Tank: I’m definitely the face of boxing

0056 Gervonta Davis Vs Ryan Garcia
Photo: Esther Lin/SHOWTIME

“I’m definitely the face of boxing. Abso-fu*king-lutely!” proclaimed Tank Davis after his seventh round KO over Ryan Garcia on Saturday night in Las Vegas.

“I didn’t think that body shot would end it, but I saw his facial expression and that’s what made me take it to him,” added Davis. “It was a good shot, for sure. I thought he was going to get up but I like to play mind games, so when he was looking at me, I was looking at him trying to tell him, ‘get up!’ And he just shook his head, no.”

* * *

Garcia stated, “He just caught me with a good shot. I don’t want to make any excuses in here. He caught me with a good shot and I just couldn’t recover and that’s it. He caught me with a good body shot, snuck under me and caught me good. I couldn’t breathe. I was going to get back up, but I just couldn’t get up.”

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Gervonta Davis postfight press conference

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  • For what it was, it was a good fight and i respect Kingry for getting in the ring and fighting Tank.
    Who doses Tank fight from here?

  • No you are not, you are just one of the faces of boxing.. To be the face of boxing you have to conduct yourself in other ways than what “Tank” is showing us.. Ali was, is and ever will be the face of boxing but not wannabe thugs like Davis.. I prefer a guy like Bivol to represent my sport..

    • You don’t know what you are talking about. Ali was hated by a great mass of fans who felt he was a clown and draft dodger and a Muslim. He didn’t earn being the face of boxing until long after. Tank is actually a lot like Ali in some ways except he doesn’t talk near the same trash that Ali did and he’s not nearly as obnoxious and as much of a braggart as Ali in interviews. All that being said, I. Love Ali, but you clearly don’t know your boxing history. Your comparisons are a short cut to thinking.

      • You sound like you don’t know boxing . How are Ali and Tank Davis alike?

        • They came from very low beginnings and and earned their titles the hard way with doubters all along their path. They both have risen to unexpected heights and they both incur as much adulation for their ability as for their willingness to fight the top tier contenders.

          • Ali came from a pretty comfortable middle class family, you should learn facts before you try to sound smart

      • But Ali self admitted it was “mostly” a show of course you can’t fake a draft dodge. Tank seams more genuine with his issues.

        • He was not draft dodger as much as fighting for his civil rights as a black man.. he was not dodging he was fighting for the African America Race that is only now picking up on the woke process of white supremacy..

    • This ain’t no CoverGirl commercial….Tank earned the title ..Tank is skilled ….fought high level competition…exciting…tested…high KO ratio….did it the “American” way….He earned the title….might not like his antics personally….in the ring …Tank is boxing today…

      • Sean, I served in the military for 26 years and went and did things others could only dream or have nightmares about. So “what exactly is the American way” wich by the way is a continent with houndreds of countries.

        • Believing in our Constitution and country…working your ass off even through failures and succeeding…I did not serve in the military but that does not make me any less American than those that did. Acknowledge and respect those that serve this country to the upmost…I am African American and proud to live in this country…my father served in the Army..Airborne…and put five kids in private school and college on the salary of a postal worker…a mail man…that is the American Way….after being told that I was academically inept or slow…I would work my ass off…finished college with two degrees and a minor..entered and completed Law school…failed then eventually passed two state bars…Texas and Georgia (Georgia on the first try)..and currently practice law in Georgia…no excuses…hard work.discipline..love God …family…country…respect others.. believe in our US Constitution…that is the American Way…living the American dream daily…making no apologies for it and loving it…by the way USS HAZE GRAY…THANK YOU FOR SERVING OUR COUNTRY!!!!

          • Also learned how to hunt, fish, plant…and live off this wonderful land…can survive and sustain on my own….but back to boxing …fun fight…Congrats to both…

        • America doesnt have hundreds of countries. Lol
          26 years in the navy, bet you get a hefty retirement check every month. So you did the time, and now get compensated for it.

      • Tank is one of the rising faces in the sport. In America he needs a fight with someone who has the resume. A Loma, Stevenson, Haney, Taylor type victory to put him in that category. While I like the fact that Ryan tried to bring the fight to Tank his defense was never balanced with his offense. He took unnecessary chances and paid for it. On the other hand, Congrats to Gervonta!! Tank did very well and has a good thing going on with Ford. Personally I hope he continues creating his own legacy without Floyd interfering or Ellerbe throwing cheap shots at the media by selling us fights we don’t care for.

