Tyson Fury: Usyk knows he didn’t beat me

Former heavyweight champion Tyson Fury is already training for his December 21 rematch with undisputed heavyweight ruler Oleksandr Usyk after losing a split decision to Usyk last month. The Gypsy King still maintains he won the fight says he’s going for the KO in the rematch.

“I’ve watched the fight back lots and still got the same answer – I thought I won. Usyk knows he didn’t beat me. I thought I boxed the head right off him for most of the rounds. Obviously he landed a good punch in round eight and busted my nose, got the 10-8 in round nine and I gave him round ten. But other than that I didn’t give him any other rounds.

“I’ve got to get him out of there because I’m not gonna get a decision. Which is unfortunate because it’s hard enough to win a fight just by winning it, never mind knowing you got to knock someone out but I’m confident and looking forward to the challenge.”

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  • No, you got your clock cleaned as predicted. Now please retire and spare yourself any further embarrassment tubby.

    • There’s nothing embarrasing to him.
      Remember that interview with the female
      reporter? He told her how many times a day he masterbated. Now that’s a heavyweight
      champion everyone can look up to.

  • Fury was stunned and flopping around the ring like a beached flounder. He was indeed winded, trying to suck wind and fight at the same time which wasn’t an impressive show of talent at all. If he fights Usyk again, the result will be worse and Fury will get KO’d for sure. Let’s face it, Fury has lost his spirit to fight, His “eye of the tiger” is blinded and his spirit to fight has given up and left him. With all the money this guy has made, which he rightfully earned in the ring, the question is this, why is he fighting at all ?.

    • Fury couldnt beat Usyk ever ,so dont give me the “lost his spirit to fight” crap.

      • That was the best I’ve seen Fury perform ever, and he got his ass kicked, next time he will be stopped.
        Remember… he lost to John McDermott the first time and the judges gave it to him (Veryyyy Strangeee indeed).

        • I agree with you John, Fury looked pretty good and was effective with his uppercut. Also the Ref wasn’t allowing him to grab and lean as other Refs had let him get away with. Saying that Usyk out boxed him, landed more telling blows and deserved the win,so Fury can tell himself he won but he was very lucky not to have been stopped.

        • He did lose that fight and fought him the rematch as he did with Wilder the second fight tampering with his gloves. Mc Dermott also made the same exact complaints about his gloves as Wilder had done.

  • One of Furys many issues is thinking he wins rounds by goofing off. He was playing and having fun while Usyk was landing shots. His supports have inflated his ego so much that he treated the fight like it was a game and it cost him. I cant stand the guy, but he has and had the skills to win if he could be serious.

  • He’s in denial about his loss, just like he’s in denial about his heritage. Tyson Fury is not a Gypsy. Gypsies originally came from India, and then migrated to places like Romania and Hungary. Tyson Fury looks absolutely nothing like one. Fury calling himself a Gypsy, would be like me calling myself Chinese. Very bizarre!

    • There’s nothing to be proud for being a Gypsy. They have a reputation for being lowlife thieves because that’s exactly what they are.

      • Here in Southern California I got my credit card info stolen on two different occasions at a gas pump. Police arrested a Gypsy gang who were putting skimmers on the credit card reader. Now I only use cash when filling up my gas tank.

    • He’s an Irish Traveler, a “pikey”. Racially different from Romani gypsies from India, but they call themselves gypsies too and have the same nomadic lifestyle, traveling around gyping people one way or another.

        • Yes, that’s another name for them. That comes from another one of their old gigs, fixing peoples’ broken cooking pans. Nobody fixes old pans anymore, at least not here. They just buy a new one. Same with pretty much everything now.

          I don’t know if they fixed pans like they paved driveways and fixed dents in cars, some other gypsy gigs, like the first rain washes the fix off, or the first time you put your pan on the fire the hole comes back again and the tinker is long gone.

  • Agreed. Good fight. I had usyk winning the fight. It was close, but fury lost. Face it, usyk knows how to adapt to each fighter he faces and has sneaky power. Fury will need to change some his tactics to win, but going to the body works against usyk.

  • This will eat Tyson up. If they fight again Usyk will stop him like he almost did in the first fight but the ref saved Tyson.

  • I am actually one the the few that had Fury winning. I plan to watch it back one day because I realize most do not agree. My defense is that there were a lot of close rounds . IMO unless one can say that Usyk won 6 rounds without question then this result could be argued either way. While I had Fury winning, I will not say he won 7 rounds without question. Unless a fighter wins 7 rounds with absolute no question or in Usyk’s case 6 as he score a knockdown then I think people should realize that the scores may vary. I agree that Fury goofed around too much and I do not think he has any right to complain. Even though I had him winning, he did not create separation in enough rounds to make a solid argument. He needed 7 solid rounds and I do not think anyone can say he got that. Thus he was at the mercy of the judges discretion as was Usyk. It went Usyk’s way. People may have different cards but I also do not feel anyone can complain about the result.

  • Screaming “Happy New Year!” out like that, proved the Gypsy Queen lost the fight along with her mind… or what was left of it.

  • It was close but the right guy won.

    With that said I do think Fury will cold in much heavier in the rematch and he will fight coming forward more.

    Fury by ko in the rematch.

