Pacquiao-Mundine Update

By Ray Wheatley – World of Boxing

The Papua New Guinea Sports Foundation has put its full support behind the proposed exhibition bout between boxing legend Manny Pacquiao and former world champion Anthony Mundine, tentatively scheduled for June.

Executive Director of the PNGSF Al Veratau told the National newspaper, “The Papua New Guinea Sports Foundation is partnering with the Oceana Fight Promotions to make sure we deliver the Manny Pacquiao-Anthony Mundine exhibition bout in Port Moresby. We’ve asked the Government to invoke the National Events Council to assist because it is a huge event in the 2023 sports calendar.”

Australian advisor Peter Maniatis added, “This will be the biggest global sporting event in the history of Papua New Guinea. Well done to the PNG Government and Maryanne Millie Oceania Fight Promotions.”

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    • Jose, if you could make millions for an exhibition you’d fight too. Let him get his money.

      • “No seas “pendeja” Jose, tu harías lo ,mismo, tonta!”
        Translation per Google:
        – “Don’t be “asshole” Jose, you would do the same, silly!”
        – Although I thought that “pendeja” (note that it is a feminine word), meant “jerk-off”.

    • Collin, because it’s easy money, at this point Manny is just stacking cheese.

  • Pacqaio, like De La Hoya is obsessed with Mayweather. Wouldn’t be surprised if we see a Mayweather/Pac exhibition or even a Mayweather De La Hoya exhibition down the line.

    • Exactly! What’s this exhibition crap? Both guys have been active pretty recently so just make it an 8 round main event ala Jake Paul and spend some money on a decent undercard.

  • This is sad if pac needs to do it for money.

    but if he is doing it because he just enjoys being in the ring, then go rumble young man rumble.

  • I would assume Anthony would be expecting a couple of million. I can’t believe he can still fool people that he has still got competitive boxing skills. I have heard him speak and saw his last few fights. I believe boxing has damaged his health. This fight seems absurd.

    Good luck to both of them if they get paid but it is a joke.

    I know this is left field but, indirectly, will the Australian taxpayer fund this? “The Papua New Guinea Sports Foundation” – is that some organisation funded by the PNG government? A government who are corrupt, broke and rely on Australian government handouts?

    IMO Manny will want, at a minimum, A$10 million. Mundine $A2 million.

  • This will actually be an exciting exhibition in my opinion. I expect some sharp shots with bad intentions from both sides. Let’s go Pacquiao!

  • The double-standards being displayed on here is hilarious. Look at folks coming to Manny’s aid on here for doing an exhibition, ya know the thing that he and his cult criticized “you know who” for taking part in. Shit is hilarious.

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