    • Ali? He’s dead you idiot. How can you be the face of boxing if you’re dead?

    • I want to say that I concur that Tank has boxing skills but he is not the face of boxing. He could be an excellent boxer, puncher and excited to watch but no face of boxing for his wannabe thug. I do disagree that Ali was a the face of boxing in my book, I am going to do something that I dont do which is to speak ill of a dead person. While Ali has many skills and exceeded expectations in boxing and out of ring. What he said to boxers Joe Frazier calling “Uncle Tom,” “gorilla” was unforgivable especially when Ali did not have a license to fight it was Joe Frazier who was putting money on his hands. I found that hard to understand. Ali would never be the face of boxing for me. Bivol, & Ricardo Lopez yes

    • Bivol is 10 times the boxer “Tank” is. More skilled on every level, except perhaps one shot power. Plus, “Tank” is a total jerk off!

  • Will you fight Shakur? PPV God… Face of Boxing… will you duck Shakur? Now, that’s the fight all fans wanna see. There’s really only (3) people you can fight next…. I could be wrong, but (2) of em battle against each other and the other is Stevenson. The fight that should happen, won’t happen! Top Rank & Ellie (whatever your name is) make it happen

    • You literally spoke like a true boxing fan and not a casual like all these others are talking.

    • Shakur is a tough fight for Tank…skilled defensively enough to earn a decision…. Crawford would be an amazing fight….but really have to worry about Tank beating himself outside the ring…Team Tank get him focused….

    • Let’s not get it twisted now guys. Shakur is supposed to fight the winner of Haney and Loma. So then Tank (if he feels like) can bless them with a fight like Canelo does. That’s what’s kings do. They do what they want, not what you want.

    • Nico you are aware that lightweight is only one of 18 that’s right 18 weightclasses. There are more than just 3 fights fan are interested in seeing.

  • He is the face of Boxing on this night, that’s for sure. Credit to both undefeated fighters for fighting each other. I’m particularly happy to see Tank prevail, especially taking out Garcia with a BODY SHOT! Incredible.

  • The fight was at catchweight, the prize… bragging rights, but seeing the some snippets of the fight I can see Tank causing havoc at Jr welter even!! A very ,very clever fighter

    • Tank is not a 140lb fighter. Quit trying to make a little guy fight at a weight that is not his. His best weight is 130.

  • Regis, the U.S, China, Russia, England, and North Korea, are considered by some to be “thugs” and they’re the face of the world. Plenty of “thugs” in suits right down there in Washington DC, who commit more crimes percentage wise then the general public. Facts! Congratulations to Tank Davis for making something of himself despite the environment in which he was forced to grow up in. Criminals and thugs are made, not born. You ever been to Baltimore, Regis?

    • DMV, you have a point. The US is no different than Russia in bullying and pushing their way into other countries. The US government has a terrible habit of using excuses like “protecting your freedom” to justify spending $trillions of taxpayers’ monies when in fact, the real anemic reasons to push war are hidden from us till it’s over. The problem is… Folks do not read enough history books to understand past mistakes and cover ups tend to repeat themselves. People feel educated watching the news on TV and listening to BS.

      • Another history genius brought to you by pseudo communist, far left dominated public schools.

        Your free to GTF out!

        • Nothing wrong in stating opinions. Pick up a history book and start reading. You will be amazed how history repeats itself. Have a good day today.

          • Yet I imagine you have a paying job and pay U.S taxes. Same taxes that pay for Some of theses books which I’ve have to have missed, being that I posses a major degree in political science an a minor in Government.

        • America is the place you’re free to have such opinions, why don’t you GTFO bro.

          • I love living in the worlds freest most just country in the history of mankind, be it imperfect, unlike millions of ignorant ingrates.

            I don’t tolerate peoples biased opinions and misinterpretations on our history.

      • Hey Scooby, judging by your profile name you were raised in a country you despise so much. I’ve read several of your past posts on this site. You seem to not like America but you pic one of the most American profile names you could have thought of. Scooby-Doo is as read,white and blue as is the color of the flag of the United States of America.

        • USS, yes, I live in the US, work a full-time job, pay taxes, abide by the laws, do vote, have a family full of veterans, and honor the Constitution. Part of the recognition of the Constitution is freedom of speech. I guess that means I can have an opinion based on observations, inferences, and current/past events that involves our country no matter what the subject is about. That is…what the USA is all about. Let freedoms ring! Guess you passing judgment on about is all about one thing: your opinion, right?