    • Steve G, I felt that’s what he should of done to begin with. Use that height and weight advantage. Another thing, watching this fight, has fury fought any lefties lately? Those left hands seemed to be coming in and landing way too much. It reminded me of when I fought, no one knew where that left hand was coming from and I landed it a lot. Fury had that look on his face like oh shite, where did that come from.

    • More flab. Just what Fury needs.

      Adding weight will only make him slower and make him run out of gas sooner. Bad idea.

      • Not really. This is when he is at his best. He tried to match usyks mobility and it backfired. By allowing usyk to box, he played right into his hands. If he goes with more weight, he will win.

  • please go back to the gypsy caravan. An untalented oaf. And remember a few fights ago the young and foolish were claims he was an all time great!!
    Go back to the caravan

  • Greedy Belly used to be very popular because we thought he was funny. Used to be. Past tense.

  • Waa waa waa, you lost,buck up bucky,you lost to a smaller man,you will lose again!!!

  • not only did Usyk whip your sorry traveller arse-he was denied by the ref his rightful KO-YOU ARE DONE

    • The crooked referee gave Fury a long count and even grabbed Usyk’s arm so he couldn’t hit poor Greedy B again.

  • I like Tyson Fury. I hope he wins the rematch. I wanted him to win the first time around. but he did not win. He hung in there for awhile and then got fucked up down the stretch. If he remains convinced he won the first fight he will almost certainly go on to lose the next time around. He needs to get his head out of his ass, come to terms with the loss, and do what he does best…find a way to win going forward.

  • Gentlemen, please do not discuss Race on this platform, it is unwarranted, and irrelevant to the sport of boxing.

  • Gentlemen, please do not discuss Race on this platform, it is unwarranted, and irrelevant to the sport of boxing. Thanks.

    • Isn’t that like the pot calling the kettle black? Maybe would should start drug testing for people posting on here.

  • to win, fury will need to be prepared to fight at his best for All 12 rounds.

    • That’s not going to happen. He’s a big guy. He cannot match Usyk’s pace. Fury tends to fight in spurts.

  • Sorry Humpty Dumpty on stilts, who punches like a puppet on a string, you sustained a beating. Usyk beat you. He won. You lost. He’s the superior fighter. You’re just a fraud and a hype machine. Sick of seeing and listening to you, while you have one fight per year, many times against fighters you’ve already beaten. Do the sport a favor. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, RETIRE!

    • Retire and go into WWE or WWF, or whatever they’re calling it now, wrestling where you belong!

  • I have also seen the fight more than once.

    The first time live without directly counting and then intuitively I thought Usyk won a rather even fight.

    Then I also looked at the fight more carefully in retrospect. I think 114 – 113 for Usyk was too close. In my opinion, 115 – 112, or even 116 – 111, is a better result.

    Fury was boxed well in the middle of the fight and it felt like he started to control the rounds until Usyk adjusted, managed to turn and also had the big Bambi out on slippery ice.

    We’ll see how it goes in december. For me, it’s an open story. However, I don’t think it’s wise to start the build-up in denial like Fury is doing now.

  • Why is everyone acting as though it wasn’t a close fight. Yeah, he got cracked in the 9th…it happens. I had it a draw even with the knockdown. The benefit of the knockdown is 1 point, not an entire fight.

    Fury’s problem is that he hung on the ropes way too often. Had he stayed off the ropes, quit clowning around, and threw strait punches all night, I think it would have been a much different result. He was hurting Usyk in the mid-rounds while in the centre of the ring, then just stopped and went back to the ropes.

    Both Fury and Usyk are splendid boxers. I don’t think Fury will make the same mistake twice.

    Fury KO 9 in rematch.

  • To be fair, though, if points were awarded on the basis of making funny faces Fury would have won easily.

  • Usyk and Fury both made mistakes that they can correct but I think Usyk will adjust better. he will finish fury this time. He knows what to expect and he knows he can handle furys size.

    if fury tries a different game plan and goes forward like in Wilder-Fury 2 , uysk will ko him in less than 6 rounds.

  • Actually he did defeat you on points and the win is official, the whole world knows it Mr Fury ,and he beat you fair and square.

  • You know what is even more funny than Fury being in denial? The same people here who act like they never thought Fury was that good were the same people who said Tyson Fury is the greatest heavyweight of all time because he beat a old Wladimir Klitschko and no talented Deontay Wilder. If Fury manages to beat Usyk in the rematch you people will be back talking about how great Fury is again.

  • Fury is weird, period. I remember when he was licking Wilder’s blood off his neck. And the way Fury is always flicking out his tongue, reminds me of another weirdo I went to high school with who’d flick his tongue at every pretty girl that walked by.

  • I haven’t seen a collective thrashing like this one in a very long time. LOL!!! Fury is like 0-59 in this section.

  • Strange that he thinks he doesn’t get a decision if it’s close, after he got the one against McDermott, which wasn’t close.

  • Fury needs to realize he lost the fight, he clearly out boxed Usyk the first half of the fight. However, he also clearly lost the second half of the fight.
    The fight could and should have been stopped but once again he was gifted with a ref who in his favor chose not to upon Fury receiving more than 20 unanswered punches.
    You can’t win all your fights with clowning around and posing after repeatedly getting hit

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