upon is one of the main reasons I’m against the drug testing racket. It might catch those who use drugs but don’t have the money or sense to hire smart enough doctor-pushers who will also instruct them how to mask its usage; and it is also used to set innocent people up, as I think it is being used in this case.

        Also, the boundary between legal supplements and illegal drugs is often nebulous and arbitrary and manipulated, as it was in the case of Povetkin.

    • Peter the Gute, I listened about this a few years back, unfortunately I don’t have sources, but what I remember is all these supplements and medications are manufacture by the same manufacturers and so there is residual sometimes that end up in the next product. Like I said I don’t have sources and don’t remember where, I might’ve been during the jon jones situation, so I’m not saying it’s a fact. Maybe it’s BS but that’s what I’ve heard in the past.

  • I don’t believe anything coming out from Garcia nor his camp. He’s a cheater. Overrated, overhyped, overexposed. The ignorant boy cheated and should be banned for good.

  • well sheep looks like all you crybabies have to get with idiot papa Haney and cry about it glassjaw baby Haney gonna keep his L so now you gotta wonder whats gonna happen to him if he fights Teo or Matias or even Cruz…. the KOs will come and for damn sure weightbully Haney cant move up with any success to 147 he will start taking more losses just wait and see he reminds me of Amir Khan ……..

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