          • Nobody is saying you can’t state your opinion no matter how wrong and uninformed, what I’m saying is that your conclusions are preformed based on your prejudices.

            Again, you’re free to GTF out!

          • Nah, I think I will stay and be a productive citizen, pay my taxes, and have the freedoms to say whatever the constitution allows me to respectfully say regardless of whoever it may offend on a good or bad note much like this boxing thread.

            Juan, you mention the word “prejudices” in response to my statements. However, you appear “prejudice” on this same page in reference to ethnic backgrounds. in other responses especially over Canelo and Tank. Why the negative attitude just because someone is born a certain background?

          • You confuse and conflate facts, Canyellow has passively signaled his support for Mexican cartels and Tank has openly supported BLM.

            I loathe citizens and especially foreigners who live and enjoy the benefits, freedoms and opportunities the US offers….proudly and loudly boasting their support for foreign flags and fighters on American soil.

          • Nope, I don’t confuse facts or hyperinflate nothing as you point out. Can you document on here where Canelo has “passively” signaled any support for the Mexican cartels? I dont recall seeing or hearing anything about him making those statements or reflections in his actions. Please help me out so you can clear this up for me to justify your name calling “Canyellow”.

          • Juan, Scooby didn’t post anything that was untrue. He illustrated how our military industrial complex has alienated and angered most of the rest of the planet, all while using some faulty mantra of doing it for the freedoms of America. That applied to WW2 but not to any war we’ve initiated since then. Now, our MIC had to lie to the American people about not actually directly fighting a hot war with Russia, when we most certainly are. A war in which we both initiated and started, and have American boots on the ground for.

        • Read both your posts all the time USS Haze Gray and Scooby..both have good knowledge perspectives and posts on boxing…..have to respectfully say…we can disagree …I am always interested in others perception of fights cause it may reveal something that I didn’t see…

          • Thanks for the response. I agree giving feedback with different views allows everyone to learn and gain knowledge from fights.

    • You’re not wrong in most of what you said, but Tank being forced into what he grew up in? Nah, same tired excuse. My entire family was exterminated by the Soviets in Poland, and then from age 5-11 I was used as an indentured servant for a Puerto Rican family
      while being tortured daily. I not only didn’t grow up to be a serial killer, which most with my upbringing in life would likely have become, but I’ve never even been convicted of a crime. Also, who’s in charge of Baltimore and why is it like that? Yeah, exactly.

    • “You ever been to Baltimore, Regis?”
      – I lived in the Baltimore area for 20 years.
      – Worked for the old Bethlehem Steel Corporation in Sparrows Point, MD.
      – Almost got to meet my maker, courtesy of the Bloods/Crips, but I continue to live another day…..

  • Tank’s power is a great equalizer since he has a shorter stature than most fighters in his weight class. However, that sneaky power made Garcia vulnerable. I am sure Tank will sell some tickets for future fights as he is on a roll winning. Garcia goes back to the drawing board.

  • Will he fight the winner of Taylor – Lopez or Devin Haney vs. Vasiliy Lomachenko. Lets hope one of them.

  • The face of Boxing is not Tank. He got a fake belt. The face of boxing should be an undisputed champion.

    • Well I’m sure that will come when Shakur and Tank fight the winner of Haney v Loma

    • The face of boxing has more to do with popularity, i.e. ability to generate income, than how many belts the fighter has. At moment, there’s no clear face of boxing, but Canelo is probably still at the top. Tank is for sure NOT the face of boxing and I don’t picture him ever being it just based on how he speaks and behaves outside of the ring. You have to have personality, presence and/or aura in addition to other worldly skills.

    • The face of boxing is the one that puts asses in the seats, commands press and backs it up in the ring. Sorry haters but Gervonta Davis is that dude!

  • Great fighter, but most likely will end up in prison for fighting women outside the ring.

  • Legit question: how popular is Davis? Does he sell out? Does he get good ratings. What were the PPV estimates for this fight?

  • Superhype was finally exposed now will the winner of Haney vs Loma give him a fight? shouldnt he be the mandatory in all organizations or will….if Haney wins vacate and jump to 140 or if Loma wins retire? both better decisions and safe for both lol and Shakur will somehow avoid him as well he doesnt have the power to hurt Tank and hes slower than superhype just saying lol

    • Shakur is highly touted for someone who hasn’t fought a 50/50 fight! Tank’s last 5 opponents would’ve been live against Shakur!!!

  • Tank is poster boy for grabbing women by the throat as seen in that news clip of the celebrity basketball match. If he’s doing that in public whats he doing behind closed doors.

  • Despite this great win and claims of being the ‘face of boxing’, Tank may only be the third-best fighter in the division. Stevenson and Haney may have the tools to beat him. Hopefully, we will get this chance to see these fights.

    • If you’re true to boxing you’d know that Tank would’ve most likely KO’d all of Devin and Shakur’s opponents!!! But Tank’s last 5 opponents would be live against Devin and Shakur!

    • Colson…Understand your position time will tell…of the three…Tank has faced better fighters than Stevenson and Haney..and won convincingly….no controversies …right now…amongst the three Tank is the most tested and proven fighter..That is off Tank’s merit..his work in the ring..in my humble opinion…Shakur may eventually get the nod over Tank because of his defensive skills

  • Tank may be the face of American boxing, but not internationally. He did what he was supposed to do last night in stopping an overhyped kid. He still has yet to face or defeat an elite level fighter, or even another combatant who would make their contest a pick’em fight.

    • so i guess u r saying that none of the fighters tank beat were elite fighters, it will always be like that Mayweather went through the same thing and beat them all

  • Once Tank fights a true boxer, not someone who will match forward giving him counter opportunities he will lose.He has yet to fight a top African American fighter. Look at his record. All Mexican and Latino fighters. I love Latino fighters, but honestly the majority of them are typically aggressive come forward fighters. I’d favor Hamey and Shakur over Tank. His power bails him out. His boxing skills are good, but nothing special. I can even see Lomachenko beating him.

    Garcia strategy was pretty mediocre. You have a 5 inch height advantage, yet you come forward into Tanks punching range?

    • Once Tank beats Haney or Shakur I invision you moving the measure cause neither one of them will beat Tank!!!

  • Not yet Tank.. I did win some money betting on you as I knew Garcia was going to be drained and by the look in his eyes and the face he looked sunken in the face. Garcia wasn’t at his best and even if he was not fighting with the rehydration clause I don’t think he would have won but it would have made it for a better fight. Canelo is still the face of boxing, he fought the champ at 175lbs with no catch weight or rehydration clause. Canelo is and will continue to be the face of boxing for a few more years. Congratulations on the victory Tank!!!!..

  • Back to youtube for you, all that speed meant jack shit. I would take power over speed any day

  • Might be right! I don’t think teo, loma, or haney have what it takes to punish tank! Shakur vs tank at 140 should be a great match if it ever happens! The only problem tank might have its to keep the weight under 140 in a near future! He’s unstopable at 135-140!

  • Love him or hate him, He is definitely must watch Boxing!! Dude shows up 99% of the times and takes care of business, sans PitBull Cruz! Who else, Canelo, Spence, Crawford, Inoue??!! He’s definitely top 5!!! Oh and Ryan embarrassed himself after all the crap he and Oscar spewed

    • I personally think Inoue. He’s fought and bested the better p4p opposition and won in better fashion than anyone else in boxing.

  • The people decide this not the media, not the propaganda, not the fighter period! How u the face of boxing with rehydration clauses, catchweights and a spy? Man gtfoh!

  • mr davis/ are you being msqouted aka bernard hopkins/ “if you want to be champ dont smoke!!! first match in the barcaly vs Murat the turk..HBO did not include that phrase in the replay!!! wat do you think he meant? ciggaretts ? considering the nicataguan that beat vern forest??? or are you being tagged w your name like bernioe hopkins interview w hernon / i contacted him cause they were using erection creme and bernie is a muslem? me too but muslim roots/ cousin amir Mansour..creao bernie Gamz from staten isle

  • Snuck under you!! you didnt land a clean punch the whole fight…overrated.

  • Why do these fringe not quite there yet boxers always think they are the new face of boxing? Granted he’s one tough dude, but he’s hardly established himself as the Pacman or a Mayweather.

  • Tank is an undeniable force. But let’s not get carried away. Tank has never beaten the best opponent in his weight division. Never. This is something that guys like Canello and Inoue do on the regular. And Garcia was a well hyped prospect but nothing more. Let’s see tank beat Loma, Haney, and Stephenson. Then we can start talking face-of-boxing. As for now, he’s sitting comfortably in the lower end of the top 10 P4P.

  • Garcia got what he asked for. Those Hands!! Black excellence is ruling 135.

  • What i thought was interesting was right after he was counted out, he got up. ??

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